DE PASQUALE Massimiliano
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Curriculum De Pasquale September 2023 v2.pdf (Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum)
Massimiliano De Pasquale, PhD
Dipartimento of Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche Informatiche e Scienze della Terra
Universita’ di Messina, Polo Papardo, Via F. S. D’Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina Italy
e-mail: Tel.: +39 (0)90 6765462
Educazione ed Impieghi
2021 – presente: Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato su chiamata dell’University of Messina.
2016 – 2021: Assistant Professor all’Universita’ di Istanbul, Dipartmento di Astronomia e Science dello Spazio. Contratto rinnovato annualmente.
2015 – 2016: Research Associate – Swift UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT) Instrument Scientist at Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London (MSSL-UCL), UK.
2014 – 2015: Posizione post-doctoral per la missione Swift all’Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Palermo
2013 – 2014: Research Associate – Swift/UVOT Instrument Scientist at MSSL-UCL.
2011 – 2012: Post-Doctoral Research Scholar alla Universita’ del Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.
2004 – 2011: Swift Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at MSSL-UCL.
2003 – 2004: Ricercatore, Istituto di Astrofisica spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Roma.
1999 – 2002: Dottorato di ricerca (con borsa) Fisica conseguito presso l’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
1993 – 1999: Laurea in Fisica presso l’Università’ di Messina
Principali campi di lavoro
Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs): “central engine”, Fisica dell’emissione delle prime fasi e specialmente delle fasi successive, struttura e geometria dei getti, connessione tra GRBs e supernovae, uso di queste sorgenti per studiare, dal punto di vista cosmologico, l’ambiente locale e le galassie ospiti dei GRBs.
Ricerca di controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti compatte di onde gravitazionali (GWs). Fondatore e capo del gruppo “Follow-up of GW Transients from Anatolia”, con astronomi Turchi.
Capacita’ tecnico-scientifiche
Riduzione di dati e fotometria: BeppoSAX Medium Energy e Low Energy Concentrator Spectrometers (MECS, LECS), Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT) e UV/Optical Telescope.
Utente proficient degli Ftools (inclusi specifici tools della missione Swift), compreso Xspec.
Compiti di osservazione in “real time” ed a successive riprese di GRBs e sorgenti compatte di GWs.
Proficiente in Fortran F77 e Basic. Conoscenza di lavoro di IDL e Python.
Risultati scientifici
121 pubblicazioni con referee in riviste del settore internazionale quali MNRAS, ApJ, Nature, Science; 11 delle quali come primo autore.
21 pubblicazioni without peer-review, and more than 250 Gamma-ray Burst Coordinates Network (GCN) Circulars, Reports and Astronomical Telegram
H-index: 40; il numero totale di citazione dei miei lavori e’ circa 9000 (fonte NASA/ADS, 13/06/22).
Membro del Team della missione Swift, consorzi ENGRAVE and STARGATE, ePESSTO+ (gruppo GRB), del Gruppo Italiano per osservazioni di burst nell’ottico (CIBO), collaborazione con il team della missione BeppoSAX, membro di gruppi di lavoro “SWG 2.6: Luminous Extragalactic Transients” e “MWG5.6: Targets of Opportunity” delle missioni ATHENA, del Working Group 4 “Observatory Science” and 5 “Synergy with GWs” della enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry missione e-XTP, “contributing scientist” e membro dei gruppi di lavoro “SWG2: Gravitational waves and multi-messenger Astrophysics” e "SWG1: Exploring the early Universe with GRBs per la missione THESEUS"
Proposals approvati in qualita’ di Principal Investigator (negli ultimi 7 anni)
Dal 2017 al 2020: T100 TÜBİTAK National Observatory, “Kilonovae as electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave detections”
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope: “IR observations of the exceptional host of GRB 130907A as a way to shed light on the mechanism of GRB production”, 2020.
Swift/XRT “GRB 150818A as an intermediate event between the low-luminosity, shock break-out powered GRBs and ultra-relativistic, high luminosity GRBs.”, 2015
Swift/XRT: “GRB 150206A and the nature of central engine in GRBs.”, 2015.
XMM AO-14: "Into Unknown Territory: late XMM-Newton observations of GRB 130427A.", 2015
XMM AO-14: "Late X-ray observations to unveil the non-forward shock components in GRB afterglows”, 2015-17
XMM AO-17: “Late X-ray observations to unveil non-Forward Shock components in GRB afterglow”, 2018-21
Piu' importantri proposals approvati in qualita’ di co-Investigator (negli ultimi 7 anni)
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, AOT-36, 37 (come DDT), 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45 (2017/18, 2018 (come DDT), 2019, 2019/20, 2020, 2021, 2021/22, 2022) su osservazioni di afterglows di GRBs
ALMA, Cycle 3, 4, 6, 7 (2015/16, 2016/17, 2018/19, 2019/2020), con lo scopo di una migliore comprensione degli afterglows dei Gamma-ray Bursts.
ALMA, Cycle 7 (2019/20) "The properties of compact-object mergers detected by LIGO and VIRGO". Partecipazione come membro ENGRAVE
Very Large Telescope (VLT), Periodi da 102 al 109 (2018-2022) con il goal di studiare le controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti di onde gravitazionali, come kilonovae e possibili afterglows. Partecipazione come membro ENGRAVE
VLT STARGATE. Periodi da 102 a 109 (2018/22). Scopo: studiare gli afterglows e l'ambiente circum-burst. Partecipazione come membro STARGATE
HST Ciclo 26, 27, 28 (2018-2021). Sullo studio di transienti ottici collegati all'emissione di onde gravitazionali. Partecipazione come membro ENGRAVE
T100 Telescope of the TÜBİTAK National Observatory, 2017-2020. Sul rinvenire di "kilonovae" come controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti di onde gravitazionali.
Ulteriori Responsabilita’ ed attività professionali
Abilitazione da parte del Ministero dell’Educazione, Universita’ e Ricerca per poter applicare per posizioni di professore associato in università italiane, valida dal 16/10/2017.
Referee for per Astronomy & Astrophysics, The Astrophysical Journal, Proceedings of Science.
Membro dell’Editorial Board of Galaxies journal.
Reviewer per: NASA Post-doctoral Program, UK PPARC Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Panel, UK Space and Technology Facility Council, mid-Cycle HST proposals, East Asian Observatory per assegnare tempo macchina al JCMT, Swift Guest Investigator Program.
Presidente dello Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) per la “Gamma-ray Bursts: illuminating the extreme and distant Universe” Symposium at European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) 2016, Athens; membro del SOC Chair for the “GRBs, energetic SNe & compact object mergers: the extreme physics of stellar deaths from low to high redshift” Special Session at the EWASS 2019, Lyon.
Progetti, Grants e Awards
2019-2022 PI of the 3-year TÜBITAK Project 119F073 “Understanding the multi-messenger physics of neutron star mergers and gamma-ray bursts”. Fondi per circa 430000 Lire Turche (60,000 euro all’epoca), per assunzione di personale e macchinario. "PI-ship" interrotta dal 2021 per fuoriuscita dalla Turchia, continua la consulenza "esterna".
2007-2012 Rolling Grant dal UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (fondi per 5 years di salario e ricerca).
2018 – agosto 2021 Principal Investigator del Progetto “Study of GRB Physics with the ESA next flagship mission Athena” alla Istanbul University, in collaborazione con l’Universita di Amsterdam, con incluse spese per viaggio e pubblicazione.
Termina la "PI"-ship formale causa fuoriuscita dalla Turchia, continua la "direzione esterna". Relazione finale consegnata a gennaio 2022.
Divulgazione Scientifica (solo ultimi 7 anni)
MSSL Astronomy Blog - “The brightest explosion detected by Swift”; and “The exceptionally long follow-up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A: what it means for GRB Physics.”
“Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences Massimiliano De Pasquale and colleagues detected gravitational waves in gamma rays” (in Turkish); siti web della IU e della sua Faculta' of Scienze.
