Professoressa Ordinaria
Course Catalogue:
Dr. Marina Morabito
Present position: Associate Professor in Systematic Botany (S.S.D. BIO/02) at the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina (UniME), Italy (since 2018).
Coordinator of the course Marine and Terrestrial Environmental Sciences (triennial degree).
Afferent to National Consortium Interuniversity for Marine Sciences (Co.N.I.S.Ma.).
National scientific qualification (ASN) for the role of full professor (2021-2030).
Previous position: Researcher and Aggregate Professor in Botany (S.S.D. BIO/01) at the University of Messina (2006-2018).
SCOPUS profile:
Research interests
Biology and systematics of macroalgae, with major interest on Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta;
systematics and molecular phylogenetics;
DNA barcoding;
non indigenous species;
cultivation and cryopreservation of economic species;
extraction and evaluation of antimicrobials and anticoagulants;
morphogenesis and life histories both in controlled conditions and in the field;
karyology and cytogenetics.
Research responsibility
Curator of the Phycological Lab Herbarium (PhL in Index Herbariorum) at UniME 2009 to present ;
coordinator of the Laboratory of Molecular Phylogenetics at UniME, 2009 to present;
coordinator of the Laboratory of Phycology at UniME, 2007 to 2009;
member of the Technical, Scientific and Management Committee of the “Orto Botanico Pietro Castelli” at UniME, 2017 to present;
member of the Scientific Community of Reference of the Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn”, Naples, Italy.
Research fellowships
Post-doctoral fellowship, Government of Canada Award, University of New Brunswick, Canada, 2005-2006;
Research cooperation, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France, 2011.
Research cooperations
− Centre for Environmental and Molecular Algal Research of the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada,
− Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris, France,
− Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia,
− University of Perpignan, France,
− Aarhus University, Denmark;
− Laboratorio de Algas Marinas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain;
− Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service, Livestock Nutrient Management Unit, Bushland, Texas, USA,
− Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco
Past Research cooperations
− Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Spain,
− University of Roma “Sapienza”, Italy,
− University of Padua, Italy,
− University Ca’ Foscari Venice, Italy,
− Universitat de Barcelona, Spain,
− University of Catania, Italy,
− CNR – Istituto per i Processi Chimico Fisici, Messina, Italy,
− CNR – Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia “Nicola Giordano”, Messina, Italy,
− Chungnam National University, Korea,
− University of Gent, Belgium,
− National Reference Center for Leishmaniasis (C.Re.Na.L.) of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, Palermo, Italy,
− Universidad de A Coruña, Spain.
Funded grant basing on peer-reviewing
FISH PATH NET -Potenziamento dei centri di ittiopatologia siciliani- Misura 2.56, Misure relative alla salute e al benessere degli animali - Po Feamp Sicilia 2014/2020;
FABBR-UNIME 2017- Finanziamento Attività di base della ricerca di ateneo;
PON02_000451_3362185 INNOVAQUA - "Innovazione tecnologica a supporto dell'incremento della produttività e della competitività dell'acquacoltura siciliana" [Technological innovation to support increased productivity and competitiveness of Sicilian aquaculture] (2012-2015, as component of the RU at the University of Messina);
Proyecto de Investigación Fundamental no orientada 2011 “Diversidad y relaciones filogenéticas de algas marinas bentónicas con potencial farmacológico: el complejo Laurencia (Rhodophyta) en las costas de la Macaronesia, Atlántico Tropical y Subtropical”, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Spain (component);
Programma di ricerca "ordinario" 2009 "Dinamiche di insediamento ed affermazione di popolamenti alloctoni nel sistema salmastro di Capo Peloro" [Settlement and success dynamics of non indigenous populations in the brackish system of Cape Peloro], University of Messina (component of the RU);
Programma di ricerca "ordinario" 2006/2007 "Valutazione dell'attività antimicrobica di macroalghe identificate tramite DNA barcoding" [Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of macroalgae identified by DNA barcoding], University of Messina (component of the RU);
Programma di ricerca "GR" 2002 "Sistematica molecolare del Gracilaria gracilis-complex (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) nel Mediterraneo" [Molecular systematics of the Gracilaria gracilis-complex (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) in the Mediterranean], University of Messina (principal investigator).
