MILONE Candida
Professoressa Ordinaria
Course Catalogue:
Candida Milone is Full Professor of Chemistry at Engineering Department - University of Messina (Italy).
She has got the Degree in Chemistry at University of Messina in 1990, Specialization Diploma in Chemical Technologies and Processes at University of Messina in 1993 and Ph.D in Materials Chemistry at University of Reggio Calabria in 1996.
- Visiting Researcher at Technische Universität MÜNCHEN (Germany ) in the period June-
July 1993 and 1994.
- Visiting Researcher at DSM-Research Center (The Netherland) from April 1996 to April
- Visiting Professor at University of Thessaly (Greece) in 2016.
- Chairman of Master of Science in Materials Engineering University of Messina in 2004-2012.
- Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Chemical and Industrial Engineering
of University of Messina in 2014-2015.
- Vice-Head of Engineering Department at University of Messina. in 2016-2018.
- Head of Engineering Department at University of Messina.
- Member of Quality Assurance Commission from 2019 to date.
- Member of Higher Education Area Courses Commission from 2019 to date.
- Member of the PhD Teaching Board “Engineering and Chemistry of Materials and
Constructions” University of Messina from October 2013 to date.
◦ Member of the European panel within the Solar Heating & Cooling Program (SHC) of
the International Energy Agency (IEA)- Task 67 / Annex 40 "Compact Thermal Energy
Storage Materials within Components within Systems"
◦ Member of the European panel within the Solar Heating & Cooling Program (SHC) of
the International Energy Agency (IEA)- Task 58 / Annex 33 " Material and Component
Development for Thermal Energy Storage "
◦ Member of the Scientific Committee of the 15 th International Conference on Energy
Storage ENERSTOCK, University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
and the National Institute of Chemistry 9-11 June 2021.
◦ Member of the Scientific Committee and Organizer of the Webinar FYREE- 1th Forum
of Young Researchers in Energy and Environment "Thermal Energy Storage and
Fuels Production", (12 November 2020.
◦ Member of INSTM (National Inter University Consortium for Science and Technology
of Materials)
◦ Member of SCI (Italian Society of Chemistry)
◦ Member of AICIng ( Italian society of Chemistry for Engineers)
◦ Editorial Board Member of "Nanomaterials" IF 5.076 (since 2018)
◦ Guest Editor Special Issue " Novel Nanomaterials for Thermochemical Storage:
Development and Characterization" on “Nanomaterials” Journal
◦ PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020-NAUSICA - Efficient boats through the use of technological solutions Innovative and low CARbon. Project n. ARS01_00334. (Principal Investigator UNIME)
◦ FISR 2020 – A distribute factory for intelligent, decentralize, sustainable and resilient production. Project n. IP01192
◦ H2020-LC-SC3-2018-RES ID 814945, "Solar-Biomass Reversible energy system for covering a large share of energy needs in buildings (SolRev-Bio)" 2019
The scientific activity pertains with the design, synthesis and characterization of functional materials for heterogeneous catalysis, environmental issues and thermal energy storage applications.
In the last decade studies were devoted at optimization of catalyst materials and process variables aiming at the synthesis, by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition, of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) with high yield, selectivity and crystalline quality. Through catalytic process hybrids CNT/clays and CNT/oxide were also prepared and composite materials with significant electrical properties.
Finally, many studies on CNT application have been developed ranging from catalysis in which CNT have been used as "metal-free" catalysts in oxidation processes of pollutants and as useful materials for decontamination of water from oil pollutant.
Thermal Energy Storage process have been extensively studied with special attention to thermochemical process useful to store thermal energy and release it when it is required, thanks to a reversible chemical reaction. Reversible dehydration/ hydration reaction of magnesium hydroxide has been extensively studied starting with the investigation of the influence of the magnesium hydroxide preparation condition on the thermochemical behavior and durability of the material upon many cycles. Aiming at improving the thermal conductivity of TES material, that is its efficiency in keeping and releasing heat, hybrid materials were prepared using exfoliated graphite, CNT, graphene oxide as conductive material in intimate contact with active TES material.
Scientific activity results are reported in 121 research papers in peer reviewed indexed journals ( source SCOPUS), 4 patents and more than 150 communications to international and national conferences.
Bibliometric data (source SCOPUS)
h index 37
Citations 3911
She has got the Degree in Chemistry at University of Messina in 1990, Specialization Diploma in Chemical Technologies and Processes at University of Messina in 1993 and Ph.D in Materials Chemistry at University of Reggio Calabria in 1996.
- Visiting Researcher at Technische Universität MÜNCHEN (Germany ) in the period June-
July 1993 and 1994.
- Visiting Researcher at DSM-Research Center (The Netherland) from April 1996 to April
- Visiting Professor at University of Thessaly (Greece) in 2016.
- Chairman of Master of Science in Materials Engineering University of Messina in 2004-2012.
- Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Chemical and Industrial Engineering
of University of Messina in 2014-2015.
- Vice-Head of Engineering Department at University of Messina. in 2016-2018.
- Head of Engineering Department at University of Messina.
- Member of Quality Assurance Commission from 2019 to date.
- Member of Higher Education Area Courses Commission from 2019 to date.
- Member of the PhD Teaching Board “Engineering and Chemistry of Materials and
Constructions” University of Messina from October 2013 to date.