Esperienza di insegnamento, tutoring e mentoring (solo gli ultimi 7 anni)
2021 – 2022 Corsi di Astronomia (96 h / semestre ) per studenti di laurea quinquennale all’Universita’ di Messina.
2022 – Tutor della Roberta Panto', studente laurea triennale in Fisica presso l'Università di Messina, per un corso di introduzione all'Astrofisica.
2019 – 2021 Insegnamento di Fisica I e II per studenti di laurea triennale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Forestali e per studenti di laurea triennale al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della Universita’ di Istanbul (48 e 24 h / semestre rispettivamente).
2016 – 2019 Insegnamento di Fisica I e II per studenti di laurea triennale al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della IU (36 h / semestre)
2016 – 2021 Corso sui GRBs (~12 h) per studenti di laurea e di dottorato al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della IU
2018 – presente Co-supervisione di uno studente di dottorato in Astronomia allo stesso Dipartmento, con tesi su controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti di onde gravitazionali.
2015. Serie di lezioni sull’Astronomia dei GRBs per post-doc.
Talks and seminars given at conferences and research institutes (last 7 years only; 37 in total)
"Unraveling the energetics of a magnetar-powered burst: GRB 130831A", seminario all’istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale di Milano, 2015.
“GRB 130831A: Rise and demise of a magnetar at z = 0.5”, talk at 14th M. Grossman Meeting, 2015.
“GRB 130831: Rise and fall of a magnetar at z=0.5”, talk at “New Results in X-ray Astronomy” Workshop, 2015, Leicester, UK.
“Challenging the forward shock model with the 80 Ms follow up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A”, talkall’European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, luglio 2016.
“Multi-wavelength observation of long GRBs and host galaxies”, solicited talk at the 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, luglio-agosto 2016, Istanbul, Turkey (assemblea cancellata).
“The 80 Ms X-ray light-curve of the exceptional GRB 130427A”, seminar al Trieste Astrophysical Observatory, Trieste, Italy, settembre 2016.
“The 80 Ms X-ray light-curve of the extraordinary GRB 130427A”, seminar al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della IU, settembre 2016.
“The 80 Ms Follow Up of the X-ray Afterglow of GRB 130427A: Consequences for the Proposed Models and the Forward Shock Scenario”, talk al Eighth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, Huntsville, USA, ottobrr 2016.
“A strong test for the forward shock model in GRBs: the 90 Ms follow up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A”, talk al “THE X-RAY UNIVERSE 2017”, Roma, giugno 2017
“The GRB130427A afterglow as a test for GRB models”, invited talk al Frascati Workshop 2017 – ‘Multifrequency behaviour of high-energy sources XII’, Palermo, Italy, June 2017.
“GRB Afterglows – a review”, invited talk at Frascati Workshop 2019 - Multifrequency behaviour of high-energy sources XIII’”, held in Palermo, Italy, June 2019 (partecipazione non possibile).
Pubblicazioni con referee (solo gli ultimi 15 anni).
Holland S., Boyd P., Gorosabel J., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Optical, Infrared, and Ultraviolet Observations of the X-Ray Flash XRF 050416A” 2007, AJ, 133, 122.
Schady P., Mason K.O., Page M., De Pasquale M., et al. “Dust and gas in the local environments of Gamma-ray Bursts” 2007, MNRAS 377, 273.
De Pasquale M., Oates S., Page M., et al. “Early afterglow detection in the Swift observations of GRB050801” 2007a, MNRAS 377, 1638.
Page K., Willingale R., Osborne J., …, De Pasquale M., et al. "GRB 061121: Broadband Spectral Evolution through the Prompt and Afterglow Phases of a Bright Burst" 2007, ApJ, 663, 1125.
De Pasquale M., Oates S., Beardmore A., et al. “Energy injection in GRB afterglows: the cases of Swift GRBs 050401, 050801 and 050802” 2007, “The multicolored landscape of compact objects and their explosive origins”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 924, 437.
Oates S.; Mundell C.; Piranomonte S., …, De Pasquale M, et al. “Understanding the Nature of Dark Bursts with the Afterglow of GRB 060108” 2007, “The multicolored landscape of compact objects and their explosive origins”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 924, 449.
Oates S., De Pasquale M., Page M., et al. “The two component afterglow of Swift GRB050802” 2007, MNRAS 380, 270.
Schady P.; De Pasquale M., Page M., et al. “Extreme properties of GRB061007: a highly energetic or a highly collimated burst?” 2007, MNRAS 380, 1041.
Poole T., Breeveld A., Page M., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Photometric calibration of the Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope” 2008, MNRAS, 383, 627.
Starling R., O'Brien P., Willingale R., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift captures the spectrally evolving prompt emission of GRB070616” 2008, MNRAS, 84, 504.
Schady P., De Pasquale M., Page M., et al. “Extreme Properties of GRB 061007: a highly energetic or a highly collimated burst?” 2008 “GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1000, 200.
De Pasquale M., Oates S.; Page M., et al. “Challenging the current model for the GRB canonical afterglow lightcurve.” 2008, “GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1000, 463.
Schady P., Mason K. O., Page M., De Pasquale, M., et al. “Gas-to-Dust Ratios in GRB Host Galaxies” 2008, “GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1000, 505.
Soderberg A., Berger E., Page K., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “An extremely luminous X-ray outburst at the birth of a supernova” 2008, Nature, 453, 469.
Morgan A., Vanden Berk D., Roming P., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Optimal Co-Addition of Imaging Data for Rapidly Fading Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows” 2008, ApJ, 683, 913.
Roming P., Koch T., Oates S., … ; De Pasquale M., et al. “The First Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope GRB Afterglow Catalog” 2009, ApJ, 690, 163.
De Pasquale M., Evans P., Oates S., “Jet breaks at the end of the slow decline phase of Swift light curves” 2009, MNRAS, 392, 153.
De Pasquale M., Evans P., Oates S., et al. “Jet breaks at the end of the plateau phase of Swift GRB lightcurves” 2009, “Probing Stellar Populations out to the distant Universe”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1111, 379.
Oates, S., Page M., Schady, P., De Pasquale M., et al. “A statistical study of Gamma-ray Burst afterglow measured by the Swift Ultraviolet Optical Telescope” 2009, MNRAS, 395, 490.
Kuin N., Landsman W., Page M., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 081203A: Swift UVOT captures the earliest ultraviolet spectrum of a gamma-ray burst” 2009, MNRAS Letters, 395, 21.
Salvaterra R., Della Valle M., Campana, S., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 090423 reveals an exploding star at the epoch of re-ionization” 2009, Nature, 461, 1258.
Curran P., Evans P., De Pasquale M., et al. “On the electron energy distribution index of Swift GRBs” 2010, ApJL, 716, 135.
De Pasquale M., Schady P., …, Fermi GBM and LAT collaborations “Swift and Fermi observations of the early afterglow of the short Gamma-Ray Burst 090510” 2010, ApJ Letters, 709, 146.
Schady P., Page M., Oates S., …, De Pasquale M.; et al. “Dust and Metal Column Densities in Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies” 2010, MNRAS, 401, 2773.
Starling R., Wiersema K., Levan A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Discovery of the nearby long, soft GRB 100316D with an associated supernova” 2011, MNRAS, 411, 2792.
Swenson C.; Maxham A.; Roming P., …, De Pasquale M. “GRB 090926A and Bright Late-time Fermi Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows” 2010, ApJL 718, 14.
Breeveld A. A., Curran P.A., Hoversten E.A, …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “Further Calibration of the Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope” 2010, MNRAS, 406, 1687.
De Pasquale M., Oates S., Roming P., Page M., et al. on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team “Chromatic evolution in GRB afterglows” 2010, “The Shocking Universe”, Italian Physical Society Conference Proceedings, 102, 141.
Oates S., Page M., Schady P., De Pasquale M., et al. “A Statistical Comparison of the Optical/UV and X-ray Afterglows of Gamma-ray Bursts using the Swift Ultra-violet Optical and X-ray Telescopes” 2011, MNRAS, 412, 561.