Cooperation to research projects
“BioWALK4Biofuels (2011-2015) – Biowaste and algae knowledge for the production of 2nd
generation biofuels”, project financed by the European Commission to produce biofuel from algae cultivation (
“Algal Life Global Audit” (2009-2011), leaded by the Canadian Barcode of Life Network (CBLN) within the International Barcode of Life Initiative (iBOL).
Teaching responsibilities:
At the University of Messina, Italy, after the enrolment as Researcher (2006):
Traceability and labeling of products of plant origin (6 CFU, triennial degree in Sustainability and Environmental Innovation), 2021 to present;
Systematic Botany (6 CFU, triennial degree in Marine and Terrestrial Environmental Sciences), 2021 to present;
Systematic Botany with exsercises (6 CFU, triennial degree in Sciences of Environment and Nature), in 2020-21;
Systematic Botany (6 CFU, triennial degree in Biological Sciences), 2018 to present;
Plant Biology (3 CFU, module within the course of Food and Nutrition of Farm Animals, master degree in Veterinary Medicine), 2015 to 2020;
General Botany (7 CFU, triennial degree in Biological Sciences), 2011 to 2020;
Botany (6 CFU, triennial degree in Marine biology and ecology), 2007-2013;
Evolution and diversity of plants (4 CFU, optional, master degree in Biology), 2011-2014;
Biology of reproduction of algae (6 CFU, optional, triennial degree in Biological Sciences), 2009-2015;
Phylogenetic methods for plants (4 CFU, optional, master degree in Biology), 2008-2011;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine, 2013 to present;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Experimental Sciences Applied to Animals, 2012-2013;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Tourism, Territory and Environment, 2009-2012;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Biology of Algae, 2007-2008 to 2008-2009;
Department delegate to the Internationalization for the degree courses of Marine Biology and Ecology and Biology and Ecology of the Marine and Coastal Environment (2011 to 2013);
Direction of thesis preparation for triennial, master and PhD students (2006-present).
Committee member:
Quality Insurance Committee (AQ) of the triennial degrees in Marine and Terrestrial Environment / Sciences of Environment and Nature, 2020 to present;
Focus group for Didactics of the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, 2020 to present;
Quality Insurance Committee (AQ) of the triennial degree in Biological Sciences, 2017 to present;
Committee for OFA test of the triennial degree in Biological Sciences, 2016-2017;
admission to the Doctorate School of Biology of Algae, 2007-2008;
admission to the Doctorate School of Tourism, Territory and Environment, 2010-2011;
final exam of the Doctorate School of Biology of Algae, 2011.
final exam of the Doctorate School of Pharmacy at the University of Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
Before the enrolment in 2006, at the University of Messina, Italy:
“Cultore della materia” (Scholar) in Botany (SSD BIO/01);
Teaching assistant in courses of Botany and Systematic Botany (SSD BIO/01, BIO/02) in the triennial degree of Marine Biology and Ecology and in the master degree of Biology and Ecology of the Marine and Costal Environment, 2005;
Seminars of “Introduction to biology, diversity and economic uses of algae” to undergraduate students in Biology and Natural Sciences, 2004-2005;
Support in laboratory work to undergraduate and PhD students, 1998-2005;
Teaching assistant in laboratory lessons to undergraduate students (courses: Biology of algae, Marine Botany, Marine Systematic Botany, Developmental Biology of marine plant, Laboratory methods in Botany, Economic Marine Algae), 1997-2005.
Extra-University teaching:
Lectures on macroalgal diversity and commercial applications for cultural associations, 2006-present
Teacher in lessons of Introductory Botany to secondary school students, Farm “Polito”, Vibo Valenzia, Italy, January-May 2002
Service as visitor guide at the Botanical Garden, University of Messina, Italy, 1997-1998
Agreement promoter between the University of Messina and other Universities and Research Institutions for Student Mobility
2014-present: University of Sfax, Tunisia;
2008-present: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris, France;
2010-2012: University of Gent, Belgium (Erasmus programme);
2011: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle D'Aosta, sezione di Genova e Savona.
