Course Catalogue:
2019 National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Experimental Physics of Matter (02/B1);
Italian Ministry for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research
2018 National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in Applied Physics (02/D1);
Italian Ministry for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research
2013 National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Experimental Physics of Matter (02/B1);
Italian Ministry for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research
2013 National Qualification for teaching Mathematics and Physics at high school;
University of Messina
2007 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics;
Physics Department, University of Messina;
Rating: Excellent. Dissertation thesis: “Experimental evidence of the Fragile-to-Strong dynamic crossover in supercooled confined water: NMR results”
2003 Master degree in Physics;
University of Messina;
Voting: 110 cum laude/110. Thesis title: “Measurements by means of neutron spectroscopy on different organic systems and relative computational approach”.
2022 Associate Professor of Experimental Physics
Department of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
2019 Fixed Time Researcher as Senior Researcher
Department of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
2018 Fixed Time Researcher as Junior Researcher
Department of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
2015 Research fellowship in Physics (3 Years)
IPCF-CNR Viale F. Stagno D’Alcontres 37, 98158 Messina
Study of the degradation processes of museum items, marble, metal and paper for the determination of optimal storage conditions
2014 Scholarship in Physics
Physics and Earth Sciences Department, University of Messina
Study on self-similar structures: dendrimers as bioprobes
2014 Scholarship in Physics
Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia di Catania
Study on the universality of the dynamical crossover
2013 Teaching activities in Physics
Ente Regionale per il diritto allo Studio Universitario (ERSU) di Messina
Teaching physics as part of the course to entry to closed graduate courses.
2012 Research fellowship in Physics
Physics and Earth Sciences Department, University of Messina
Comparative experimental studies about the characteristics of universality of physical systems towards the dynamic arrest
2011 Research fellowship in Physics
Physics Department, University of Messina
Renewal of the previous research fellowship on “Dynamical and structural properties of liquids and complex systems”
2010 Research collaboration in Physics
IPCF-CNR Viale F. Stagno D’Alcontres 37, 98158 Messina
Study of the dynamical properties of water and metabolites by means of NMR spectroscopy
2007 Research fellowship in Physics
Physics Department, University of Messina
Dynamical and structural properties of liquids and complex systems
2018 First best oral communication within the Physics of Matter section, entitled "Thermodynamic thresholds in water/methanol solutions" at the 104° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Arcavacata di Rende (CS, Italy), 17-21 September
2010 Young researcher award from the University of Messina for the relevant scientific activity.
2007 Cozzarelli Prize by the National Academy of Sciences (USA) for the manuscript entitled “The violation of the Stokes–Einstein relation in supercooled water” PNAS, 103, 12974-12978 (2006) for its outstanding scientific level.
2019 International school on “Water and Water Systems – Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks”, Directors: Proff. F. Greco and G. Mensitieri, Erice (Italy) 9-16 July (invited)
2018 104° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Cosenza (Italy) 17-21 Sept.
2018 International school on “Water and Water Systems – The hydrophobic effect”, Erice (Italy) 4– 11 July (invited)
2017 103° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Trento (Italy) 11-15 Sept.
2016 III Course of the ERICE School “NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATION” Water and Water Systems, Erice (Italy), 22– 31 July
2015 International Workshop on “The Structure and Dynamics of Supercooled Water and
Other Glassy Materials”, Palermo (Italy) 10-13 October (invited)
2015 FISMAT 2015, Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics. Palermo (Italy) September 28 – October 2
2015 National congress “RMN e Salute: Diagnostica e Alimentazione”, Messina (Italy) 17-18 September (invited)
2015 International Conference on Applied Physics, Simulation and Computers, Vienna (Austria) 15-17 March (invited)
2014 23rd SILAE Congress, Marsala (TP) ITALY, 7-12 September (invited)
2013 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems (IDRCMS), Barcelona (ES), 21-26 July (invited)
2013 International School of Physics Enrico Fermi. Varenna (Como, Italy), 7 – 13 July.
2012 XCVIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Napoli (Italy) 17-21 Sept.
2010 International School of Physics Enrico Fermi. Varenna (Como, Italy), 29 June – 9 July.
2008 Final Workshop of the Arrested Matter Network: “Dynamical Arrest of Soft Matter and Colloids” Taormina (ME), Italy, 22– 26 November (invited)
2022 Member of the organizing committee of the “Condensed Matter Physics World Forum, CondMat-2022”, March 17-19, 2022, Online
2019 Member of the organizing committee of “Water and Water Systems – Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks”, Directors: Proff. F. Greco and G. Mensitieri, Erice (Italy) 9-16 July
2018 Member of the organizing committee of the International school on “Water and Water Systems – The hydrophobic effect”, Erice (Italy) 4– 11 July
2016 Member of the organizing committee of the III Course of the ERICE School “NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATION” Water and Water Systems, Directors: R. Car and F. Mallamace, Erice (Italy), 22– 31 July
2015 Member of the local committee of the “International Workshop on the Structure and Dynamics of Supercooled Water and Other Glassy Materials”, Palermo (Italy), 10-13 October
English Reading: excellent; speaking: good; writing: very good
Spanish Reading: good; speaking: basic; writing: basic
2022 Data Analysis at MSc Physics; Device Physics course at BSc Informatics; “Structural and dynamical characterization of complex systems by spectroscopic techniques – MOD.B“ course at PhD in Physics
2021 Data Analysis at MSc Physics; Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; “Structural and dynamical characterization of complex systems by spectroscopic techniques – MOD.B“ course at PhD in Physics
2020 Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; Physics and Biomechanics course at BSc Motor Sciences, Sport and Health; “Statistical Mechanics of non-equilibrium: correlation functions and experimental measurement of the diffusion coefficient course at PhD in Physics.
2019 Physics and Biomechanics course at BSc Motor Sciences, Sport and Health; Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; “NMR techniques for the study of physical properties of materials” course at PhD in Physics.
2018 Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; Physics and Biomechanics course at BSc Motor Sciences, Sport and Health.
2016 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Physics
2015 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2014 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2013 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2012 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2011 Teaching assistant – Physics of Complex Systems course at MSc Physics
2010 Teaching assistant – Physics of Complex Systems course at MSc Physics
2009 Teaching assistant – Physics of Complex Systems course at MSc Physics
2008 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2007 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2006 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Nutrition, section Nutrition and Food Science Technology.
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physics, section Condensed Matter Physics.
Editorial Board member of "Polymers" (MDPI) – Polymer Physics section
Editorial Board member of "Molecules" (MDPI) - Physical Chemistry section
Review Editor in the shared Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics section between Frontiers in Physics and Frontiers in Chemistry
Guest editor of the Special Issue “Hybrid Compounds Tailoring at the Nanoscale for Biomedical Applications” on Molecules (MDPI), section Materials Chemistry
Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Condensed Matter Physics (specialty section of Frontiers in Physics)
Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (specialty section of Frontiers in Chemistry and Frontiers in Physics)
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Molecular Structure and Dynamics Probed by Spectroscopic Techniques and Computational Approaches: New Trends by NMR, FTIR, Neutron Scattering and Simulation" on International Journal of Molecular Sciences (MDPI)
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Physical Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions and Glass Forming Systems" on Molecules (MDPI)
Editorial Board member of International Journal of Physical Research.
Editorial Board member of World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics.
• Committee member for the evaluation in the frame of “UNIversity COrridors for REfugees - UNICORE 3.0 (Ethiopia 2021-23)
• Committee member for the evaluation of a scholarship in Physics (03/04/2019)
• Supervisor of some graduate students
• Department delegate for tutoring activities in the Physics area (since 02/11/2021)
• Member of the commission “Paritetica Docenti-Studenti” of the MIFT Department of the University of Messina (since 20/09/2019)
• Expert reviewer for 'the National Center of Scientific and Technical Evaluation' JSC (Almaty, Kazakhstan) within the priority area titled "Scientific research in the field of natural sciences" in the field of Physics (since 21/04/2020)
• Assistant in the frame of the Italian evaluation of the research (ANVUR VQR 2015-2019)
Thermodynamic properties of liquids and glass-forming systems
Metabolic properties of biological matrices
Degradation processes and preservation of Cultural Heritage
Thermodynamic properties of water and aqueous systems (confined water, protein hydration water, water in solutions) at different conditions
Polymers and hybrid materials
2022 Participant to the EU Project GaN for Advanced Power Applications (GAN4AP)
2019 Participant within the national project “L’Esperienza prima della partenza (GOFORIT)”, Asse II “Sostegno all’innovazione”, Area di Specializzazione “Cultural Heritage” Avviso n. 1735/Ric del 13 luglio 2017 Codice CUP J66C18000370005
2008 Research Projects of National Interest
Scientific coordinator: Ricci Maria Antonietta; Title: “Acqua come solvente per la vita, la tecnologia, le scienze della Terra e la ricerca di base. WALTER”.
2004 Research Projects of National Interest
Scientific coordinator: Coniglio Antonio; Title: “Rilassamenti lenti ed Universalità: dalla Materia Soffice ai Materiali Granulari”
BIBLIOMETRIC DATA (at 22/10/2022)
Number of publications: 125 (Scopus); 118 (WOS)
Number of citations: 3417 (Scopus); 3257 (WOS)
h-index: 33 (Scopus and WOS);
Average number of citations per publication: 27.3 (Scopus); 27.8 (WOS)
PUBLICATIONS (in bold when first and/or corresponding author)
2022 (6)
1. Iraci, N., Corsaro, C., Giofrè, S.V., (...), Cimino, F., Fazio, E. Nanoscale Technologies in the Fight against COVID-19: From Innovative Nanomaterials to Computer-Aided Discovery of Potential Antiviral Plant-Derived Drugs. Biomolecules 12(8) (2022) 1060. 10.3390/biom12081060. (2022 IF 6.064) (Feature paper + cover)
2. Corsaro, C., Vasi, S., Neri, F., (...), Neri, G., Fazio, E. NMR in Metabolomics: From Conventional Statistics to Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 12(6) (2022) 2824. (2022 IF 2.838)
3. Condorelli, M., Speciale, A., Cimino, F., (...), Neri, F., Saija, A. Nano-Hybrid Au@LCCs Systems Displaying Anti-Inflammatory Activity. Materials 15(10) (2022) 20223701. 10.3390/ma15103701. (2022 IF 3.748)
4. Zribi, R., Fazio, E., Condorelli, M., (...), Compagnini, G., Neri, G. H2O2 electrochemical sensing properties of size-tunable triangular Ag nanoplates. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2022 - Conference Proceedings.