Marshall F., Antonelli L.A., Burrows D., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “The Late Peaking Afterglow of GRB 100418A” 2011, ApJ, 727, 132.
Curran P., Starling R., van der Horst A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Testing the blast wave model with Swift GRBs” 2011, AdSR, 47, 1362.
Den Herder J., Piro L., Ohashi T., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “ORIGIN: metal creation and evolution from the cosmic dawn” 2012, Experimental Astronomy, Springer.
Racusin J., Oates S., Schady P., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Fermi and Swift Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Population Studies” 2011, ApJ, 738, 138.
De Pasquale M., Evans P., Oates, S., et al. “Can a double component outflow explain the X-ray and optical lightcurves of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts?” 2011, AdSR, 48, 1411.
Thöne C., de Ugarte Postigo A., Fryer C., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “The unusual gamma-ray burst GRB101225A from a helium star merger at redshift 0.33” 2011, Nature, 480, 72.
Schady P., Dwelly T., Page M., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “The dust extinction curves of gamma-ray burst host galaxies” 2012, A&A, 537, 15.
Holland S., De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 081029: A Gamma-ray Burst with a Multi-component Afterglow” 2012, ApJ, 745, 41.
Brown P. J., Dawson K.S., De Pasquale M., et al. “A Swift Look at SN 2011fe: The Earliest Ultraviolet Observations of a Type Ia Supernova” 2012, ApJ, 753, 22.
Zheng W.; Shen R. F., Sakamoto T., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Panchromatic observations of the textbook GRB 110205A: constraining physical mechanisms of prompt emission and afterglow” 2012, ApJ, 751, 90.
Oates S., Bayless, A., Stritzinger, M., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “Multiwavelength observations of the Type IIb supernova 2009mg” 2012, MNRAS, 412, 561.
De Pasquale M., Kuin N., Oates S., et al. “GRB100814A as a member of the growing set of bursts with sudden optical rebrightening”, Proceedings of “Fermi-Swift 2012 GRB conference” 2012, PoS 68.
Oates S., Page M., De Pasquale M. “An intrinsic correlation between GRB optical/UV afterglow brightness and decay rate”, Proceedings of “Fermi-Swift 2012 GRB conference” 2012, PoS 60.
Oates, S., Page, M., De Pasquale, M. “A correlation between intrinsic brightness and average decay rate of Swift UVOT GRB optical/UV light curves” 2012, MNRAS Letters, 426, 86.
Swenson, C., Roming, P., De Pasquale, M., et al. "GRB Flares: UV/Optical Flaring (Paper I)" 2013, ApJ, 774, 2.
De Pasquale M., Schulze S., Oates S., et al. “Physical properties of rapidly-decaying afterglows” 2013, Proc. of “Gamma-ray Bursts: 15 years of GRB afterglows”, Spain. EAS Pub. Series, Vol 61, 217.
Stratta G.; Gendre B; Atteia J.L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “The ultra-long GRB 111209A - II. Prompt to afterglow and afterglow properties” 2013, ApJ, 779, 66.
Page M.J., Kuin N.P.M., …., De Pasquale M., et al. “The use and calibration of read-out streaks to increase the dynamic range of the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope” 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1684.
Maselli A., Melandri A., Nava L., …, De Pasquale M, et al. “GRB130427A: a Nearby Ordinary Monster” 2014, Science, 343, 48.
de Ugarte Postigo A., Thoene C., Rowlinson A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “The host galaxy and environment of a neutron star merger” 2014, A&A, 563, 62.
M. De Pasquale, N. P. Kuin, S. Oates, et al. “The optical rebrightening of GRB100814A: an interplay of forward and reverse shocks?” 2015, MNRAS, 449, 1024.
Brown P., Kuin P., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Ultraviolet Observations of Super-Chandrasekhar Mass Type Ia Supernova Candidates with Swift UVOT” 2014, ApJ, 787, 29.
S. R. Oates, J. Racusin, M. De Pasquale, et al., “Exploring the behaviour of long gamma-ray bursts with intrinsic afterglow correlations” 2014, Proceedings of Science, Proceedings of Swift: 10 Years of Discovery (SWIFT 10), 94.
Symeonidis M., Oates S. R., De Pasquale M., et al. “Herschel/PACS observations of the host galaxy of GRB 031203” 2014, MNRAS Letters, 443, 124.
P. Brown, M. T. Smitka, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. Swift Ultraviolet Observations of Supernova 2014J in M82: Large Extinction from Interstellar Dust 2015, ApJ, 805, 74.
Kuin, N. P. M.; Landsman, W. ; Breeveld, A. A.; …; De Pasquale, M. “Calibration of the Swift-UVOT ultraviolet and visible grisms” 2015, MNRAS, 449, 2514.
M. De Pasquale, S. R. Oates, J. L. Racusin, et al. “GRB 130831A: birth and death of a magnetar at z=0.5” 2015, Proceedings of Science, Proc. of “Swift: 10 Years of Discovery” (Swift 10), 071.
S. R. Oates, J. L. Racusin, M. De Pasquale, et al. “Exploring the canonical behaviour of long gamma-ray bursts using an intrinsic multi-wavelength afterglow correlation.” 2015, MNRAS, 453, 4121.
M. De Pasquale, S. Oates; J. Racusin; et al. “The central engine of GRB 130831A and the energy breakdown of a relativistic explosion” 2016, MNRAS, 455, 1027.
J. L. Racusin, S. Oates, M. De Pasquale, D. Kocevski “A Correlation between the Intrinsic Brightness and Average Decay Rate of Gamma-Ray Burst X-Ray Afterglow Light Curves” 2016, ApJ, 826, 45.
M. De Pasquale, M. Page, D. Kann, et al. “The 80 Ms follow-up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A challenges the standard forward shock model” 2016, MNRAS 462, 1111.
D'Aì, A., Evans P. A., Burrows D. N., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “Evidence for the magnetar nature of 1E 161348-5055 in RCW 103” 2016, MNRAS, 463, 2394.
De Pasquale M.; Page M.; Kann D. A.; et al. “Challenging the Forward Shock Model with the 80 Ms Follow up of the X-ray Afterglow of Gamma-Ray Burst 130427A” 2017, Proc. of “EWASS 2016”, Galaxies, 5, 6.
Oates, S., Racusin, J., De Pasquale M., Kocevski D., Page M., et al. “Exploring the Behaviour of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with Intrinsic Afterglow Correlations: log L200s - α>200s” 2017, Proc. of “EWASS 2016”, Galaxies, 5, 4.
Roming P. W. A.; Koch T.S.; Oates S.R.; … De Pasquale, M., et al. “A Large Catalog of Homogeneous Ultra-Violet/Optical GRB Afterglows: Temporal and Spectral Evolution” 2017, ApJS, 228, 13.
S. Kim, S. Schulze, … M. De Pasquale, et al. “ALMA and GMRT constraints on the off-axis gamma-ray burst 170817A from the binary neutron star merger GW170817” 2017, ApJ Letters, 850, 21
Abbott B.P., Abbott R., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger”, 2017, ApJL, 848, 12
Evans P., Cenko S.B., Kennea J.A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift and NuSTAR observations of GW170817: Detection of a blue kilonova” 2017, Science, 358, 1565.
Schulze S.; Krühler T.; Leloudas G., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Cosmic evolution and metal aversion in superluminous supernova host galaxies“ 2018, MNRAS 473, 1258
M. De Pasquale, M. Page, D. Kann, et al. “GRB 130427A afterglow: a test for GRB models” 2018, Proceedings of Science, Volume 306, Proc. of “XII Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources Workshop (MULTIF2017)”.
Amati L., O’Brien P., Götz D., …, De Pasquale M., …, et al. “The THESEUS space mission concept: science case, design and expected performances” 2018, AdSpR, 62, 191.
Stratta G., Ciolfi R., Amati L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “THESEUS: a key space mission concept for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics” 2018, AdSpR, 62, 662.
D’Elia V., Campana S., D’Ai A., De Pasquale M., Emery S., et al., “GRB 171205 / SN 2017iuk: a local low-luminosity gamma-ray burst” 2018, A&A, 619, 66.