2010: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.
PhD in Biology of Algae, University of Messina, Italy, 2001;
Degree in Biological Sciences (final evaluation: 110/110 cum laudae), University of Messina, Italy, 1997
Specialization Courses
Officinal plants, with final examination, University of Messina, Italy, 2001-2002
Cladistics – Isozymes electrophoresis, University of Messina, Italy, May 2000
Molecular biology techniques applied to ecology and taxonomy of macroalgae, University of Messina, Italy, May 1999
Apprenticeship as Biologist (Botany/ Microbiology), with final examination, University of Messina, Italy, March 1997-February 1998
Phycology, Società Botanica Italiana, Algology working group, June 1996, June 1998, June 2000
Scholarship and Awards
Post-doctoral fellowship [Life history of Bryopsis species (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) from the Straits of Messina], University of Messina, Italy, 2002-2004
“Premio Società Botanica Italiana”, award for outstanding PhD thesis in Botany (2000-2002), Società Botanica Italiana, 2003
PhD fellowship [Biology of algae], University of Messina, Italy, 1998-2000
Attendance at the Martin Ryan Institute to study phylogenetic inference techniques, National University of Ireland, Galway, January 2003;
Attendance as guest student at the Ecology of Benthos Laboratory to study molecular biology techniques applied to macroalgal phylogenies, Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn”, Italy, October-December 1999.
External reviewer VQR 2015-2019 (ANVUR), 2021
Journal of Applied Phycology, ISSN: 0921-8971, 2019
Scientific Reports-NatureResearch, ISSN 2045-2322, 2019
Diversity, ISSN 1424-2818, 2018
Algae, ISSN 1226-2617, 2018
Marine Drugs, ISSN 1660-3397, 2010-2017
Cryptogamie, Algologie, ISSN 0181-1568, 2017
European Journal of Phycology, ISSN 0967-0262, 2016
Joint Projects, University of Verona, 2014
Aquaculture Research, ISSN: 1365-2109, 2014
Futuro in ricerca (MIUR), 2013
Botanica Marina, ISSN 1437-4323, 2010, 2013
Cahiers de Biologie Marine, ISSN 2262-3094, 2013
FIRB-Futuro in ricerca (MIUR), 2011
Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, ISSN 0254-4059, 2012
Cryptogamie: Algologie, ISSN 0181-1568, 2011, 2017
Sexual Plant Reproduction, ISSN 0934-0882, 2011
Member of the comparative evaluation committee for the appointment of a fixed-term researcher in Systematic Botany (SC 05/A1, SSD BIO/02) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, June 2021,
Member of the comparative evaluation committee for the appointment of an Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Biology (SC 05/A1, SSD BIO/15) at UniME, June 2019.
Marine Organism Taxonomy (MOTax) Service of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC)
British Phycological Society
Federation of European Phycological Societies
International Phycological Society
Italian Network for DNA barcoding
Gen. nov.
Felicinia Manghisi, Le Gall, Ribera, Gargiulo et Morabito 2014
Sp. nov.
Gracilaria viridis A. Sfriso, M.A. Wolf, K. Sciuto, Morabito, C. Andreoli et I. Moro 2013
Pachymeniopsis gargiuloi S.Y. Kim, Manghisi, Morabito et S.M. Boo 2014
Yonagunia atimo-vatae Manghisi, Morabito, G.H. Boo, S.M. Boo et Le Gall 2015
Comb. nov.