5. Longo, S., Corsaro, C., Granata, F., Fazio, E. Clinical CT densitometry for wooden cultural heritage analysis validated by FTIR and Raman spectroscopies. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 199 (2022) 110376. 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.110376. (2022 IF 2.776)
6. Corsaro, C., Neri, G., Santoro A., Fazio E. Acrylate and Methacrylate Polymers’ Applications: Second Life with Inexpensive and Sustainable Recycling Approaches. Materials 15(1) (2022) 282. (2022 IF 3.748) (Editor Choice)
2021 (7)
7. Corsaro, C., Fazio, E. From critical point to critical point: The two-states model describes liquid water self-diffusion from 623 to 126 K. Molecules 26(19) (2021) 5899. (2020 IF 4.412)
8. Corsaro, C., Neri, G., Mezzasalma, A.M., Fazio, E. Weibull modeling of controlled drug release from Ag-PMA nanosystems. Polymers 13(17) (2021) 2897. (2020 IF 4.329)
9. Corsaro, C., Sturniolo, A., Fazio, E. Gaussian parameters correlate with the spread of COVID-19 pandemic: The Italian case. Applied Sciences 11(13) (2021) 6119. (2020 IF 2.679)
10. Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Neri, G., Fazio, E. Hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity: Key aspects for biomedical and technological purposes. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 580 (2021) 126189. (2020 IF 3.263)
11. Fazio, E.; Spadaro, S.; Corsaro, C.; Neri, G.; Leonardi, S.G.; Neri, F.; Lavanya, N.; Sekar, C.; Donato, N.; Neri, G. Metal-Oxide Based Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Their Applications in Electrical and Electrochemical Sensors. Sensors 21 (2021) 2494. (2020 IF 3.576)
12. Franco, D.; Calabrese, G.; Petralia, S.; Neri, G.; Corsaro, C.; Forte, L.; Squarzoni, S.; Guglielmino, S.; Traina, F.; Fazio, E.; Conoci, S.; Antimicrobial Effect and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Mg Doped Hydroxyapatite Functionalized with Au Nano Rods. Molecules 26 (2021) 1099. (2020 IF 4.412)
13. Corsaro, C., Fazio, E., Mallamace, D., Direct Analysis in Foodomics: NMR approaches, in Comprehensive Foodomics (Reference Module in Food Science), edited by Alejandro Cifuentes, Elsevier, 2021. (Book Chapter)
2020 (5)
14. Neri, G.; Corsaro, C.; Fazio, E. Plasmon-Enhanced Controlled Drug Release from Ag-PMA Capsules. Molecules 25 (2020) 2267. (2020 IF 4.412)
15. Fazio, E., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D. Paper aging and degradation monitoring by the non-destructive two-dimensional micro-Raman mapping. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 228 (2020) 117660. (2020 IF 4.098)
16. Mallamace, D., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, F., Stanley, H.E., Experimental tests for a liquid-liquid critical point in water, Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 63(12) (2020), 127001. (2020 IF 5.122)
17. Mallamace, F., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Fazio, E., Chen, S.-H., Cupane, A. Specific heat and transport functions of water. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(2) (2020) 622. (2020 IF 5.924)
18. Longo, S., Capuani, S., Corsaro, C., Fazio, E. Silver fir characterized by micro-imaging NMR and FTIR spectroscopy. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 777 (2020) 012004.
2019 (12)
19. Corsaro, C. Thermodynamic thresholds in water/methanol solutions. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C 42(5) (2019) 222
20. Chen S. -H., Corsaro C., Mallamace F., Fazio E., Mallamace D. The proton density of states in confined water (H2O). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (2019) 5373-1-5373-16. doi: 10.3390/ijms20215373 (2019 IF 4.556)
21. Mallamace, F., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Fazio, E., Chen, S.-H. Some considerations on the water polymorphism and the liquid-liquid transition by the density behavior in the liquid phase. Journal of Chemical Physics 151(4) (2019) 044504. (2019 IF 4.226)
22. Festa G., Mallamace F., Sancesario G.M., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Fazio E., Arcidiacono L., Sakai V.G., Senesi R., Sancesario G., Andreani C. Aggregation states of Aβ1-40, Aβ1-42 and Aβp3-42 amyloid beta peptides: A SANS study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(17) (2019) 4126-1-4126-9. (2019 IF 4.556)
23. Corsaro, C., Fazio, E., Mallamace, D. The Stokes-Einstein relation in water/methanol solutions. Journal of Chemical Physics 150(23) (2019) 234506. (2019 IF 2.991)
24. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Chen S.-H., Fratini E., and Baglioni P. The Boson Peak Interpretation and Evolution in Confined Amorphous Water. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107004. (2019 IF 4.226)
25. Andreani C., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Romanelli G., Senesi R., Mallamace F. The onset of the tetrabonded structure in liquid water. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107008. (2019 IF 4.226)
26. Mallamace D., Chen S.-H., Corsaro C., Fazio E., Mallamace F., Stanley H. E. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic competition in water-methanol solutions. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107003. (2019 IF 4.226)
27. Zhovtobriukh I., Cabral B. J. C., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Pettersson L. G. M. Liquid water structure from X-ray absorption and emission, NMR shielding and X-ray diffraction. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107010. (2019 IF 4.226)
28. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Fazio E., Chen S.-H., Mallamace D. A study of the hydrogen bonds effect on the water density and the liquid-liquid transition. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107005. (2019 IF 4.226)
29. Festa G., Sancesario G., Corsaro C., Longo S., Mallamace D., Fazio E., Arcidiacono L., Sakai V.G., Senesi R., Sancesario G., Mallamace F., Andreani C. SANS study of Amyloid β1−40: Unfolded monomers in DMSO, multidimensional aggregates in water medium. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 517 (2019) 385-391. (2019 IF 2.924)
30. Venuti V., Corsaro C., Stancanelli R., Paciaroni A., Crupi V., Tommasini S., Ventura C.A., Majolino D. Analysis of the thermal fluctuations in inclusion complexes of genistein with β-cyclodextrin derivative. Chemical Physics 516 (2019) 125-131. (2019 IF 1.771)
2018 (6)
31. Corsaro C., Mallamace F., Vasi S., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E., Mallamace D. Contrasting microscopic interactions determine the properties of water/methanol solutions. Frontiers of Physics 13(1) (2018) 138201. (2018 IF 2.483)
32. Mallamace D., Fazio E., Mallamace F., Corsaro, C. The role of hydrogen bonding in the folding/unfolding process of hydrated lysozyme: A review of recent NMR and FTIR results. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(12) (2018) 3825-1-3825-21. (2018 IF 4.183)
33. Bartos J., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Svajdlenkova H. and Lukešová, M. ESR evidence of the dynamic crossover in the supercooled liquid states of a series of solid n – alkanes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 11145-11151. (2018 IF 3.567)
34. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Missori M., Mallamace F., Corsaro C. NMR investigation of degradation processes of ancient and modern paper at different hydration levels. Frontiers of Physics 13(1) (2018) 138202. (2018 IF 2.483)
35. Mallamace D., Longo S., Corsaro C. Proton NMR study of extra Virgin Olive Oil with temperature: Freezing and melting kinetics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 499 (2018) 20-27. (2018 IF 2.500)
36. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Longo S., Chen S.-H., Mallamace D. The evaluation of the hydrophilic–hydrophobic interactions and their effect in water–methanol solutions: A study in terms of the thermodynamic state functions in the frame of the transition state theory. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 168 (2018) 193-200. (2018 IF 3.973)
2017 (4)
37. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Corsaro C., Naccari C., Clodoveo M. L., Dugo G., Cicero, N. Calorimetric analysis points out the physical-chemistry of organic olive oils and reveals the geographical origin. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 486 (2017) 925-932. (2017 IF 2.132)
38. Mannina L. et al. NMR Methodologies in Food Analysis in Analytical Chemistry: Developments, Applications and Challenges in Food Analysis, Chapter: 5, Publisher: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., Editors: Marcello Locatelli and Christian Celia (2017) (Book Chapter)
39. Sobolev A.P. et al. NMR Applications in Food Analysis: Part A in Analytical Chemistry: Developments, Applications and Challenges in Food Analysis, Chapter: 6, Publisher: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., Editors: Marcello Locatelli and Christian Celia (2017) (Book Chapter)
40. Proietti N. et al. NMR Applications in Food Analysis: Part B in Analytical Chemistry: Developments, Applications and Challenges in Food Analysis, Chapter: 7, Publisher: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., Editors: Marcello Locatelli and Christian Celia (2017) (Book Chapter)
2016 (14)
41. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Pietronero L., Mallamace F., Missori M. The role of water in the degradation process of paper using 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 33335-33343. (2016 IF 4.123)
42. Vasi S., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Mallamace F. The time dependence dynamics of hydration water changes upon crossing T*. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 308 (2016).
43. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Stanley H.E. NMR spectroscopy study of local correlations in water. Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (2016) 214503 (2016 IF 2.965)
44. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Missori M., Corsaro C. New insight into hydration and aging mechanisms of paper by the line shape analysis of proton NMR spectra. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 309 (2016).
45. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Baglioni P., Buldyrev S.V., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Energy landscape in protein folding and unfolding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 113 (2016) 3159-3163. (2016 IF 9.661)
46. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Corsaro C. Two dynamical crossovers in protein hydration water revealed by the NMR spin-spin relaxation time. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 306 (2016).
47. Corsaro C., Cicero N., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Naccari C., Salvo A., Giofrè S. V., Dugo G. HR-MAS and NMR towards Foodomics. Food Research International 89 (2016) 1085–1094. (2016 IF 3.086)
48. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Cicero N., Dugo G., Mallamace F. The local order of supercooled water in solution with LiCl studied by NMR proton chemical shift. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 301 (2016).
49. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. Some considerations on the transport properties of water-glycerol suspensions. Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (2016) 014501. (2016 IF 2.965)
50. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Cicero N., Vasi S., Dugo G., Mallamace F. Dynamics of water clusters in solution with LiCl. Physica A 442 (2016) 261–267 (2016 IF 2.243)
51. Rifici S., D'Angelo G., Crupi C., Branca C., Conti Nibali V., Corsaro C., Wanderlingh U. Influence of Alcohols on the Lateral Diffusion in Phospholipid Membranes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120(7) (2016) 1285-1290. (2016 IF 3.177)
52. Vadala R., Mottese A. F., Bua G. D., Salvo A., Mallamace D., Corsaro C., Vasi S., Giofrè S. V., Alfa M., Cicero N., Dugo G. Statistical Analysis of Mineral Concentration for the Geographic Identification of Garlic Samples from Sicily (Italy), Tunisia and Spain. FOODS 5(1) (2016) (2018 IF 3.011)
53. Mallamace, F., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Vasi, C., Vasi, S., Stanley, H.E., Some considerations on confined water: The thermal behavior of transport properties in water-glycerol and water-methanol mixtures, MRS Advances 1(26) (2016) 1891-1902
54. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Vasi S., Stanley H.E. Dynamical properties of water-methanol solutions. Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (2016) 064506. (2016 IF 2.965)
2015 (11)
55. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Wang Z., Chen S.-H. The Boson peak in confined water: An experimental investigation of the liquid-liquid phase transition hypothesis. Front. Of Phys. 10(5) (2015) 106103 (2015 IF 2.462)
56. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Chen S.-H. The fragile-to-strong dynamical crossover and the system viscoelasticity in attractive glass forming colloids. Colloid and Polymer Science 293(11) (2015) 3337. (2015 IF 1.890)
57. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Cicero N., Vasi S., Dugo G., Stanley H.E. Dynamical changes in hydration water accompanying lysozyme thermal denaturation. Front. Of Phys. 10(5) (2015) 106104. (2015 IF 2.462)
58. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace, D., Dugo, G. NMR studies of water. In “Water: Fundamentals as the Basis for Understanding the Environment and Promoting Technology” Vol. 187 (2015) pp. 223-242. (Book Chapter)
59. Cicero N., Corsaro C., Salvo A., Vasi S., Giofré S. V., Ferrantelli V., Di Stefano V., Mallamace D., Dugo G. The metabolic profile of lemon juice by proton HR-MAS NMR: the case of the PGI Interdonato Lemon of Messina. Natural Product Research 29 (2015) 1894-1902. (2015 IF 1.057)
60. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Cicero N., Stanley H.E. Water and lysozyme: Some results from the bending and stretching vibrational modes. Front. Of Phys. 10(5) (2015) 106105. (2015 IF 2.462)
61. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Stanley, H Eugene; Chen, Sow-Hsin Some thermodynamical aspects of protein hydration water. Journal of Chemical Physics 142 (2015) 215103. (2015 IF 2.894)
62. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Ferrantelli V., Dugo G., and Cicero N. 1H HR-MAS NMR Spectroscopy and the Metabolite Determination of Typical Foods in Mediterranean Diet. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2015 (2015) 175696. (2015 IF 1.369)
63. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Dugo G. The role of water in protein's behavior: The two dynamical crossovers studied by NMR and FTIR techniques. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 13 (2015) 33–37. (2017 IF 4.148)
64. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Vasi C., Vasi S., Mallamace D., Chen S.-H. The dynamical fragile-to-strong crossover in attractive colloidal systems. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 407 (2015) 355–360. (2015 IF 1.825)
65. Dugo G., Rotondo A., Mallamace D., Cicero N., Salvo A., Rotondo E., Corsaro C. Enhanced detection of aldehydes in Extra-Virgin Olive Oil by means of band selective NMR spectroscopy. Physica A 420 (2015) 258-264. (2015 IF 1.785)
2014 (8)
66. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. Thermodynamic properties of bulk and confined water. Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 18C504. (2014 IF 2.952)
67. Mallamace F., Baglioni P., Corsaro C., Chen S.-H., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. The influence of water on protein properties. Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 165104. (2014 IF 2.952)
68. Mallamace D., Corsaro C., Vasi C., Vasi S., Dugo G., Mallamace F. The protein irreversible denaturation studied by means of the bending vibrational mode. Physica A 412 (2014) 39-44. (2014 IF 1.732)
69. Rifici S., Corsaro C., Crupi C., Nibali V.C., Branca C., D'Angelo G., Wanderlingh U. Lipid Diffusion in Alcoholic Environment. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (2014) 9349-9355. (2014 IF 3.302)
70. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Vasi C. On some experimental reasons for an inhomogeneous structure of ambient water on the nanometer length scale in “Perspectives and Challenges in Statistical Physics and Complex Systems for the Next Decade” (2014) pp. 107-125. (Book Chapter)
71. Mallamace D., Corsaro C., Salvo A., Cicero N., Macaluso A., Giangrosso G., Ferrantelli V., Dugo G. A multivariate statistical analysis coming from the NMR metabolic profile of cherry tomatoes (The Sicilian Pachino case). Physica A 401 (2014) 112–117. (2014 IF 1.732)
72. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Leone N., Villari V., Micali N., S.H. Chen. On the ergodicity of supercooled molecular glass-forming liquids at the dynamical arrest: the o-terphenyl case. Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 3747. (2014 IF 5.578)
73. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Dugo G. A quantitative 1H HR-MAS study of the metabolic profile of the PGI cherry tomato of pachino in “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR): Theory, Applications and Technology” (2014) pp. 163-178. (Book Chapter)
2013 (10)
74. Cappello T., Mauceri A., Corsaro C., Maisano M., Parrino V., Lo Paro G., Messina G., Fasulo S. Impact of environmental pollution on caged mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis using NMR-based metabolomics. Marine Pollution Bulletin 77 (2013) 132-139. (2013 IF 2.793)
75. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E., Mallamace D., S.H. Chen. The dynamical crossover in attractive colloidal systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (2013) 214502. (2013 IF 3.122)
76. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Lojewska J., Mallamace F., Pietronero L., Missori M. Molecular degradation of ancient documents revealed by H-1 HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy. Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 2896. (2013 IF 5.078)
77. Torre A., Trischitta F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Faggio C. Digestive cells from Mytilus galloprovincialis show a partial regulatory volume decrease following acute hypotonic stress through mechanisms involving inorganic ions. Cell Biochemistry and Function 31 (2013) 489-495. (2013 IF 2.134)
78. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E. Possible relation of water structural relaxation to water anomalies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (2013) 4899-4904. (2013 IF 9.809)
79. Corsaro C., Maisano R., Mallamace D., Dugo G. H-1 NMR study of water/methanol solutions as a function of temperature and concentration. Physica A 392 (2013) 596-601. (2013 IF 1.722)
80. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. The thermodynamical response functions and the origin of the anomalous behavior of liquid water. Faraday Discussions 167 (2013) 95-108. (2013 IF 4.194)
81. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Micali N., Villari V., Leone N., S.H. Chen. The fragile to strong dynamical crossover in supercooled liquids. The o-terphenyl case and its ergodicity at the dynamical arrest. AIP Conference Proceedings 1518 (2013) 67-76.
82. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Transport and dynamics in supercooled confined water. Advances in Chemical Physics 152 (2013) 203-262. (Book Chapter)
83. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. Water and biological macromolecules. Advances in Chemical Physics 152 (2013) 263-308. (Book Chapter)
2012 (7)
84. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E. A singular thermodynamically consistent temperature at the origin of the anomalous behavior of liquid water. Scientific Reports 2 (2012) 993. (2012 IF 2.927)
85. Fasulo S., Iacono F., Cappello T., Corsaro C., Maisano M., D’Agata A., Giannetto A., De Domenico E., Parrino V., Lo Paro G., Mauceri A. Metabolomic investigation of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck 1819) caged in aquatic environments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 84 (2012) 139-146. (2012 IF 2.203)
86. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Baglioni P., Fratini E., Chen S.-H. The dynamical crossover phenomenon in bulk water, confined water and protein hydration water. Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 24 (2012) 064103. (2012 IF 2.355)
87. Turton D.A., Corsaro C., Martin D.F., Mallamace F., Wynne K. The dynamic crossover in water does not require bulk water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 8067-8073. (2012 IF 3.829)
88. Villari V., Micali N., Mineo P., Scamporrino E., Corsaro, C. Aggregation of porphyrin-based cyclic supramolecular architectures. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 176 (2012) 361-369. (Book Chapter)
89. Corsaro C., Spooren J., Leone N., Mallamace D., Baglioni P., Mallamace F. The kinetics of the folding/unfolding process of hydrated lysozyme studied by nuclear magnetic resonance. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 176 (2012) 325-333. (Book Chapter)
90. Villari V., Fazio B., Micali N., De Luca G., Corsaro, C., Romeo A., Scolaro L.M., Castriciano M.A., Mazzaglia A. Light scattering enhancement in porphyrin Nanocomposites. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 176 (2012) 335-340. (Book Chapter)
2011 (8)
91. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Baglioni P., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. A Possible Role of Water in the Protein Folding Process. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 115 (2011) 14280-14294. (2011 IF 3.696)
92. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. The role of the dynamic crossover temperature and the arrest in glass-forming fluid. European Physical Journal E 34 (2011) 94. (2011 IF 1.944)
93. Corsaro C., Mallamace D. A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance study of the reversible denaturation of hydrated lysozyme. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (2011) 2904-2908. (2011 IF 1.373)
94. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Reply to elmatad: Supercooled viscous liquids display a fragile-to-strong dynamic crossover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (2011) 22457-22462. (2011 IF 9.681)
95. Clementi A., Aversa M.C., Corsaro C., Spooren J., Stancanelli R., O'Connor C., McNamara M., Mazzaglia A. Synthesis and characterization of a colloidal novel folic acid-beta-cyclodextrin conjugate for targeted drug delivery. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 69 (2011) 321-325. (2011 IF 1.886)
96. Mallamace F., Branca C., Corsaro C., Spooren J., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Thermodynamical properties of glass forming systems: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance analysis. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357 (2011) 286-292. (2011 IF 1.537)
97. Turton D.A., Corsaro C., Candelaresi M., Brownlie A., Seddon K.R., Mallamace F., Wynne K. The structure and terahertz dynamics of water confined in nanoscale pools in salt solutions. Faraday Discussions 150 (2011) 493-504. (2011 IF 5.000)
98. Mallamace F., Baglioni P., Corsaro C., Spooren J., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. Transport properties of supercooled confined water. Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 34 (2011) 253-388. (2011 IF 2.579)
2010 (3)
99. Mallamace F., Branca C., Corsaro C., Leone N., Spooren J., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Transport properties of glass-forming liquids suggest that dynamic crossover temperature is as important as the glass transition temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (2010) 22457-22462. (2010 IF 9.771)