De Ugarte Postigo A., Thoene C., Bolmer J., ..., De Pasquale, M., et al. “X-Shooter and ALMA spectroscopy of GRB 161023A – A study of metals and molecules in the line of sight towards a luminous GRB” 2018, A&A 620, 119.
Resmi L., Schulze S., Ishwara-Chandra C.-H, …, De Pasquale M., et al. “ Low frequency view of GW 170817/GRB 170817A with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope” 2018, ApJ 867, 57.
Oates S.R., Motta S., Beardmore A. P., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift UVOT observations of the 2015 outburst of V404 Cygni“ 2019, MNRAS, 488, 4843.
In’t Zand J. J. M., Bozzo E., Qu J.L., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Observatory science with eXTP”, 2019, SCPMA 62, 29506
N. P. M. Kuin, K. Wu, S. Oates, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. “Swift spectra of AT2018cow: A White Dwarf Tidal Disruption Event?” 2019, MNRAS, 487, 2505
M. De Pasquale “The host galaxies of short GRBs as probes of their progenitor properties” Galaxies Special Issue “Observations and Theory of Short GRBs at the Dawn of the Gravitational Wave Era” 2019, Galaxies (Special Issue), 7, 30
S. Emery, M. Page, A. Breeveld, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. “The early optical afterglow and non-thermal components of GRB 060218” 2019, MNRAS 484, 5484.
Ashall C.; Mazzali P.A., Pian E., … De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 161219B/SN2016jca: a powerful stellar collapse” 2019, MNRAS, 487, 5824
Page, M. J., Oates, S. R., De Pasquale, M., et al. “A study of gamma-ray burst afterglows as they first come into view of the Swift Ultraviolet and Optical Telescope” 2019, MNRAS, 488, 2855.
Heintz K.E., Bolmer J., Ledoux C., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “New constraints on the physical conditions of the H2 – bearing GRB-host damped Lyman-α absorbers” 2019, A&A 629, 131.
Klingler N. J.; Kennea J. A., Evans P., De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift-XRT Follow-up of Gravitational-wave Triggers in the Second Advanced LIGO/Virgo Observing Run” 2019, ApJS, 245, 15.
MAGIC collaboration, …, De Pasquale M., et al.“Observation of inverse Compton emission from a long γ-ray burst” 2019, Nature, 575, 459.
Melandri, A., Malesani D. B., Izzo L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp: a GRB-SN at z = 0.33" 2020, MNRAS 490, 5366.
de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Thöne C. C.; Martín S., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 190114C in the nuclear region of an interacting galaxy. A detailed host analysis using ALMA, the HST, and the VLT” 2020, A&A, 633, 68.
Page K.L.; Evans P.A.; Tohuvavohu A., …, De Pasquale M. et al. “Swift-XRT follow-up of gravitational wave triggers during the third aLIGO/Virgo observing run” 2020, MNRAS, 499, 3459.
The Fermi team, … De Pasquale M., et al. “Fermi and Swift Observations of GRB 190114C: Tracing the Evolution of High-energy Emission from Prompt to Afterglow” 2020, ApJ, 890, 9.
Klingler N.J.; Lien A.; Oates S.R., …, De Pasquale M., et al., “Swift Multi-wavelength follow-up of LVC S200224ca and the implications for Binary Black Hole Mergers” 2021, ApJ, 907, 97.
ENGRAVE team “Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star-black hole binary merger S190814bv” 2020, A&A, 643, 113.
J.-B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. “Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z = 3 - 3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts” 2020, A&A, 614, 30.
Oates S.R., Marshall F.E., Breeveld A.A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift-UVOT follow-up of Gravitational Wave Alerts in the O3 era” 2021, MNRAS, 507, 1296
Tanvir N., Le Floc’h E., Christensen L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Exploration of the high-redshift universe enabled by THESEUS” 2021, Experimental Astronomy, 52, 219
Ciolfi, R., Stratta, G., Branchesi, M., ..., De Pasquale, M., et al., "Multi-messenger astrophysics with THESEUS in the 2030", 2021, Experimental Astronomy, 52, 245
Gupta R., Oates S.R., Pandey S. B., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 140102A: insight into prompt spectral evolution and early optical afterglow emission” 2021, MNRAS 505, 4086
Melandri, A., Rizzo, L., Pian E., ..., De Pasquale, M., et al. "The supernova of the MAGIC gamma-ray burst GRB 190114", 2022, A&A, 659, 39
Rossi, A., Rothberg, B., Palazzi, E., ..., De Pasquale, M., ... "The peculiar short-duration GRB 200826A and its supernova", 2022, ApJ, 932, 1
Dipartimento of Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche Informatiche e Scienze della Terra
Universita’ di Messina, Polo Papardo, Via F. S. D’Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina Italy
e-mail: Tel.: +39 (0)90 6765462
Educazione ed Impieghi
2021 – presente: Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato su chiamata dell’University of Messina.
2016 – 2021: Assistant Professor all’Universita’ di Istanbul, Dipartmento di Astronomia e Science dello Spazio. Contratto rinnovato annualmente.
2015 – 2016: Research Associate – Swift UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT) Instrument Scientist at Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London (MSSL-UCL), UK.
2014 – 2015: Posizione post-doctoral per la missione Swift all’Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Palermo
2013 – 2014: Research Associate – Swift/UVOT Instrument Scientist at MSSL-UCL.
2011 – 2012: Post-Doctoral Research Scholar alla Universita’ del Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.
2004 – 2011: Swift Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at MSSL-UCL.
2003 – 2004: Ricercatore, Istituto di Astrofisica spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Roma.
1999 – 2002: Dottorato di ricerca (con borsa) Fisica conseguito presso l’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
1993 – 1999: Laurea in Fisica presso l’Università’ di Messina
Principali campi di lavoro
Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs): “central engine”, Fisica dell’emissione delle prime fasi e specialmente delle fasi successive, struttura e geometria dei getti, connessione tra GRBs e supernovae, uso di queste sorgenti per studiare, dal punto di vista cosmologico, l’ambiente locale e le galassie ospiti dei GRBs.
Ricerca di controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti compatte di onde gravitazionali (GWs). Fondatore e capo del gruppo “Follow-up of GW Transients from Anatolia”, con astronomi Turchi.
Capacita’ tecnico-scientifiche
Riduzione di dati e fotometria: BeppoSAX Medium Energy e Low Energy Concentrator Spectrometers (MECS, LECS), Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT) e UV/Optical Telescope.
Utente proficient degli Ftools (inclusi specifici tools della missione Swift), compreso Xspec.
Compiti di osservazione in “real time” ed a successive riprese di GRBs e sorgenti compatte di GWs.
Proficiente in Fortran F77 e Basic. Conoscenza di lavoro di IDL e Python.
Risultati scientifici
121 pubblicazioni con referee in riviste del settore internazionale quali MNRAS, ApJ, Nature, Science; 11 delle quali come primo autore.
21 pubblicazioni without peer-review, and more than 250 Gamma-ray Burst Coordinates Network (GCN) Circulars, Reports and Astronomical Telegram
H-index: 40; il numero totale di citazione dei miei lavori e’ circa 9000 (fonte NASA/ADS, 13/06/22).
Membro del Team della missione Swift, consorzi ENGRAVE and STARGATE, ePESSTO+ (gruppo GRB), del Gruppo Italiano per osservazioni di burst nell’ottico (CIBO), collaborazione con il team della missione BeppoSAX, membro di gruppi di lavoro “SWG 2.6: Luminous Extragalactic Transients” e “MWG5.6: Targets of Opportunity” delle missioni ATHENA, del Working Group 4 “Observatory Science” and 5 “Synergy with GWs” della enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry missione e-XTP, “contributing scientist” e membro dei gruppi di lavoro “SWG2: Gravitational waves and multi-messenger Astrophysics” e "SWG1: Exploring the early Universe with GRBs per la missione THESEUS"
Proposals approvati in qualita’ di Principal Investigator (negli ultimi 7 anni)
Dal 2017 al 2020: T100 TÜBİTAK National Observatory, “Kilonovae as electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave detections”
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope: “IR observations of the exceptional host of GRB 130907A as a way to shed light on the mechanism of GRB production”, 2020.