◦ Member of the European panel within the Solar Heating & Cooling Program (SHC) of
the International Energy Agency (IEA)- Task 67 / Annex 40 "Compact Thermal Energy
Storage Materials within Components within Systems"
◦ Member of the European panel within the Solar Heating & Cooling Program (SHC) of
the International Energy Agency (IEA)- Task 58 / Annex 33 " Material and Component
Development for Thermal Energy Storage "
◦ Member of the Scientific Committee of the 15 th International Conference on Energy
Storage ENERSTOCK, University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
and the National Institute of Chemistry 9-11 June 2021.
◦ Member of the Scientific Committee and Organizer of the Webinar FYREE- 1th Forum
of Young Researchers in Energy and Environment "Thermal Energy Storage and
Fuels Production", (12 November 2020.
◦ Member of INSTM (National Inter University Consortium for Science and Technology
of Materials)
◦ Member of SCI (Italian Society of Chemistry)
◦ Member of AICIng ( Italian society of Chemistry for Engineers)
◦ Editorial Board Member of "Nanomaterials" IF 5.076 (since 2018)
◦ Guest Editor Special Issue " Novel Nanomaterials for Thermochemical Storage:
Development and Characterization" on “Nanomaterials” Journal
◦ PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020-NAUSICA - Efficient boats through the use of technological solutions Innovative and low CARbon. Project n. ARS01_00334. (Principal Investigator UNIME)
◦ FISR 2020 – A distribute factory for intelligent, decentralize, sustainable and resilient production. Project n. IP01192
◦ H2020-LC-SC3-2018-RES ID 814945, "Solar-Biomass Reversible energy system for covering a large share of energy needs in buildings (SolRev-Bio)" 2019
The scientific activity pertains with the design, synthesis and characterization of functional materials for heterogeneous catalysis, environmental issues and thermal energy storage applications.
In the last decade studies were devoted at optimization of catalyst materials and process variables aiming at the synthesis, by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition, of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) with high yield, selectivity and crystalline quality. Through catalytic process hybrids CNT/clays and CNT/oxide were also prepared and composite materials with significant electrical properties.
Finally, many studies on CNT application have been developed ranging from catalysis in which CNT have been used as "metal-free" catalysts in oxidation processes of pollutants and as useful materials for decontamination of water from oil pollutant.
Thermal Energy Storage process have been extensively studied with special attention to thermochemical process useful to store thermal energy and release it when it is required, thanks to a reversible chemical reaction. Reversible dehydration/ hydration reaction of magnesium hydroxide has been extensively studied starting with the investigation of the influence of the magnesium hydroxide preparation condition on the thermochemical behavior and durability of the material upon many cycles. Aiming at improving the thermal conductivity of TES material, that is its efficiency in keeping and releasing heat, hybrid materials were prepared using exfoliated graphite, CNT, graphene oxide as conductive material in intimate contact with active TES material.
Scientific activity results are reported in 121 research papers in peer reviewed indexed journals ( source SCOPUS), 4 patents and more than 150 communications to international and national conferences.
Bibliometric data (source SCOPUS)
h index 37
Citations 3911
Settori (2)
Parole chiave
No Results Found
Descrizione linee ricerca
• Design, sviluppo, caratterizzazione ed ottimizzazione di materiali funzionali
L’attività di ricerca riguarda la progettazione e lo sviluppo di materiali e rivestimenti innovativi per applicazioni industriali, con particolare enfasi al settore dell’energia (risparmio energetico e utilizzo di fonti energetiche naturali o di scarto). A tale contesto sono riconducibili attività di ricerca rivolte allo sviluppo ed ottimizzazione di materiali e tecnologie per l’accumulo di energia o per pompe di calore ad adsorbimento.
Inoltre oggetto di studio è lo sviluppo di materiali le cui peculiari proprietà elettriche e meccaniche concorrono nello sviluppo di smart textiles e materiali tecnologicamente avanzati per affrontare problematiche ambientali quali “oil recovery”.
No Results Found
Pubblicazioni (358)
Brevetti (4)
Altri titoli (2)
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Public Engagement (5)
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Partecipante)
- APE_Premiazione regionale dei Giochi della Chimica 2022
Aula magna "Vittorio Ricevuto" - Campus polo Papardo - Università di Messina (14/05/2022 - ) 20220514
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Partecipazione dello staff docente a trasmissioni radiotelevisive a livello nazionale e internazionale (*) (Altro, Discussant)
- APE-L’Altra Messina, puntata 18: “Coronavirus: quando l’emergenza si trasforma in opportunità”
Space Studio Via Bonino Messina (31/05/2020 - 31/05/2020) 20200531
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Organizzazione di concerti, spettacoli teatrali, rassegne cinematografiche, eventi sportivi, mostre, esposizioni e altri eventi di pubblica utilità aperti alla comunità (Discussant, Responsabile scientifico)
- APE- Webinar dal titolo: Il mondo dell'Università ,del Lavoro e dell'Ingegneria nel post Covid-19
Pagina facebook del Dipartimento di Ingegneria degli Studi di Messina (30/05/2020 - 30/05/2020) 20200530
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (*) (Altro)
- Diamoci una scossa- Settembre 2018 Mese della prevenzione sismica.
Palazzo Zanca-Messina (30/09/2018 - 30/09/2018) 20180930
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Altre iniziative di Public Engagement (Responsabile scientifico)
- FCP_Progettazione, sviluppo e testing di sistemi termochimici per l’accumulo di energia
Dipartimento di Ingegneria (14/02/2017 - 11/04/2017) 20170214
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
No Results Found
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (2)
Secondo Semestre (17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
8096/1 - CHEMISTRY
Primo Semestre (16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
48 ore
No Results Found