100. Mallamace F., Branca C., Corsaro C., Leone N., Spooren J., Stanley Eugene H., Chen S.-H. Dynamical crossover and breakdown of the stokes-einstein relation in confined water and in methanol-diluted bulk water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (2010) 1870-1878. (2010 IF 3.603)
101. Wanderlingh U., D'Angelo G., Conti Nibali V., Crupi C., Rifici S., Corsaro C., Sabatino G. Interaction of alcohol with phospholipid membrane: NMR and XRD investigations on DPPC-hexanol system. Spectroscopy 24 (2010) 375-380. (2010 IF 0.932)
2008 (6)
102. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Broccio M., Branca C., Gonzalez-Segredo N., Spooren J., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. NMR evidence of a sharp change in a measure of local order in deeply supercooled confined water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (2008) 12725-12729. (2008 IF 9.380)
103. Corsaro C., Spooren J., Branca C., Leone N., Broccio M., Kim C., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E., Mallamace F. Clustering dynamics in water/methanol mixtures: A nuclear magnetic resonance study at 205 K < T < 295 K. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (2008) 10449-10454. (2008 IF 4.189)
104. Mallamace F., Branca C., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Gonzalez-Segredo N., Spooren J., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. Transport properties of supercooled confined water. European Physical Journal: Special Topics 161 (2008) 19-33. (2008 IF 0.689)
105. Telling M.T.F., Corsaro C., Wanderlingh U.N., Middendorf H.D. Low-temperature dynamics of hydrated peptides. Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 245-249. (2008 IF 1.961)
106. Majolino D., Corsaro C., Crupi V., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Water diffusion in nanoporous glass: An NMR study at different hydration levels. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (2008) 3927-3930. (2008 IF 4.189)
107. D'angelo G., Wanderlingh U., Nibali V.C., Crupi C., Corsaro C., Di Marco G. Physical study of dynamics in fully hydrated phospholipid bilayers. Philosophical Magazine 88 (2008) 4033-4046. (2008 IF 1.384)
2007 (3)
108. Mallamace F., Branca C., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.-H. The anomalous behavior of the density of water in the range 30 K < T < 373 K. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (2007) 18387-18391. (2007 IF 9.598)
109. Mallamace F., Chen S.-H., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Crupi V., Majolino D., Venuti V., Baglioni P., Fratini E., Vannucci C., Stanley H.E. Role of the solvent in the dynamical transitions of proteins: The case of the lysozyme-water system. Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (2007) 45104. (2007 IF 3.044)
110. Mallamace F., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Majolino D., Venuti V., Liu L., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.-H. Evidence of the existence of the low-density liquid phase in supercooled, confined water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (2007) 424-428. (2007 IF 9.598)
2006 (5)
111. Mallamace F., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Liu L., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.-H. Dynamical properties of confined supercooled water: An NMR study. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 18 (2006) S2285-S2297. (2006 IF 2.038)
112. Chen S.-H., Mallamace F., Mou C.-Y., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Liu L. The violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (2006) 12974-12978. (2006 IF 9.643)
113. Mallamace F., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Wanderlingh U., Liu L., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.H. The fragile-to-strong dynamic crossover transition in confined water: Nuclear magnetic resonance results. Journal of Chemical Physics 124 (2006) 161102. (2006 IF 3.166)
114. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Majolino D., Parker S.F., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Inelastic neutron scattering study of water in hydrated LTA-type zeolites. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110 (2006) 1190-1195. (2006 IF 3.047)
115. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Majolino D., Migliardo P., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U., Mizota T., Telling M. Diffusive dynamics of water in ion-exchanged zeolites. Molecular Physics 104 (2006) 587-598. (2006 IF 1.690)
2005 (2)
116. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Longo F., Majolino D., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Mobility of water in Linde type A synthetic zeolites: An inelastic neutron scattering study. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 17 (2005) 7925-7934. (2005 IF 2.145)
117. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Longo F., Majolino D., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Elastic neutron scattering study of water dynamics in ion-exchanged type- A zeolites. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2005) 61504. (2005 IF 2.418)
2004 (3)
118. Corsaro C., Parker S.F. Vibrational spectroscopy of maleimide. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (2004) e591-e593. (2004 IF 0.679)
119. Renou J.-P., Foucat L., Corsaro C., Ollivier J., Zanotti J.-M., Middendorf H.D. Dynamics of collagen from bovine connective tissues Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (2004) e631-e633. (2004 IF 0.679)
120. Branca C., Corsaro C., Frusteri F., Magazu V., Mangione A., Migliardo F., Wanderlingh U. Structural and vibrational properties of carbon nanotubes by TEM and infrared spectroscopy. Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 1249-1253. (2004 IF 1.670)
2003 (1)
121. Wanderlingh U.N., Corsaro C., Hayward R.L., Bee M., Middendorf H.D. Proton mobilities in crambin and glutathione S-transferase. Chemical Physics 292 (2003) 445. (2003 IF 2.070)
2019 National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Experimental Physics of Matter (02/B1);
Italian Ministry for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research
2018 National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in Applied Physics (02/D1);
Italian Ministry for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research
2013 National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Experimental Physics of Matter (02/B1);
Italian Ministry for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research
2013 National Qualification for teaching Mathematics and Physics at high school;
University of Messina
2007 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics;
Physics Department, University of Messina;
Rating: Excellent. Dissertation thesis: “Experimental evidence of the Fragile-to-Strong dynamic crossover in supercooled confined water: NMR results”
2003 Master degree in Physics;
University of Messina;
Voting: 110 cum laude/110. Thesis title: “Measurements by means of neutron spectroscopy on different organic systems and relative computational approach”.
2022 Associate Professor of Experimental Physics
Department of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
2019 Fixed Time Researcher as Senior Researcher
Department of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
2018 Fixed Time Researcher as Junior Researcher
Department of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Earth Sciences (MIFT), University of Messina
2015 Research fellowship in Physics (3 Years)
IPCF-CNR Viale F. Stagno D’Alcontres 37, 98158 Messina
Study of the degradation processes of museum items, marble, metal and paper for the determination of optimal storage conditions
2014 Scholarship in Physics
Physics and Earth Sciences Department, University of Messina
Study on self-similar structures: dendrimers as bioprobes
2014 Scholarship in Physics
Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia di Catania
Study on the universality of the dynamical crossover
2013 Teaching activities in Physics
Ente Regionale per il diritto allo Studio Universitario (ERSU) di Messina
Teaching physics as part of the course to entry to closed graduate courses.
2012 Research fellowship in Physics
Physics and Earth Sciences Department, University of Messina
Comparative experimental studies about the characteristics of universality of physical systems towards the dynamic arrest
2011 Research fellowship in Physics
Physics Department, University of Messina
Renewal of the previous research fellowship on “Dynamical and structural properties of liquids and complex systems”
2010 Research collaboration in Physics
IPCF-CNR Viale F. Stagno D’Alcontres 37, 98158 Messina
Study of the dynamical properties of water and metabolites by means of NMR spectroscopy
2007 Research fellowship in Physics
Physics Department, University of Messina
Dynamical and structural properties of liquids and complex systems
2018 First best oral communication within the Physics of Matter section, entitled "Thermodynamic thresholds in water/methanol solutions" at the 104° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Arcavacata di Rende (CS, Italy), 17-21 September
2010 Young researcher award from the University of Messina for the relevant scientific activity.
2007 Cozzarelli Prize by the National Academy of Sciences (USA) for the manuscript entitled “The violation of the Stokes–Einstein relation in supercooled water” PNAS, 103, 12974-12978 (2006) for its outstanding scientific level.
2019 International school on “Water and Water Systems – Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks”, Directors: Proff. F. Greco and G. Mensitieri, Erice (Italy) 9-16 July (invited)
2018 104° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Cosenza (Italy) 17-21 Sept.
2018 International school on “Water and Water Systems – The hydrophobic effect”, Erice (Italy) 4– 11 July (invited)
2017 103° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Trento (Italy) 11-15 Sept.
2016 III Course of the ERICE School “NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATION” Water and Water Systems, Erice (Italy), 22– 31 July
2015 International Workshop on “The Structure and Dynamics of Supercooled Water and
Other Glassy Materials”, Palermo (Italy) 10-13 October (invited)
2015 FISMAT 2015, Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics. Palermo (Italy) September 28 – October 2
2015 National congress “RMN e Salute: Diagnostica e Alimentazione”, Messina (Italy) 17-18 September (invited)
2015 International Conference on Applied Physics, Simulation and Computers, Vienna (Austria) 15-17 March (invited)
2014 23rd SILAE Congress, Marsala (TP) ITALY, 7-12 September (invited)
2013 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems (IDRCMS), Barcelona (ES), 21-26 July (invited)
2013 International School of Physics Enrico Fermi. Varenna (Como, Italy), 7 – 13 July.
2012 XCVIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Napoli (Italy) 17-21 Sept.
2010 International School of Physics Enrico Fermi. Varenna (Como, Italy), 29 June – 9 July.
2008 Final Workshop of the Arrested Matter Network: “Dynamical Arrest of Soft Matter and Colloids” Taormina (ME), Italy, 22– 26 November (invited)
2022 Member of the organizing committee of the “Condensed Matter Physics World Forum, CondMat-2022”, March 17-19, 2022, Online
2019 Member of the organizing committee of “Water and Water Systems – Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks”, Directors: Proff. F. Greco and G. Mensitieri, Erice (Italy) 9-16 July
2018 Member of the organizing committee of the International school on “Water and Water Systems – The hydrophobic effect”, Erice (Italy) 4– 11 July
2016 Member of the organizing committee of the III Course of the ERICE School “NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATION” Water and Water Systems, Directors: R. Car and F. Mallamace, Erice (Italy), 22– 31 July
2015 Member of the local committee of the “International Workshop on the Structure and Dynamics of Supercooled Water and Other Glassy Materials”, Palermo (Italy), 10-13 October
English Reading: excellent; speaking: good; writing: very good
Spanish Reading: good; speaking: basic; writing: basic
2022 Data Analysis at MSc Physics; Device Physics course at BSc Informatics; “Structural and dynamical characterization of complex systems by spectroscopic techniques – MOD.B“ course at PhD in Physics
2021 Data Analysis at MSc Physics; Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; “Structural and dynamical characterization of complex systems by spectroscopic techniques – MOD.B“ course at PhD in Physics
2020 Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; Physics and Biomechanics course at BSc Motor Sciences, Sport and Health; “Statistical Mechanics of non-equilibrium: correlation functions and experimental measurement of the diffusion coefficient course at PhD in Physics.