Swift/XRT “GRB 150818A as an intermediate event between the low-luminosity, shock break-out powered GRBs and ultra-relativistic, high luminosity GRBs.”, 2015
Swift/XRT: “GRB 150206A and the nature of central engine in GRBs.”, 2015.
XMM AO-14: "Into Unknown Territory: late XMM-Newton observations of GRB 130427A.", 2015
XMM AO-14: "Late X-ray observations to unveil the non-forward shock components in GRB afterglows”, 2015-17
XMM AO-17: “Late X-ray observations to unveil non-Forward Shock components in GRB afterglow”, 2018-21
Piu' importantri proposals approvati in qualita’ di co-Investigator (negli ultimi 7 anni)
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, AOT-36, 37 (come DDT), 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45 (2017/18, 2018 (come DDT), 2019, 2019/20, 2020, 2021, 2021/22, 2022) su osservazioni di afterglows di GRBs
ALMA, Cycle 3, 4, 6, 7 (2015/16, 2016/17, 2018/19, 2019/2020), con lo scopo di una migliore comprensione degli afterglows dei Gamma-ray Bursts.
ALMA, Cycle 7 (2019/20) "The properties of compact-object mergers detected by LIGO and VIRGO". Partecipazione come membro ENGRAVE
Very Large Telescope (VLT), Periodi da 102 al 109 (2018-2022) con il goal di studiare le controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti di onde gravitazionali, come kilonovae e possibili afterglows. Partecipazione come membro ENGRAVE
VLT STARGATE. Periodi da 102 a 109 (2018/22). Scopo: studiare gli afterglows e l'ambiente circum-burst. Partecipazione come membro STARGATE
HST Ciclo 26, 27, 28 (2018-2021). Sullo studio di transienti ottici collegati all'emissione di onde gravitazionali. Partecipazione come membro ENGRAVE
T100 Telescope of the TÜBİTAK National Observatory, 2017-2020. Sul rinvenire di "kilonovae" come controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti di onde gravitazionali.
Ulteriori Responsabilita’ ed attività professionali
Abilitazione da parte del Ministero dell’Educazione, Universita’ e Ricerca per poter applicare per posizioni di professore associato in università italiane, valida dal 16/10/2017.
Referee for per Astronomy & Astrophysics, The Astrophysical Journal, Proceedings of Science.
Membro dell’Editorial Board of Galaxies journal.
Reviewer per: NASA Post-doctoral Program, UK PPARC Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Panel, UK Space and Technology Facility Council, mid-Cycle HST proposals, East Asian Observatory per assegnare tempo macchina al JCMT, Swift Guest Investigator Program.
Presidente dello Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) per la “Gamma-ray Bursts: illuminating the extreme and distant Universe” Symposium at European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) 2016, Athens; membro del SOC Chair for the “GRBs, energetic SNe & compact object mergers: the extreme physics of stellar deaths from low to high redshift” Special Session at the EWASS 2019, Lyon.
Progetti, Grants e Awards
2019-2022 PI of the 3-year TÜBITAK Project 119F073 “Understanding the multi-messenger physics of neutron star mergers and gamma-ray bursts”. Fondi per circa 430000 Lire Turche (60,000 euro all’epoca), per assunzione di personale e macchinario. "PI-ship" interrotta dal 2021 per fuoriuscita dalla Turchia, continua la consulenza "esterna".
2007-2012 Rolling Grant dal UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (fondi per 5 years di salario e ricerca).
2018 – agosto 2021 Principal Investigator del Progetto “Study of GRB Physics with the ESA next flagship mission Athena” alla Istanbul University, in collaborazione con l’Universita di Amsterdam, con incluse spese per viaggio e pubblicazione.
Termina la "PI"-ship formale causa fuoriuscita dalla Turchia, continua la "direzione esterna". Relazione finale consegnata a gennaio 2022.
Divulgazione Scientifica (solo ultimi 7 anni)
MSSL Astronomy Blog - “The brightest explosion detected by Swift”; and “The exceptionally long follow-up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A: what it means for GRB Physics.”
“Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences Massimiliano De Pasquale and colleagues detected gravitational waves in gamma rays” (in Turkish); siti web della IU e della sua Faculta' of Scienze.
Esperienza di insegnamento, tutoring e mentoring (solo gli ultimi 7 anni)
2021 – 2022 Corsi di Astronomia (96 h / semestre ) per studenti di laurea quinquennale all’Universita’ di Messina.
2022 – Tutor della Roberta Panto', studente laurea triennale in Fisica presso l'Università di Messina, per un corso di introduzione all'Astrofisica.
2019 – 2021 Insegnamento di Fisica I e II per studenti di laurea triennale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Forestali e per studenti di laurea triennale al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della Universita’ di Istanbul (48 e 24 h / semestre rispettivamente).
2016 – 2019 Insegnamento di Fisica I e II per studenti di laurea triennale al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della IU (36 h / semestre)
2016 – 2021 Corso sui GRBs (~12 h) per studenti di laurea e di dottorato al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della IU
2018 – presente Co-supervisione di uno studente di dottorato in Astronomia allo stesso Dipartmento, con tesi su controparti elettromagnetiche di sorgenti di onde gravitazionali.
2015. Serie di lezioni sull’Astronomia dei GRBs per post-doc.
Talks and seminars given at conferences and research institutes (last 7 years only; 37 in total)
"Unraveling the energetics of a magnetar-powered burst: GRB 130831A", seminario all’istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale di Milano, 2015.
“GRB 130831A: Rise and demise of a magnetar at z = 0.5”, talk at 14th M. Grossman Meeting, 2015.
“GRB 130831: Rise and fall of a magnetar at z=0.5”, talk at “New Results in X-ray Astronomy” Workshop, 2015, Leicester, UK.
“Challenging the forward shock model with the 80 Ms follow up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A”, talkall’European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, luglio 2016.
“Multi-wavelength observation of long GRBs and host galaxies”, solicited talk at the 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, luglio-agosto 2016, Istanbul, Turkey (assemblea cancellata).
“The 80 Ms X-ray light-curve of the exceptional GRB 130427A”, seminar al Trieste Astrophysical Observatory, Trieste, Italy, settembre 2016.
“The 80 Ms X-ray light-curve of the extraordinary GRB 130427A”, seminar al Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze Spaziali della IU, settembre 2016.
“The 80 Ms Follow Up of the X-ray Afterglow of GRB 130427A: Consequences for the Proposed Models and the Forward Shock Scenario”, talk al Eighth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, Huntsville, USA, ottobrr 2016.
“A strong test for the forward shock model in GRBs: the 90 Ms follow up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A”, talk al “THE X-RAY UNIVERSE 2017”, Roma, giugno 2017
“The GRB130427A afterglow as a test for GRB models”, invited talk al Frascati Workshop 2017 – ‘Multifrequency behaviour of high-energy sources XII’, Palermo, Italy, June 2017.
“GRB Afterglows – a review”, invited talk at Frascati Workshop 2019 - Multifrequency behaviour of high-energy sources XIII’”, held in Palermo, Italy, June 2019 (partecipazione non possibile).
Pubblicazioni con referee (solo gli ultimi 15 anni).
Holland S., Boyd P., Gorosabel J., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Optical, Infrared, and Ultraviolet Observations of the X-Ray Flash XRF 050416A” 2007, AJ, 133, 122.
Schady P., Mason K.O., Page M., De Pasquale M., et al. “Dust and gas in the local environments of Gamma-ray Bursts” 2007, MNRAS 377, 273.
De Pasquale M., Oates S., Page M., et al. “Early afterglow detection in the Swift observations of GRB050801” 2007a, MNRAS 377, 1638.
Page K., Willingale R., Osborne J., …, De Pasquale M., et al. "GRB 061121: Broadband Spectral Evolution through the Prompt and Afterglow Phases of a Bright Burst" 2007, ApJ, 663, 1125.