Dermocorynus dichotomus (J. Agardh) Gargiulo, Morabito et Manghisi 2013
Dermocorynus horridus (Kützing) Gargiulo, Morabito et Manghisi 2013
Felicinia marginata (Roussel) Manghisi, Le Gall, Ribera, Gargiulo et Morabito 2014
Phyllymenia capensis (O. De Clerck) Gargiulo, Morabito et Manghisi 2013
Yonagunia ligulata (Harvey ex Kützing) Manghisi, Morabito, De Clerck et Le Gall 2015
Present position: Associate Professor in Systematic Botany (S.S.D. BIO/02) at the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina (UniME), Italy (since 2018).
Coordinator of the course Marine and Terrestrial Environmental Sciences (triennial degree).
Afferent to National Consortium Interuniversity for Marine Sciences (Co.N.I.S.Ma.).
National scientific qualification (ASN) for the role of full professor (2021-2030).
Previous position: Researcher and Aggregate Professor in Botany (S.S.D. BIO/01) at the University of Messina (2006-2018).
SCOPUS profile:
Research interests
Biology and systematics of macroalgae, with major interest on Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta;
systematics and molecular phylogenetics;
DNA barcoding;
non indigenous species;
cultivation and cryopreservation of economic species;
extraction and evaluation of antimicrobials and anticoagulants;
morphogenesis and life histories both in controlled conditions and in the field;
karyology and cytogenetics.
Research responsibility
Curator of the Phycological Lab Herbarium (PhL in Index Herbariorum) at UniME 2009 to present ;
coordinator of the Laboratory of Molecular Phylogenetics at UniME, 2009 to present;
coordinator of the Laboratory of Phycology at UniME, 2007 to 2009;
member of the Technical, Scientific and Management Committee of the “Orto Botanico Pietro Castelli” at UniME, 2017 to present;
member of the Scientific Community of Reference of the Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn”, Naples, Italy.
Research fellowships
Post-doctoral fellowship, Government of Canada Award, University of New Brunswick, Canada, 2005-2006;
Research cooperation, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France, 2011.
Research cooperations
− Centre for Environmental and Molecular Algal Research of the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada,
− Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris, France,
− Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia,
− University of Perpignan, France,
− Aarhus University, Denmark;
− Laboratorio de Algas Marinas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain;
− Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service, Livestock Nutrient Management Unit, Bushland, Texas, USA,
− Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco
Past Research cooperations
− Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Spain,
− University of Roma “Sapienza”, Italy,
− University of Padua, Italy,
− University Ca’ Foscari Venice, Italy,
− Universitat de Barcelona, Spain,
− University of Catania, Italy,
− CNR – Istituto per i Processi Chimico Fisici, Messina, Italy,
− CNR – Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia “Nicola Giordano”, Messina, Italy,
− Chungnam National University, Korea,
− University of Gent, Belgium,
− National Reference Center for Leishmaniasis (C.Re.Na.L.) of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, Palermo, Italy,
− Universidad de A Coruña, Spain.
Funded grant basing on peer-reviewing
FISH PATH NET -Potenziamento dei centri di ittiopatologia siciliani- Misura 2.56, Misure relative alla salute e al benessere degli animali - Po Feamp Sicilia 2014/2020;
FABBR-UNIME 2017- Finanziamento Attività di base della ricerca di ateneo;
PON02_000451_3362185 INNOVAQUA - "Innovazione tecnologica a supporto dell'incremento della produttività e della competitività dell'acquacoltura siciliana" [Technological innovation to support increased productivity and competitiveness of Sicilian aquaculture] (2012-2015, as component of the RU at the University of Messina);
Proyecto de Investigación Fundamental no orientada 2011 “Diversidad y relaciones filogenéticas de algas marinas bentónicas con potencial farmacológico: el complejo Laurencia (Rhodophyta) en las costas de la Macaronesia, Atlántico Tropical y Subtropical”, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Spain (component);
Programma di ricerca "ordinario" 2009 "Dinamiche di insediamento ed affermazione di popolamenti alloctoni nel sistema salmastro di Capo Peloro" [Settlement and success dynamics of non indigenous populations in the brackish system of Cape Peloro], University of Messina (component of the RU);
Programma di ricerca "ordinario" 2006/2007 "Valutazione dell'attività antimicrobica di macroalghe identificate tramite DNA barcoding" [Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of macroalgae identified by DNA barcoding], University of Messina (component of the RU);
Programma di ricerca "GR" 2002 "Sistematica molecolare del Gracilaria gracilis-complex (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) nel Mediterraneo" [Molecular systematics of the Gracilaria gracilis-complex (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) in the Mediterranean], University of Messina (principal investigator).