2019 Physics and Biomechanics course at BSc Motor Sciences, Sport and Health; Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; “NMR techniques for the study of physical properties of materials” course at PhD in Physics.
2018 Physics Experiments at MSc Mathematics; Physics and Biomechanics course at BSc Motor Sciences, Sport and Health.
2016 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Physics
2015 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2014 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2013 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2012 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2011 Teaching assistant – Physics of Complex Systems course at MSc Physics
2010 Teaching assistant – Physics of Complex Systems course at MSc Physics
2009 Teaching assistant – Physics of Complex Systems course at MSc Physics
2008 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2007 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
2006 Teaching assistant – General Physics I course at BSc Mathematics
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Nutrition, section Nutrition and Food Science Technology.
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physics, section Condensed Matter Physics.
Editorial Board member of "Polymers" (MDPI) – Polymer Physics section
Editorial Board member of "Molecules" (MDPI) - Physical Chemistry section
Review Editor in the shared Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics section between Frontiers in Physics and Frontiers in Chemistry
Guest editor of the Special Issue “Hybrid Compounds Tailoring at the Nanoscale for Biomedical Applications” on Molecules (MDPI), section Materials Chemistry
Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Condensed Matter Physics (specialty section of Frontiers in Physics)
Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (specialty section of Frontiers in Chemistry and Frontiers in Physics)
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Molecular Structure and Dynamics Probed by Spectroscopic Techniques and Computational Approaches: New Trends by NMR, FTIR, Neutron Scattering and Simulation" on International Journal of Molecular Sciences (MDPI)
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Physical Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions and Glass Forming Systems" on Molecules (MDPI)
Editorial Board member of International Journal of Physical Research.
Editorial Board member of World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics.
• Committee member for the evaluation in the frame of “UNIversity COrridors for REfugees - UNICORE 3.0 (Ethiopia 2021-23)
• Committee member for the evaluation of a scholarship in Physics (03/04/2019)
• Supervisor of some graduate students
• Department delegate for tutoring activities in the Physics area (since 02/11/2021)
• Member of the commission “Paritetica Docenti-Studenti” of the MIFT Department of the University of Messina (since 20/09/2019)
• Expert reviewer for 'the National Center of Scientific and Technical Evaluation' JSC (Almaty, Kazakhstan) within the priority area titled "Scientific research in the field of natural sciences" in the field of Physics (since 21/04/2020)
• Assistant in the frame of the Italian evaluation of the research (ANVUR VQR 2015-2019)
Thermodynamic properties of liquids and glass-forming systems
Metabolic properties of biological matrices
Degradation processes and preservation of Cultural Heritage
Thermodynamic properties of water and aqueous systems (confined water, protein hydration water, water in solutions) at different conditions
Polymers and hybrid materials
2022 Participant to the EU Project GaN for Advanced Power Applications (GAN4AP)
2019 Participant within the national project “L’Esperienza prima della partenza (GOFORIT)”, Asse II “Sostegno all’innovazione”, Area di Specializzazione “Cultural Heritage” Avviso n. 1735/Ric del 13 luglio 2017 Codice CUP J66C18000370005
2008 Research Projects of National Interest
Scientific coordinator: Ricci Maria Antonietta; Title: “Acqua come solvente per la vita, la tecnologia, le scienze della Terra e la ricerca di base. WALTER”.
2004 Research Projects of National Interest
Scientific coordinator: Coniglio Antonio; Title: “Rilassamenti lenti ed Universalità: dalla Materia Soffice ai Materiali Granulari”
BIBLIOMETRIC DATA (at 22/10/2022)
Number of publications: 125 (Scopus); 118 (WOS)
Number of citations: 3417 (Scopus); 3257 (WOS)
h-index: 33 (Scopus and WOS);
Average number of citations per publication: 27.3 (Scopus); 27.8 (WOS)
PUBLICATIONS (in bold when first and/or corresponding author)
2022 (6)
1. Iraci, N., Corsaro, C., Giofrè, S.V., (...), Cimino, F., Fazio, E. Nanoscale Technologies in the Fight against COVID-19: From Innovative Nanomaterials to Computer-Aided Discovery of Potential Antiviral Plant-Derived Drugs. Biomolecules 12(8) (2022) 1060. 10.3390/biom12081060. (2022 IF 6.064) (Feature paper + cover)
2. Corsaro, C., Vasi, S., Neri, F., (...), Neri, G., Fazio, E. NMR in Metabolomics: From Conventional Statistics to Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 12(6) (2022) 2824. (2022 IF 2.838)
3. Condorelli, M., Speciale, A., Cimino, F., (...), Neri, F., Saija, A. Nano-Hybrid Au@LCCs Systems Displaying Anti-Inflammatory Activity. Materials 15(10) (2022) 20223701. 10.3390/ma15103701. (2022 IF 3.748)
4. Zribi, R., Fazio, E., Condorelli, M., (...), Compagnini, G., Neri, G. H2O2 electrochemical sensing properties of size-tunable triangular Ag nanoplates. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2022 - Conference Proceedings.
5. Longo, S., Corsaro, C., Granata, F., Fazio, E. Clinical CT densitometry for wooden cultural heritage analysis validated by FTIR and Raman spectroscopies. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 199 (2022) 110376. 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.110376. (2022 IF 2.776)
6. Corsaro, C., Neri, G., Santoro A., Fazio E. Acrylate and Methacrylate Polymers’ Applications: Second Life with Inexpensive and Sustainable Recycling Approaches. Materials 15(1) (2022) 282. (2022 IF 3.748) (Editor Choice)
2021 (7)
7. Corsaro, C., Fazio, E. From critical point to critical point: The two-states model describes liquid water self-diffusion from 623 to 126 K. Molecules 26(19) (2021) 5899. (2020 IF 4.412)
8. Corsaro, C., Neri, G., Mezzasalma, A.M., Fazio, E. Weibull modeling of controlled drug release from Ag-PMA nanosystems. Polymers 13(17) (2021) 2897. (2020 IF 4.329)
9. Corsaro, C., Sturniolo, A., Fazio, E. Gaussian parameters correlate with the spread of COVID-19 pandemic: The Italian case. Applied Sciences 11(13) (2021) 6119. (2020 IF 2.679)
10. Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Neri, G., Fazio, E. Hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity: Key aspects for biomedical and technological purposes. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 580 (2021) 126189. (2020 IF 3.263)
11. Fazio, E.; Spadaro, S.; Corsaro, C.; Neri, G.; Leonardi, S.G.; Neri, F.; Lavanya, N.; Sekar, C.; Donato, N.; Neri, G. Metal-Oxide Based Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Their Applications in Electrical and Electrochemical Sensors. Sensors 21 (2021) 2494. (2020 IF 3.576)
12. Franco, D.; Calabrese, G.; Petralia, S.; Neri, G.; Corsaro, C.; Forte, L.; Squarzoni, S.; Guglielmino, S.; Traina, F.; Fazio, E.; Conoci, S.; Antimicrobial Effect and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Mg Doped Hydroxyapatite Functionalized with Au Nano Rods. Molecules 26 (2021) 1099. (2020 IF 4.412)
13. Corsaro, C., Fazio, E., Mallamace, D., Direct Analysis in Foodomics: NMR approaches, in Comprehensive Foodomics (Reference Module in Food Science), edited by Alejandro Cifuentes, Elsevier, 2021. (Book Chapter)
2020 (5)
14. Neri, G.; Corsaro, C.; Fazio, E. Plasmon-Enhanced Controlled Drug Release from Ag-PMA Capsules. Molecules 25 (2020) 2267. (2020 IF 4.412)
15. Fazio, E., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D. Paper aging and degradation monitoring by the non-destructive two-dimensional micro-Raman mapping. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 228 (2020) 117660. (2020 IF 4.098)
16. Mallamace, D., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, F., Stanley, H.E., Experimental tests for a liquid-liquid critical point in water, Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 63(12) (2020), 127001. (2020 IF 5.122)
17. Mallamace, F., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Fazio, E., Chen, S.-H., Cupane, A. Specific heat and transport functions of water. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(2) (2020) 622. (2020 IF 5.924)
18. Longo, S., Capuani, S., Corsaro, C., Fazio, E. Silver fir characterized by micro-imaging NMR and FTIR spectroscopy. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 777 (2020) 012004.