De Pasquale M., Oates S., Beardmore A., et al. “Energy injection in GRB afterglows: the cases of Swift GRBs 050401, 050801 and 050802” 2007, “The multicolored landscape of compact objects and their explosive origins”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 924, 437.
Oates S.; Mundell C.; Piranomonte S., …, De Pasquale M, et al. “Understanding the Nature of Dark Bursts with the Afterglow of GRB 060108” 2007, “The multicolored landscape of compact objects and their explosive origins”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 924, 449.
Oates S., De Pasquale M., Page M., et al. “The two component afterglow of Swift GRB050802” 2007, MNRAS 380, 270.
Schady P.; De Pasquale M., Page M., et al. “Extreme properties of GRB061007: a highly energetic or a highly collimated burst?” 2007, MNRAS 380, 1041.
Poole T., Breeveld A., Page M., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Photometric calibration of the Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope” 2008, MNRAS, 383, 627.
Starling R., O'Brien P., Willingale R., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift captures the spectrally evolving prompt emission of GRB070616” 2008, MNRAS, 84, 504.
Schady P., De Pasquale M., Page M., et al. “Extreme Properties of GRB 061007: a highly energetic or a highly collimated burst?” 2008 “GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1000, 200.
De Pasquale M., Oates S.; Page M., et al. “Challenging the current model for the GRB canonical afterglow lightcurve.” 2008, “GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1000, 463.
Schady P., Mason K. O., Page M., De Pasquale, M., et al. “Gas-to-Dust Ratios in GRB Host Galaxies” 2008, “GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1000, 505.
Soderberg A., Berger E., Page K., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “An extremely luminous X-ray outburst at the birth of a supernova” 2008, Nature, 453, 469.
Morgan A., Vanden Berk D., Roming P., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Optimal Co-Addition of Imaging Data for Rapidly Fading Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows” 2008, ApJ, 683, 913.
Roming P., Koch T., Oates S., … ; De Pasquale M., et al. “The First Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope GRB Afterglow Catalog” 2009, ApJ, 690, 163.
De Pasquale M., Evans P., Oates S., “Jet breaks at the end of the slow decline phase of Swift light curves” 2009, MNRAS, 392, 153.
De Pasquale M., Evans P., Oates S., et al. “Jet breaks at the end of the plateau phase of Swift GRB lightcurves” 2009, “Probing Stellar Populations out to the distant Universe”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1111, 379.
Oates, S., Page M., Schady, P., De Pasquale M., et al. “A statistical study of Gamma-ray Burst afterglow measured by the Swift Ultraviolet Optical Telescope” 2009, MNRAS, 395, 490.
Kuin N., Landsman W., Page M., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 081203A: Swift UVOT captures the earliest ultraviolet spectrum of a gamma-ray burst” 2009, MNRAS Letters, 395, 21.
Salvaterra R., Della Valle M., Campana, S., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 090423 reveals an exploding star at the epoch of re-ionization” 2009, Nature, 461, 1258.
Curran P., Evans P., De Pasquale M., et al. “On the electron energy distribution index of Swift GRBs” 2010, ApJL, 716, 135.
De Pasquale M., Schady P., …, Fermi GBM and LAT collaborations “Swift and Fermi observations of the early afterglow of the short Gamma-Ray Burst 090510” 2010, ApJ Letters, 709, 146.
Schady P., Page M., Oates S., …, De Pasquale M.; et al. “Dust and Metal Column Densities in Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies” 2010, MNRAS, 401, 2773.
Starling R., Wiersema K., Levan A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Discovery of the nearby long, soft GRB 100316D with an associated supernova” 2011, MNRAS, 411, 2792.
Swenson C.; Maxham A.; Roming P., …, De Pasquale M. “GRB 090926A and Bright Late-time Fermi Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows” 2010, ApJL 718, 14.
Breeveld A. A., Curran P.A., Hoversten E.A, …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “Further Calibration of the Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope” 2010, MNRAS, 406, 1687.
De Pasquale M., Oates S., Roming P., Page M., et al. on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team “Chromatic evolution in GRB afterglows” 2010, “The Shocking Universe”, Italian Physical Society Conference Proceedings, 102, 141.
Oates S., Page M., Schady P., De Pasquale M., et al. “A Statistical Comparison of the Optical/UV and X-ray Afterglows of Gamma-ray Bursts using the Swift Ultra-violet Optical and X-ray Telescopes” 2011, MNRAS, 412, 561.
Marshall F., Antonelli L.A., Burrows D., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “The Late Peaking Afterglow of GRB 100418A” 2011, ApJ, 727, 132.
Curran P., Starling R., van der Horst A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Testing the blast wave model with Swift GRBs” 2011, AdSR, 47, 1362.
Den Herder J., Piro L., Ohashi T., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “ORIGIN: metal creation and evolution from the cosmic dawn” 2012, Experimental Astronomy, Springer.
Racusin J., Oates S., Schady P., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Fermi and Swift Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Population Studies” 2011, ApJ, 738, 138.
De Pasquale M., Evans P., Oates, S., et al. “Can a double component outflow explain the X-ray and optical lightcurves of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts?” 2011, AdSR, 48, 1411.
Thöne C., de Ugarte Postigo A., Fryer C., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “The unusual gamma-ray burst GRB101225A from a helium star merger at redshift 0.33” 2011, Nature, 480, 72.
Schady P., Dwelly T., Page M., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “The dust extinction curves of gamma-ray burst host galaxies” 2012, A&A, 537, 15.
Holland S., De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 081029: A Gamma-ray Burst with a Multi-component Afterglow” 2012, ApJ, 745, 41.
Brown P. J., Dawson K.S., De Pasquale M., et al. “A Swift Look at SN 2011fe: The Earliest Ultraviolet Observations of a Type Ia Supernova” 2012, ApJ, 753, 22.
Zheng W.; Shen R. F., Sakamoto T., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Panchromatic observations of the textbook GRB 110205A: constraining physical mechanisms of prompt emission and afterglow” 2012, ApJ, 751, 90.
Oates S., Bayless, A., Stritzinger, M., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “Multiwavelength observations of the Type IIb supernova 2009mg” 2012, MNRAS, 412, 561.
De Pasquale M., Kuin N., Oates S., et al. “GRB100814A as a member of the growing set of bursts with sudden optical rebrightening”, Proceedings of “Fermi-Swift 2012 GRB conference” 2012, PoS 68.
Oates S., Page M., De Pasquale M. “An intrinsic correlation between GRB optical/UV afterglow brightness and decay rate”, Proceedings of “Fermi-Swift 2012 GRB conference” 2012, PoS 60.
Oates, S., Page, M., De Pasquale, M. “A correlation between intrinsic brightness and average decay rate of Swift UVOT GRB optical/UV light curves” 2012, MNRAS Letters, 426, 86.
Swenson, C., Roming, P., De Pasquale, M., et al. "GRB Flares: UV/Optical Flaring (Paper I)" 2013, ApJ, 774, 2.
De Pasquale M., Schulze S., Oates S., et al. “Physical properties of rapidly-decaying afterglows” 2013, Proc. of “Gamma-ray Bursts: 15 years of GRB afterglows”, Spain. EAS Pub. Series, Vol 61, 217.
Stratta G.; Gendre B; Atteia J.L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “The ultra-long GRB 111209A - II. Prompt to afterglow and afterglow properties” 2013, ApJ, 779, 66.
Page M.J., Kuin N.P.M., …., De Pasquale M., et al. “The use and calibration of read-out streaks to increase the dynamic range of the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope” 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1684.
Maselli A., Melandri A., Nava L., …, De Pasquale M, et al. “GRB130427A: a Nearby Ordinary Monster” 2014, Science, 343, 48.
de Ugarte Postigo A., Thoene C., Rowlinson A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “The host galaxy and environment of a neutron star merger” 2014, A&A, 563, 62.
M. De Pasquale, N. P. Kuin, S. Oates, et al. “The optical rebrightening of GRB100814A: an interplay of forward and reverse shocks?” 2015, MNRAS, 449, 1024.
Brown P., Kuin P., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Ultraviolet Observations of Super-Chandrasekhar Mass Type Ia Supernova Candidates with Swift UVOT” 2014, ApJ, 787, 29.
S. R. Oates, J. Racusin, M. De Pasquale, et al., “Exploring the behaviour of long gamma-ray bursts with intrinsic afterglow correlations” 2014, Proceedings of Science, Proceedings of Swift: 10 Years of Discovery (SWIFT 10), 94.
Symeonidis M., Oates S. R., De Pasquale M., et al. “Herschel/PACS observations of the host galaxy of GRB 031203” 2014, MNRAS Letters, 443, 124.
P. Brown, M. T. Smitka, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. Swift Ultraviolet Observations of Supernova 2014J in M82: Large Extinction from Interstellar Dust 2015, ApJ, 805, 74.
Kuin, N. P. M.; Landsman, W. ; Breeveld, A. A.; …; De Pasquale, M. “Calibration of the Swift-UVOT ultraviolet and visible grisms” 2015, MNRAS, 449, 2514.
M. De Pasquale, S. R. Oates, J. L. Racusin, et al. “GRB 130831A: birth and death of a magnetar at z=0.5” 2015, Proceedings of Science, Proc. of “Swift: 10 Years of Discovery” (Swift 10), 071.
S. R. Oates, J. L. Racusin, M. De Pasquale, et al. “Exploring the canonical behaviour of long gamma-ray bursts using an intrinsic multi-wavelength afterglow correlation.” 2015, MNRAS, 453, 4121.
M. De Pasquale, S. Oates; J. Racusin; et al. “The central engine of GRB 130831A and the energy breakdown of a relativistic explosion” 2016, MNRAS, 455, 1027.
J. L. Racusin, S. Oates, M. De Pasquale, D. Kocevski “A Correlation between the Intrinsic Brightness and Average Decay Rate of Gamma-Ray Burst X-Ray Afterglow Light Curves” 2016, ApJ, 826, 45.
M. De Pasquale, M. Page, D. Kann, et al. “The 80 Ms follow-up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A challenges the standard forward shock model” 2016, MNRAS 462, 1111.
D'Aì, A., Evans P. A., Burrows D. N., …, De Pasquale, M., et al. “Evidence for the magnetar nature of 1E 161348-5055 in RCW 103” 2016, MNRAS, 463, 2394.
De Pasquale M.; Page M.; Kann D. A.; et al. “Challenging the Forward Shock Model with the 80 Ms Follow up of the X-ray Afterglow of Gamma-Ray Burst 130427A” 2017, Proc. of “EWASS 2016”, Galaxies, 5, 6.
Oates, S., Racusin, J., De Pasquale M., Kocevski D., Page M., et al. “Exploring the Behaviour of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with Intrinsic Afterglow Correlations: log L200s - α>200s” 2017, Proc. of “EWASS 2016”, Galaxies, 5, 4.
Roming P. W. A.; Koch T.S.; Oates S.R.; … De Pasquale, M., et al. “A Large Catalog of Homogeneous Ultra-Violet/Optical GRB Afterglows: Temporal and Spectral Evolution” 2017, ApJS, 228, 13.
S. Kim, S. Schulze, … M. De Pasquale, et al. “ALMA and GMRT constraints on the off-axis gamma-ray burst 170817A from the binary neutron star merger GW170817” 2017, ApJ Letters, 850, 21
Abbott B.P., Abbott R., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger”, 2017, ApJL, 848, 12
Evans P., Cenko S.B., Kennea J.A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift and NuSTAR observations of GW170817: Detection of a blue kilonova” 2017, Science, 358, 1565.
Schulze S.; Krühler T.; Leloudas G., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Cosmic evolution and metal aversion in superluminous supernova host galaxies“ 2018, MNRAS 473, 1258
M. De Pasquale, M. Page, D. Kann, et al. “GRB 130427A afterglow: a test for GRB models” 2018, Proceedings of Science, Volume 306, Proc. of “XII Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources Workshop (MULTIF2017)”.
Amati L., O’Brien P., Götz D., …, De Pasquale M., …, et al. “The THESEUS space mission concept: science case, design and expected performances” 2018, AdSpR, 62, 191.
Stratta G., Ciolfi R., Amati L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “THESEUS: a key space mission concept for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics” 2018, AdSpR, 62, 662.
D’Elia V., Campana S., D’Ai A., De Pasquale M., Emery S., et al., “GRB 171205 / SN 2017iuk: a local low-luminosity gamma-ray burst” 2018, A&A, 619, 66.
De Ugarte Postigo A., Thoene C., Bolmer J., ..., De Pasquale, M., et al. “X-Shooter and ALMA spectroscopy of GRB 161023A – A study of metals and molecules in the line of sight towards a luminous GRB” 2018, A&A 620, 119.
Resmi L., Schulze S., Ishwara-Chandra C.-H, …, De Pasquale M., et al. “ Low frequency view of GW 170817/GRB 170817A with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope” 2018, ApJ 867, 57.
Oates S.R., Motta S., Beardmore A. P., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift UVOT observations of the 2015 outburst of V404 Cygni“ 2019, MNRAS, 488, 4843.
In’t Zand J. J. M., Bozzo E., Qu J.L., … De Pasquale M., et al. “Observatory science with eXTP”, 2019, SCPMA 62, 29506
N. P. M. Kuin, K. Wu, S. Oates, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. “Swift spectra of AT2018cow: A White Dwarf Tidal Disruption Event?” 2019, MNRAS, 487, 2505
M. De Pasquale “The host galaxies of short GRBs as probes of their progenitor properties” Galaxies Special Issue “Observations and Theory of Short GRBs at the Dawn of the Gravitational Wave Era” 2019, Galaxies (Special Issue), 7, 30
S. Emery, M. Page, A. Breeveld, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. “The early optical afterglow and non-thermal components of GRB 060218” 2019, MNRAS 484, 5484.
Ashall C.; Mazzali P.A., Pian E., … De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 161219B/SN2016jca: a powerful stellar collapse” 2019, MNRAS, 487, 5824
Page, M. J., Oates, S. R., De Pasquale, M., et al. “A study of gamma-ray burst afterglows as they first come into view of the Swift Ultraviolet and Optical Telescope” 2019, MNRAS, 488, 2855.
Heintz K.E., Bolmer J., Ledoux C., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “New constraints on the physical conditions of the H2 – bearing GRB-host damped Lyman-α absorbers” 2019, A&A 629, 131.
Klingler N. J.; Kennea J. A., Evans P., De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift-XRT Follow-up of Gravitational-wave Triggers in the Second Advanced LIGO/Virgo Observing Run” 2019, ApJS, 245, 15.
MAGIC collaboration, …, De Pasquale M., et al.“Observation of inverse Compton emission from a long γ-ray burst” 2019, Nature, 575, 459.
Melandri, A., Malesani D. B., Izzo L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp: a GRB-SN at z = 0.33" 2020, MNRAS 490, 5366.
de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Thöne C. C.; Martín S., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 190114C in the nuclear region of an interacting galaxy. A detailed host analysis using ALMA, the HST, and the VLT” 2020, A&A, 633, 68.
Page K.L.; Evans P.A.; Tohuvavohu A., …, De Pasquale M. et al. “Swift-XRT follow-up of gravitational wave triggers during the third aLIGO/Virgo observing run” 2020, MNRAS, 499, 3459.
The Fermi team, … De Pasquale M., et al. “Fermi and Swift Observations of GRB 190114C: Tracing the Evolution of High-energy Emission from Prompt to Afterglow” 2020, ApJ, 890, 9.
Klingler N.J.; Lien A.; Oates S.R., …, De Pasquale M., et al., “Swift Multi-wavelength follow-up of LVC S200224ca and the implications for Binary Black Hole Mergers” 2021, ApJ, 907, 97.