2019 (12)
19. Corsaro, C. Thermodynamic thresholds in water/methanol solutions. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C 42(5) (2019) 222
20. Chen S. -H., Corsaro C., Mallamace F., Fazio E., Mallamace D. The proton density of states in confined water (H2O). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (2019) 5373-1-5373-16. doi: 10.3390/ijms20215373 (2019 IF 4.556)
21. Mallamace, F., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Fazio, E., Chen, S.-H. Some considerations on the water polymorphism and the liquid-liquid transition by the density behavior in the liquid phase. Journal of Chemical Physics 151(4) (2019) 044504. (2019 IF 4.226)
22. Festa G., Mallamace F., Sancesario G.M., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Fazio E., Arcidiacono L., Sakai V.G., Senesi R., Sancesario G., Andreani C. Aggregation states of Aβ1-40, Aβ1-42 and Aβp3-42 amyloid beta peptides: A SANS study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(17) (2019) 4126-1-4126-9. (2019 IF 4.556)
23. Corsaro, C., Fazio, E., Mallamace, D. The Stokes-Einstein relation in water/methanol solutions. Journal of Chemical Physics 150(23) (2019) 234506. (2019 IF 2.991)
24. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Chen S.-H., Fratini E., and Baglioni P. The Boson Peak Interpretation and Evolution in Confined Amorphous Water. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107004. (2019 IF 4.226)
25. Andreani C., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Romanelli G., Senesi R., Mallamace F. The onset of the tetrabonded structure in liquid water. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107008. (2019 IF 4.226)
26. Mallamace D., Chen S.-H., Corsaro C., Fazio E., Mallamace F., Stanley H. E. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic competition in water-methanol solutions. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107003. (2019 IF 4.226)
27. Zhovtobriukh I., Cabral B. J. C., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Pettersson L. G. M. Liquid water structure from X-ray absorption and emission, NMR shielding and X-ray diffraction. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107010. (2019 IF 4.226)
28. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Fazio E., Chen S.-H., Mallamace D. A study of the hydrogen bonds effect on the water density and the liquid-liquid transition. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 107005. (2019 IF 4.226)
29. Festa G., Sancesario G., Corsaro C., Longo S., Mallamace D., Fazio E., Arcidiacono L., Sakai V.G., Senesi R., Sancesario G., Mallamace F., Andreani C. SANS study of Amyloid β1−40: Unfolded monomers in DMSO, multidimensional aggregates in water medium. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 517 (2019) 385-391. (2019 IF 2.924)
30. Venuti V., Corsaro C., Stancanelli R., Paciaroni A., Crupi V., Tommasini S., Ventura C.A., Majolino D. Analysis of the thermal fluctuations in inclusion complexes of genistein with β-cyclodextrin derivative. Chemical Physics 516 (2019) 125-131. (2019 IF 1.771)
2018 (6)
31. Corsaro C., Mallamace F., Vasi S., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E., Mallamace D. Contrasting microscopic interactions determine the properties of water/methanol solutions. Frontiers of Physics 13(1) (2018) 138201. (2018 IF 2.483)
32. Mallamace D., Fazio E., Mallamace F., Corsaro, C. The role of hydrogen bonding in the folding/unfolding process of hydrated lysozyme: A review of recent NMR and FTIR results. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(12) (2018) 3825-1-3825-21. (2018 IF 4.183)
33. Bartos J., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Svajdlenkova H. and Lukešová, M. ESR evidence of the dynamic crossover in the supercooled liquid states of a series of solid n – alkanes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 11145-11151. (2018 IF 3.567)
34. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Missori M., Mallamace F., Corsaro C. NMR investigation of degradation processes of ancient and modern paper at different hydration levels. Frontiers of Physics 13(1) (2018) 138202. (2018 IF 2.483)
35. Mallamace D., Longo S., Corsaro C. Proton NMR study of extra Virgin Olive Oil with temperature: Freezing and melting kinetics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 499 (2018) 20-27. (2018 IF 2.500)
36. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Longo S., Chen S.-H., Mallamace D. The evaluation of the hydrophilic–hydrophobic interactions and their effect in water–methanol solutions: A study in terms of the thermodynamic state functions in the frame of the transition state theory. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 168 (2018) 193-200. (2018 IF 3.973)
2017 (4)
37. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Corsaro C., Naccari C., Clodoveo M. L., Dugo G., Cicero, N. Calorimetric analysis points out the physical-chemistry of organic olive oils and reveals the geographical origin. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 486 (2017) 925-932. (2017 IF 2.132)
38. Mannina L. et al. NMR Methodologies in Food Analysis in Analytical Chemistry: Developments, Applications and Challenges in Food Analysis, Chapter: 5, Publisher: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., Editors: Marcello Locatelli and Christian Celia (2017) (Book Chapter)
39. Sobolev A.P. et al. NMR Applications in Food Analysis: Part A in Analytical Chemistry: Developments, Applications and Challenges in Food Analysis, Chapter: 6, Publisher: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., Editors: Marcello Locatelli and Christian Celia (2017) (Book Chapter)
40. Proietti N. et al. NMR Applications in Food Analysis: Part B in Analytical Chemistry: Developments, Applications and Challenges in Food Analysis, Chapter: 7, Publisher: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC., Editors: Marcello Locatelli and Christian Celia (2017) (Book Chapter)
2016 (14)
41. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Pietronero L., Mallamace F., Missori M. The role of water in the degradation process of paper using 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 33335-33343. (2016 IF 4.123)
42. Vasi S., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Mallamace F. The time dependence dynamics of hydration water changes upon crossing T*. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 308 (2016).
43. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Stanley H.E. NMR spectroscopy study of local correlations in water. Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (2016) 214503 (2016 IF 2.965)
44. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Missori M., Corsaro C. New insight into hydration and aging mechanisms of paper by the line shape analysis of proton NMR spectra. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 309 (2016).
45. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Baglioni P., Buldyrev S.V., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Energy landscape in protein folding and unfolding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 113 (2016) 3159-3163. (2016 IF 9.661)
46. Mallamace D., Vasi S., Corsaro C. Two dynamical crossovers in protein hydration water revealed by the NMR spin-spin relaxation time. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 306 (2016).
47. Corsaro C., Cicero N., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Naccari C., Salvo A., Giofrè S. V., Dugo G. HR-MAS and NMR towards Foodomics. Food Research International 89 (2016) 1085–1094. (2016 IF 3.086)
48. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Cicero N., Dugo G., Mallamace F. The local order of supercooled water in solution with LiCl studied by NMR proton chemical shift. Il Nuovo Cimento C 39, 301 (2016).
49. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. Some considerations on the transport properties of water-glycerol suspensions. Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (2016) 014501. (2016 IF 2.965)
50. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Cicero N., Vasi S., Dugo G., Mallamace F. Dynamics of water clusters in solution with LiCl. Physica A 442 (2016) 261–267 (2016 IF 2.243)
51. Rifici S., D'Angelo G., Crupi C., Branca C., Conti Nibali V., Corsaro C., Wanderlingh U. Influence of Alcohols on the Lateral Diffusion in Phospholipid Membranes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120(7) (2016) 1285-1290. (2016 IF 3.177)
52. Vadala R., Mottese A. F., Bua G. D., Salvo A., Mallamace D., Corsaro C., Vasi S., Giofrè S. V., Alfa M., Cicero N., Dugo G. Statistical Analysis of Mineral Concentration for the Geographic Identification of Garlic Samples from Sicily (Italy), Tunisia and Spain. FOODS 5(1) (2016) (2018 IF 3.011)
53. Mallamace, F., Corsaro, C., Mallamace, D., Vasi, C., Vasi, S., Stanley, H.E., Some considerations on confined water: The thermal behavior of transport properties in water-glycerol and water-methanol mixtures, MRS Advances 1(26) (2016) 1891-1902
54. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Vasi S., Stanley H.E. Dynamical properties of water-methanol solutions. Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (2016) 064506. (2016 IF 2.965)
2015 (11)
55. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Wang Z., Chen S.-H. The Boson peak in confined water: An experimental investigation of the liquid-liquid phase transition hypothesis. Front. Of Phys. 10(5) (2015) 106103 (2015 IF 2.462)
56. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Chen S.-H. The fragile-to-strong dynamical crossover and the system viscoelasticity in attractive glass forming colloids. Colloid and Polymer Science 293(11) (2015) 3337. (2015 IF 1.890)
57. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Cicero N., Vasi S., Dugo G., Stanley H.E. Dynamical changes in hydration water accompanying lysozyme thermal denaturation. Front. Of Phys. 10(5) (2015) 106104. (2015 IF 2.462)
58. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace, D., Dugo, G. NMR studies of water. In “Water: Fundamentals as the Basis for Understanding the Environment and Promoting Technology” Vol. 187 (2015) pp. 223-242. (Book Chapter)
59. Cicero N., Corsaro C., Salvo A., Vasi S., Giofré S. V., Ferrantelli V., Di Stefano V., Mallamace D., Dugo G. The metabolic profile of lemon juice by proton HR-MAS NMR: the case of the PGI Interdonato Lemon of Messina. Natural Product Research 29 (2015) 1894-1902. (2015 IF 1.057)
60. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Cicero N., Stanley H.E. Water and lysozyme: Some results from the bending and stretching vibrational modes. Front. Of Phys. 10(5) (2015) 106105. (2015 IF 2.462)
61. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Stanley, H Eugene; Chen, Sow-Hsin Some thermodynamical aspects of protein hydration water. Journal of Chemical Physics 142 (2015) 215103. (2015 IF 2.894)
62. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Ferrantelli V., Dugo G., and Cicero N. 1H HR-MAS NMR Spectroscopy and the Metabolite Determination of Typical Foods in Mediterranean Diet. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2015 (2015) 175696. (2015 IF 1.369)
63. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Dugo G. The role of water in protein's behavior: The two dynamical crossovers studied by NMR and FTIR techniques. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 13 (2015) 33–37. (2017 IF 4.148)
64. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Vasi C., Vasi S., Mallamace D., Chen S.-H. The dynamical fragile-to-strong crossover in attractive colloidal systems. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 407 (2015) 355–360. (2015 IF 1.825)
65. Dugo G., Rotondo A., Mallamace D., Cicero N., Salvo A., Rotondo E., Corsaro C. Enhanced detection of aldehydes in Extra-Virgin Olive Oil by means of band selective NMR spectroscopy. Physica A 420 (2015) 258-264. (2015 IF 1.785)
2014 (8)
66. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi S., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. Thermodynamic properties of bulk and confined water. Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 18C504. (2014 IF 2.952)
67. Mallamace F., Baglioni P., Corsaro C., Chen S.-H., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. The influence of water on protein properties. Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 165104. (2014 IF 2.952)
68. Mallamace D., Corsaro C., Vasi C., Vasi S., Dugo G., Mallamace F. The protein irreversible denaturation studied by means of the bending vibrational mode. Physica A 412 (2014) 39-44. (2014 IF 1.732)
69. Rifici S., Corsaro C., Crupi C., Nibali V.C., Branca C., D'Angelo G., Wanderlingh U. Lipid Diffusion in Alcoholic Environment. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (2014) 9349-9355. (2014 IF 3.302)
70. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Vasi C. On some experimental reasons for an inhomogeneous structure of ambient water on the nanometer length scale in “Perspectives and Challenges in Statistical Physics and Complex Systems for the Next Decade” (2014) pp. 107-125. (Book Chapter)
71. Mallamace D., Corsaro C., Salvo A., Cicero N., Macaluso A., Giangrosso G., Ferrantelli V., Dugo G. A multivariate statistical analysis coming from the NMR metabolic profile of cherry tomatoes (The Sicilian Pachino case). Physica A 401 (2014) 112–117. (2014 IF 1.732)
72. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Leone N., Villari V., Micali N., S.H. Chen. On the ergodicity of supercooled molecular glass-forming liquids at the dynamical arrest: the o-terphenyl case. Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 3747. (2014 IF 5.578)
73. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Dugo G. A quantitative 1H HR-MAS study of the metabolic profile of the PGI cherry tomato of pachino in “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR): Theory, Applications and Technology” (2014) pp. 163-178. (Book Chapter)
2013 (10)
74. Cappello T., Mauceri A., Corsaro C., Maisano M., Parrino V., Lo Paro G., Messina G., Fasulo S. Impact of environmental pollution on caged mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis using NMR-based metabolomics. Marine Pollution Bulletin 77 (2013) 132-139. (2013 IF 2.793)
75. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E., Mallamace D., S.H. Chen. The dynamical crossover in attractive colloidal systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (2013) 214502. (2013 IF 3.122)
76. Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Lojewska J., Mallamace F., Pietronero L., Missori M. Molecular degradation of ancient documents revealed by H-1 HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy. Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 2896. (2013 IF 5.078)
77. Torre A., Trischitta F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Faggio C. Digestive cells from Mytilus galloprovincialis show a partial regulatory volume decrease following acute hypotonic stress through mechanisms involving inorganic ions. Cell Biochemistry and Function 31 (2013) 489-495. (2013 IF 2.134)
78. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E. Possible relation of water structural relaxation to water anomalies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (2013) 4899-4904. (2013 IF 9.809)
79. Corsaro C., Maisano R., Mallamace D., Dugo G. H-1 NMR study of water/methanol solutions as a function of temperature and concentration. Physica A 392 (2013) 596-601. (2013 IF 1.722)
80. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Vasi C., Stanley H.E. The thermodynamical response functions and the origin of the anomalous behavior of liquid water. Faraday Discussions 167 (2013) 95-108. (2013 IF 4.194)
81. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Micali N., Villari V., Leone N., S.H. Chen. The fragile to strong dynamical crossover in supercooled liquids. The o-terphenyl case and its ergodicity at the dynamical arrest. AIP Conference Proceedings 1518 (2013) 67-76.
82. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Transport and dynamics in supercooled confined water. Advances in Chemical Physics 152 (2013) 203-262. (Book Chapter)
83. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. Water and biological macromolecules. Advances in Chemical Physics 152 (2013) 263-308. (Book Chapter)
2012 (7)
84. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E. A singular thermodynamically consistent temperature at the origin of the anomalous behavior of liquid water. Scientific Reports 2 (2012) 993. (2012 IF 2.927)
85. Fasulo S., Iacono F., Cappello T., Corsaro C., Maisano M., D’Agata A., Giannetto A., De Domenico E., Parrino V., Lo Paro G., Mauceri A. Metabolomic investigation of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck 1819) caged in aquatic environments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 84 (2012) 139-146. (2012 IF 2.203)
86. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Baglioni P., Fratini E., Chen S.-H. The dynamical crossover phenomenon in bulk water, confined water and protein hydration water. Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 24 (2012) 064103. (2012 IF 2.355)
87. Turton D.A., Corsaro C., Martin D.F., Mallamace F., Wynne K. The dynamic crossover in water does not require bulk water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 8067-8073. (2012 IF 3.829)
88. Villari V., Micali N., Mineo P., Scamporrino E., Corsaro, C. Aggregation of porphyrin-based cyclic supramolecular architectures. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 176 (2012) 361-369. (Book Chapter)
89. Corsaro C., Spooren J., Leone N., Mallamace D., Baglioni P., Mallamace F. The kinetics of the folding/unfolding process of hydrated lysozyme studied by nuclear magnetic resonance. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 176 (2012) 325-333. (Book Chapter)
90. Villari V., Fazio B., Micali N., De Luca G., Corsaro, C., Romeo A., Scolaro L.M., Castriciano M.A., Mazzaglia A. Light scattering enhancement in porphyrin Nanocomposites. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 176 (2012) 335-340. (Book Chapter)
2011 (8)
91. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Mallamace D., Baglioni P., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. A Possible Role of Water in the Protein Folding Process. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 115 (2011) 14280-14294. (2011 IF 3.696)
92. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. The role of the dynamic crossover temperature and the arrest in glass-forming fluid. European Physical Journal E 34 (2011) 94. (2011 IF 1.944)
93. Corsaro C., Mallamace D. A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance study of the reversible denaturation of hydrated lysozyme. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (2011) 2904-2908. (2011 IF 1.373)
94. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Reply to elmatad: Supercooled viscous liquids display a fragile-to-strong dynamic crossover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (2011) 22457-22462. (2011 IF 9.681)
95. Clementi A., Aversa M.C., Corsaro C., Spooren J., Stancanelli R., O'Connor C., McNamara M., Mazzaglia A. Synthesis and characterization of a colloidal novel folic acid-beta-cyclodextrin conjugate for targeted drug delivery. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 69 (2011) 321-325. (2011 IF 1.886)
96. Mallamace F., Branca C., Corsaro C., Spooren J., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Thermodynamical properties of glass forming systems: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance analysis. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357 (2011) 286-292. (2011 IF 1.537)
97. Turton D.A., Corsaro C., Candelaresi M., Brownlie A., Seddon K.R., Mallamace F., Wynne K. The structure and terahertz dynamics of water confined in nanoscale pools in salt solutions. Faraday Discussions 150 (2011) 493-504. (2011 IF 5.000)
98. Mallamace F., Baglioni P., Corsaro C., Spooren J., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. Transport properties of supercooled confined water. Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 34 (2011) 253-388. (2011 IF 2.579)
2010 (3)
99. Mallamace F., Branca C., Corsaro C., Leone N., Spooren J., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. Transport properties of glass-forming liquids suggest that dynamic crossover temperature is as important as the glass transition temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (2010) 22457-22462. (2010 IF 9.771)
100. Mallamace F., Branca C., Corsaro C., Leone N., Spooren J., Stanley Eugene H., Chen S.-H. Dynamical crossover and breakdown of the stokes-einstein relation in confined water and in methanol-diluted bulk water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (2010) 1870-1878. (2010 IF 3.603)
101. Wanderlingh U., D'Angelo G., Conti Nibali V., Crupi C., Rifici S., Corsaro C., Sabatino G. Interaction of alcohol with phospholipid membrane: NMR and XRD investigations on DPPC-hexanol system. Spectroscopy 24 (2010) 375-380. (2010 IF 0.932)
2008 (6)
102. Mallamace F., Corsaro C., Broccio M., Branca C., Gonzalez-Segredo N., Spooren J., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E. NMR evidence of a sharp change in a measure of local order in deeply supercooled confined water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (2008) 12725-12729. (2008 IF 9.380)
103. Corsaro C., Spooren J., Branca C., Leone N., Broccio M., Kim C., Chen S.-H., Stanley H.E., Mallamace F. Clustering dynamics in water/methanol mixtures: A nuclear magnetic resonance study at 205 K < T < 295 K. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (2008) 10449-10454. (2008 IF 4.189)
104. Mallamace F., Branca C., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Gonzalez-Segredo N., Spooren J., Stanley H.E., Chen S.-H. Transport properties of supercooled confined water. European Physical Journal: Special Topics 161 (2008) 19-33. (2008 IF 0.689)
105. Telling M.T.F., Corsaro C., Wanderlingh U.N., Middendorf H.D. Low-temperature dynamics of hydrated peptides. Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 245-249. (2008 IF 1.961)
106. Majolino D., Corsaro C., Crupi V., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Water diffusion in nanoporous glass: An NMR study at different hydration levels. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (2008) 3927-3930. (2008 IF 4.189)
107. D'angelo G., Wanderlingh U., Nibali V.C., Crupi C., Corsaro C., Di Marco G. Physical study of dynamics in fully hydrated phospholipid bilayers. Philosophical Magazine 88 (2008) 4033-4046. (2008 IF 1.384)
2007 (3)
108. Mallamace F., Branca C., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.-H. The anomalous behavior of the density of water in the range 30 K < T < 373 K. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (2007) 18387-18391. (2007 IF 9.598)
109. Mallamace F., Chen S.-H., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Crupi V., Majolino D., Venuti V., Baglioni P., Fratini E., Vannucci C., Stanley H.E. Role of the solvent in the dynamical transitions of proteins: The case of the lysozyme-water system. Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (2007) 45104. (2007 IF 3.044)
110. Mallamace F., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Majolino D., Venuti V., Liu L., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.-H. Evidence of the existence of the low-density liquid phase in supercooled, confined water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (2007) 424-428. (2007 IF 9.598)
2006 (5)
111. Mallamace F., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Liu L., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.-H. Dynamical properties of confined supercooled water: An NMR study. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 18 (2006) S2285-S2297. (2006 IF 2.038)
112. Chen S.-H., Mallamace F., Mou C.-Y., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Liu L. The violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (2006) 12974-12978. (2006 IF 9.643)
113. Mallamace F., Broccio M., Corsaro C., Faraone A., Wanderlingh U., Liu L., Mou C.-Y., Chen S.H. The fragile-to-strong dynamic crossover transition in confined water: Nuclear magnetic resonance results. Journal of Chemical Physics 124 (2006) 161102. (2006 IF 3.166)
114. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Majolino D., Parker S.F., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Inelastic neutron scattering study of water in hydrated LTA-type zeolites. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110 (2006) 1190-1195. (2006 IF 3.047)
115. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Majolino D., Migliardo P., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U., Mizota T., Telling M. Diffusive dynamics of water in ion-exchanged zeolites. Molecular Physics 104 (2006) 587-598. (2006 IF 1.690)
2005 (2)
116. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Longo F., Majolino D., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Mobility of water in Linde type A synthetic zeolites: An inelastic neutron scattering study. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 17 (2005) 7925-7934. (2005 IF 2.145)
117. Corsaro C., Crupi V., Longo F., Majolino D., Venuti V., Wanderlingh U. Elastic neutron scattering study of water dynamics in ion-exchanged type- A zeolites. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2005) 61504. (2005 IF 2.418)
2004 (3)
118. Corsaro C., Parker S.F. Vibrational spectroscopy of maleimide. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (2004) e591-e593. (2004 IF 0.679)
119. Renou J.-P., Foucat L., Corsaro C., Ollivier J., Zanotti J.-M., Middendorf H.D. Dynamics of collagen from bovine connective tissues Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (2004) e631-e633. (2004 IF 0.679)
120. Branca C., Corsaro C., Frusteri F., Magazu V., Mangione A., Migliardo F., Wanderlingh U. Structural and vibrational properties of carbon nanotubes by TEM and infrared spectroscopy. Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 1249-1253. (2004 IF 1.670)
2003 (1)
121. Wanderlingh U.N., Corsaro C., Hayward R.L., Bee M., Middendorf H.D. Proton mobilities in crambin and glutathione S-transferase. Chemical Physics 292 (2003) 445. (2003 IF 2.070)
Settori (9)
Descrizione linee ricerca (3)
Caratterizzazione fisico-chimica di micro- e nano-sistemi
Studio delle proprietà chimico-fisiche di sistemi complessi (gel, polimeri, macromolecole di interesse biologico, ecc.)
Studio delle proprietà dinamiche e termodinamiche di acqua e soluzioni acquose
No Results Found
Referente di
Laboratorio Soft Matter
LaboratorioPartecipa a (3)
Laboratorio Spettroscopia Nonlineare
LaboratorioLaboratorio Spettroscopia Ottica MNS
LaboratorioMicro e Nanosistemi
GruppoPubblicazioni (158)
Premi e riconoscimenti (3)
Prime Migliori Comunicazioni 104° Congresso Nazionale SIF (Sezione 2 – Fisica della materia),
conferito da Società Italiana di Fisica - 2018
Giovani Ricercatori,
conferito da Università degli Studi di Messina - 2010
Cozzarelli Prize,
conferito da National Academy of Sciences - 2007
No Results Found
Altri titoli
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Public Engagement (40)
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Partecipazione al Progetto Erasmus KA2 “Forest Fire Prevention” dell'IIS Medi di Barcellona P. G. (ME) - 2024
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra - Università di Messina (13/03/2024 - 13/03/2024) 20240313
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Partecipante)
- MEDNIGHT - La Notte Mediterranea delle Ricercatrici ed. 2023
Rettorato dell'Università degli Studi di Messina (29/09/2023 - ) 20230929
Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche, pedagogiche e degli studi culturali
Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Dipartimento di Economia
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Partecipante)
- Final Archimede PCTO-Day
Aula Magna V.Ricevuto, Polo Papardo (30/05/2023 - 30/05/2023) 20230530
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Promotore)
- Attività laboratoriali di Fluidodinamica (Esperimenti di Fisica, PCTO 2022-2023)
Laboratorio di Didattica della Fisica, Polo Papardo, Università degli Studi di Messina (24/05/2023 - 24/05/2023) 20230524
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Promotore)
- Attività laboratoriali di Meccanica (Esperimenti di Fisica, PCTO 2022-2023)
Laboratorio di Didattica della Fisica, Polo Papardo, Università degli Studi di Messina (19/04/2023 - 19/04/2023) 20230419
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- Laboratorio di elettricità e magnetismo
Locali del Dipartimento MIFT (17/04/2023 - 17/04/2023) 20230417
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- Laboratorio di elettricità e magnetismo
Locali del Dipartimento MIFT (03/04/2023 - 03/04/2023) 20230403
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Laboratori di FISICA per il Piano Lauree Scientifiche (PLS): Energia; Scuola "Sciascia-Fermi"
Laboratorio dipartimento MIFT (31/03/2023 - 31/03/2023) 20230331
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Partecipazione al Progetto Erasmus KA2 “Forest Fire Prevention” dell'IIS Medi di Barcellona P. G. (ME)
Seminario on line (31/03/2023 - 31/03/2023) 20230331
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- Laboratorio di elettricità e magnetismo
Locali del Dipartimento MIFT (24/03/2023 - 24/03/2023) 20230324
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- MEDNIGHT - Researchers back to school: Istituto “Galileo Galilei” – Spadafora
Istituto “Galileo Galilei” – Spadafora (20/03/2023 - 20/03/2023) 20230320
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Laboratori di FISICA per il Piano Lauree Scientifiche (PLS): Energia; Scuola "Caminiti"
Laboratorio del dipartimento MIFT (16/03/2023 - 04/05/2023) 20230316
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Laboratori di FISICA per il Piano Lauree Scientifiche (PLS): Energia; Scuola "Vitt. Em. II"
Laboratori del dipartimento MIFT (08/03/2023 - 08/03/2023) 20230308
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Progetto “Pillole di Scienza”, Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento, sviluppato con il Liceo Scientifico Leonardo Da Vinci, Reggio Calabria
Liceo Scientifico "Leonardo Da Vinci", Reggio Calabria (27/02/2023 - 28/03/2023) 20230227
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Laboratori di FISICA per il Piano Lauree Scientifiche (PLS): Energia; Scuola "Archimede" - Messina
Dipartimento MIFT (23/02/2023 - 23/02/2023) 20230223
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Partecipazione alla V Edizione del Festival della Cultura Scientifica presso il Liceo Caminiti Trimarchi a Giardini Naxos (ME)
Giardini Naxos (ME) (22/02/2023 - 24/02/2023) 20230222
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- e-Laboratory
Locali del Dipartimento MIFT (10/02/2023 - 24/02/2023) 20230210
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Responsabile scientifico)
- Attività laboratoriali e di orientamento del Dipartimento MIFT all'interno del progetto "Consapevolmente" A.A. 2022/2023
Locali del Dipartimento MIFT (01/02/2023 - 31/08/2023) 20230201
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Un giorno da ricercatore
Polo Papardo, Università degli Studi di Messina (01/02/2023 - 01/02/2023) 20230201
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- MEDNIGHT - Researchers back to school
Varie scuole superiori della città e della provincia di Messina (01/01/2023 - ) 20230101
Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Crescita professionale dei docenti della Scuola Secondaria Superiore (PLS 2022-2023)
Laboratori didattici dell' Istituto Scolastico "Liceo Scientifico Archimede" (Messina) (16/12/2022 - ) 20221216
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore, Responsabile scientifico)
- Partecipazione del CdL in Fisica-Unime alla settimana di PCTO presso il Liceo Lucio Piccolo di Capo D'Orlando (ME)
Liceo Lucio Piccolo di Capo D'Orlando (ME) (12/12/2022 - 17/12/2022) 20221212
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- PCTO dal titolo 'Potenziamento Laboratoriale' rivolto a ragazzi del Liceo Classico "La Farina"
Università degli Studi di Messina, Polo Papardo. (27/10/2022 - 25/05/2023) 20221027
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- PCTO dal titolo 'Potenziamento Laboratoriale' rivolto ai ragazzi della classe 3I del Liceo Scientifico Archmede
Università degli Studi di Messina (26/10/2022 - 24/05/2023) 20221026
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Relatore)
- MEDNIGHT - La Notte Mediterranea delle Ricercatrici
Università degli Studi di Messina (30/09/2022 - 30/09/2022) 20220930
Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche, pedagogiche e degli studi culturali
Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Dipartimento di Economia
Universita' degli Studi di Messina
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Relatore)
- Un Plastiquiz sull’impatto delle plastiche nell’ambiente marino
Rettorato dell'Università di Messina (30/09/2022 - 30/09/2022) 20220930
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di concerti, spettacoli teatrali, rassegne cinematografiche, eventi sportivi, mostre, esposizioni e altri eventi di pubblica utilità aperti alla comunità (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- Festival Cosmos 2022
Reggio Calabria (28/09/2022 - 02/10/2022) 20220928
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di concerti, spettacoli teatrali, rassegne cinematografiche, eventi sportivi, mostre, esposizioni e altri eventi di pubblica utilità aperti alla comunità (Partecipante)
- APE_Ganzirri Challenge Regatta
Lago di Ganzirri (Messina) (15/05/2022 - 15/05/2022) 20220515
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Un giorno da Ricercatore
UNIVERSITA' DI MESSINA - POLO PAPARDO (10/05/2022 - 10/05/2022) 20220510
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- Un giorno da Ricercatore
Polo Papardo Universitòà degli Studi di Messina (30/03/2022 - 30/03/2022) 20220330
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Attività di orientamento per i Licei Maurolico e Galilei
Piattaforma telematica gestita dall'istituto ospitante (22/03/2022 - 22/03/2022) 20220322
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore, Relatore)
- PCTO con il Liceo "Da Vinci" di Reggio Calabria "L'università incontra la scuola: laboratori giuridici-scientifici"
Piattaforma Teams unme collegata con la scuola (07/02/2022 - 31/03/2022) 20220207
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Dipartimento di Economia
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Relatore)
- APE_Sea in SHELL (Sea in Science, Health, Environment, Literature, Law & economy) - Evento Associato alla European Researchers' Night 2021
Campus di Scienze - Papardo e Parco Horcynus Orca - Torre Faro (24/09/2021 - 24/09/2021) 20210924
Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche, pedagogiche e degli studi culturali
Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Dipartimento di Economia
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- DiffondiMIFT
Lic. "E.Medi", IIS "I.C.E. Vainicher", Lic. "G. Galilei", Lic. “V. Emanuele III", Lic. "M.Guerrisi", Lic. "Archimede", Lic. "Pizi", Ist. "Sant'Ignatio", Lic. "La Farina", IIS "C.Duilio", MIFT UniME (23/10/2019 - 20/02/2020) 20191023
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Licei Matematici
Liceo Scientifico Archimede di Messina, Liceo Scientifico "E. Medi " di Barcellona (ME), Liceo Classico "La Farina" di Messina, Dipartimento MIFT dell'Università di Messina. (08/10/2019 - 18/02/2020) 20191008
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Open Day 29 maggio 2019
Dipartimento MIFT Università degli Studi di Messina (29/05/2019 - 29/05/2019) 20190529
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Realizzazione di un Progetto di Alternanza Scuola/Lavoro con la classe IV D del Liceo Scientifico Statale Archimede di Messina (ME)
Liceo Scientifico Statale Archimede e Diipartimento MIFT dell'Università di Messina (ME) (22/02/2019 - 29/05/2019) 20190222
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Seminari divulgativi a carattere laboratoriale tenuti presso il liceo scientifico E.Medi di Barcellona (ME) in data 29 gennaio e 16 aprile 2019
Liceo scientifico E.Medi di Barcellona (ME) (29/01/2019 - 16/04/2019) 20190129
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Relatore)
- MedQuiz
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Un giorno da ricercatore
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
No Results Found
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (5)
Secondo Semestre (17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
60 ore
CICLO ANNUALE (16/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE (01/10/2024 - 31/05/2025)
- 2024
Corso di Dottorato (D.M.226/2021)
12 ore
CICLO ANNUALE (16/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
12 CFU
96 ore
No Results Found