ENGRAVE team “Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star-black hole binary merger S190814bv” 2020, A&A, 643, 113.
J.-B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, …, M. De Pasquale, et al. “Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z = 3 - 3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts” 2020, A&A, 614, 30.
Oates S.R., Marshall F.E., Breeveld A.A., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Swift-UVOT follow-up of Gravitational Wave Alerts in the O3 era” 2021, MNRAS, 507, 1296
Tanvir N., Le Floc’h E., Christensen L., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “Exploration of the high-redshift universe enabled by THESEUS” 2021, Experimental Astronomy, 52, 219
Ciolfi, R., Stratta, G., Branchesi, M., ..., De Pasquale, M., et al., "Multi-messenger astrophysics with THESEUS in the 2030", 2021, Experimental Astronomy, 52, 245
Gupta R., Oates S.R., Pandey S. B., …, De Pasquale M., et al. “GRB 140102A: insight into prompt spectral evolution and early optical afterglow emission” 2021, MNRAS 505, 4086
Melandri, A., Rizzo, L., Pian E., ..., De Pasquale, M., et al. "The supernova of the MAGIC gamma-ray burst GRB 190114", 2022, A&A, 659, 39
Rossi, A., Rothberg, B., Palazzi, E., ..., De Pasquale, M., ... "The peculiar short-duration GRB 200826A and its supernova", 2022, ApJ, 932, 1
Settori (3)
Descrizione linee ricerca
Studio l'emissione elettromagnetica da sorgenti transienti estremamente energetiche, capaci di produrre fino a 10^52 erg/s, prodotte alla morte di stelle molto massicce o dalla coalescenza di due resti stellari compatti (stelle di neutroni e buchi neri) che formavano un sistema binario, causata dall'emissione di onde gravitazionali.
In rari casi, tali eventi producono un "gamma-ray burst" (lampo di radiazioni gamma in Italiano) cui segue un'emissione, visibile in tutto lo spettro elettromagnetico (dalle onde radio ai raggi gamma) che va indebolendosi nel tempo, detto "afterglow". Di solito nella banda dei raggi X ed ottici non e' piu' visibile entro pochi giorni, ma in altre bande (quali la radio) esso e' ancora rilevabile settimane e mesi dopo il lampo.
Lo studio dello spettro e delle "curve" di luce degli afterglow permettono, tramite analisi teoriche, di mettere dei constraints su parametri quali l'energia cinetica dell'esplosione, la struttura degli ejecta relativistici dell'esplosione, se il meccanismo di emissione prevalente e' il sincrotrone, ecc.
Dato che alcuni GRBs sono prodotti dalla coalescenza di oggetti compatti che producono onde gravitazionali, ho l'opportunità di lavorare nella cosiddetta "multimessenger astronomy". In essa si osserva lo stesso fenomeno in due canali diversi, vale a dire l'emissione di onde gravitazionali e di radiazione elettromagnetica.
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Pubblicazioni (79)
Altri titoli (112)
Membro della associazione GRAWITA (GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm)
(14/02/2023 - )
Associatura all'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)
(10/03/2022 - )
Referee for Proceedings of Science
(13/07/2017 - )
mid-Cycle HST proposals reviewer
(01/01/2016 - )
Reviewer for NASA Post-doctoral Program
(01/10/2012 - )
Referee for The Astrophysical Journal
(01/01/2006 - )
Referee for Astronomy & Astrophysics
(01/05/2005 - )
Membro del team della missione Swift, in seguito "Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory".
(01/11/2004 - )
Co-I of the proposal "The properties of compact-object mergers detected by LIGO, VIRGO and KAGRA", Very Large Array, 92 hours.
(02/04/2022 - 03/02/2025)
Participant in ESO “ePESSTO: The extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects”, co-I as part of the GRB group
(15/02/2018 - 30/09/2024)
co-I of the HST Cycle 30 proposal "Compact binary mergers: R-process kilonovae and ultra-relativistic jets"
(01/10/2022 - 30/11/2023)
HST Ciclo 29 e 30 (2021-23) "Identifying gamma-ray burst at very high redshifts". Co-I come membro STARGATE.
(01/10/2021 - 30/11/2023)
Proposal "Hunting for kilonovae in the local Universe with TNG" as co-I and member of the GRAWITA collaboration (since 14/02/2023)
(14/02/2023 - 31/03/2023)
Co-I of HST Middle Cycle 29 proposal "The afterglow and host of GRB 210905A at z=6.3", 6 orbite
(24/04/2022 - 24/04/2022)
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, Proposal “Exploring the Universe with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows”, AOT43, 17.5 hours, as co-I.
(01/04/2021 - 30/09/2021)
Professore Associato presso il Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienze dello Spazio della Istanbul University. Contratto rinnovato annualmente.
(01/11/2016 - 16/08/2021)
Approved Proposal as Principal Investigator: XMM AO-17: “Late X-ray observations to unveil non-Forward Shock components in GRB afterglows”
(01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021)
Principal Investigator del Proposal XMM-Newton (AO-17) "Late X-ray observations to unveil non-Forward Shock components in GRB afterglows"
(01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021)
Very Large Telescope (VLT): ”A search of kilonovae in the local Universe”, period P106; 28.5 hours; as Co-I, part of the ENGRAVE consortium
(01/10/2020 - 31/03/2021)
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, Proposal “Exploring the Universe with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows”, AOT41, 17.5 hours, as co-I.
(01/04/2020 - 30/09/2020)
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, “Exploring the Universe with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows”, AOT40, as co-I, 17.5 hours
(01/10/2019 - 31/03/2020)
(01/10/2019 - 31/03/2020)
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, Proposal “Exploring the Universe with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows”, AOT39, as co-I, 17.5 hours
(01/04/2019 - 30/09/2019)
Approved Proposal as co-Investigator: ALMA Cycle 6 «A Precision Test of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Models »
(01/10/2018 - 30/09/2019)
HST Cycle 26 “New insights from gravitational waves combined with electromagnetic light“, co-I, as part of the ENGRAVE consortium.
(01/10/2018 - 30/09/2019)
2019 Istanbul University financial support to attend the “European Week of Astronomy and Space Science 2019” Conference, Lyon, France
(15/07/2019 - 16/07/2019)
Co-I of the proposal at the Large Binocular Telescope: “Exploring the late-time evolution of gamma ray burst afterglows"
(16/09/2018 - 14/07/2019)
VLT “One shaft of light that shows the way: the bright optical counterpart of GRB 190114C and its supernova”, 2019; DOLoReS 6 hours. Co-I.
(19/01/2019 - 06/05/2019)
Australia Telescope Compact Array proposal on EM counterparts of GW sources. Co-I as part of the ENGRAVE consortium. Time: 47 hours.
(01/10/2018 - 31/03/2019)
Co-I of a Giant Microwave RadioTelescope proposal on electromagnetic observations of GW sources. Time: 8 hours.
(01/10/2018 - 31/03/2019)
Approved Proposal as co-Investigator: ALMA Cycle 5 « A Precision Test of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Models »
(01/10/2017 - 30/09/2018)
Co-I of the proposal at the Large Binocular Telescope: “Exploring the late-time evolution of gamma ray burst afterglows"
(16/09/2017 - 14/07/2018)
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, proposal "Exploring the Universe with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows", as Co-I, AOT36, 10 hours.
(01/10/2017 - 31/03/2018)
Approved Proposal as co-Investigator: ALMA Cycle 4 « A Precision Test of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Models »
(01/10/2016 - 30/09/2017)
Approved Proposal as co-Investigator: ALMA Cycle 0 «Probing Obscured Star Formation in GRB Host Galaxies »
(30/09/2011 - 01/01/2013)
UK Space and Technology Facility Council reviewer to assign time at Gemini and WHT Observatories
(01/01/2009 - 31/12/2012)
Swift Guest Investigator Program Reviewer.
(01/12/2012 - 08/12/2012)
Reviewer per il Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Panel del Regno Unito per gestire fondi e grants ad astronomi UK
(01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007)
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Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (3)
Secondo Semestre (17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
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