Cooperation to research projects
“BioWALK4Biofuels (2011-2015) – Biowaste and algae knowledge for the production of 2nd
generation biofuels”, project financed by the European Commission to produce biofuel from algae cultivation (
“Algal Life Global Audit” (2009-2011), leaded by the Canadian Barcode of Life Network (CBLN) within the International Barcode of Life Initiative (iBOL).
Teaching responsibilities:
At the University of Messina, Italy, after the enrolment as Researcher (2006):
Traceability and labeling of products of plant origin (6 CFU, triennial degree in Sustainability and Environmental Innovation), 2021 to present;
Systematic Botany (6 CFU, triennial degree in Marine and Terrestrial Environmental Sciences), 2021 to present;
Systematic Botany with exsercises (6 CFU, triennial degree in Sciences of Environment and Nature), in 2020-21;
Systematic Botany (6 CFU, triennial degree in Biological Sciences), 2018 to present;
Plant Biology (3 CFU, module within the course of Food and Nutrition of Farm Animals, master degree in Veterinary Medicine), 2015 to 2020;
General Botany (7 CFU, triennial degree in Biological Sciences), 2011 to 2020;
Botany (6 CFU, triennial degree in Marine biology and ecology), 2007-2013;
Evolution and diversity of plants (4 CFU, optional, master degree in Biology), 2011-2014;
Biology of reproduction of algae (6 CFU, optional, triennial degree in Biological Sciences), 2009-2015;
Phylogenetic methods for plants (4 CFU, optional, master degree in Biology), 2008-2011;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine, 2013 to present;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Experimental Sciences Applied to Animals, 2012-2013;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Tourism, Territory and Environment, 2009-2012;
Faculty member in the Doctorate School of Biology of Algae, 2007-2008 to 2008-2009;
Department delegate to the Internationalization for the degree courses of Marine Biology and Ecology and Biology and Ecology of the Marine and Coastal Environment (2011 to 2013);
Direction of thesis preparation for triennial, master and PhD students (2006-present).
Committee member:
Quality Insurance Committee (AQ) of the triennial degrees in Marine and Terrestrial Environment / Sciences of Environment and Nature, 2020 to present;
Focus group for Didactics of the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, 2020 to present;
Quality Insurance Committee (AQ) of the triennial degree in Biological Sciences, 2017 to present;
Committee for OFA test of the triennial degree in Biological Sciences, 2016-2017;
admission to the Doctorate School of Biology of Algae, 2007-2008;
admission to the Doctorate School of Tourism, Territory and Environment, 2010-2011;
final exam of the Doctorate School of Biology of Algae, 2011.
final exam of the Doctorate School of Pharmacy at the University of Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
Before the enrolment in 2006, at the University of Messina, Italy:
“Cultore della materia” (Scholar) in Botany (SSD BIO/01);
Teaching assistant in courses of Botany and Systematic Botany (SSD BIO/01, BIO/02) in the triennial degree of Marine Biology and Ecology and in the master degree of Biology and Ecology of the Marine and Costal Environment, 2005;
Seminars of “Introduction to biology, diversity and economic uses of algae” to undergraduate students in Biology and Natural Sciences, 2004-2005;
Support in laboratory work to undergraduate and PhD students, 1998-2005;
Teaching assistant in laboratory lessons to undergraduate students (courses: Biology of algae, Marine Botany, Marine Systematic Botany, Developmental Biology of marine plant, Laboratory methods in Botany, Economic Marine Algae), 1997-2005.
Extra-University teaching:
Lectures on macroalgal diversity and commercial applications for cultural associations, 2006-present
Teacher in lessons of Introductory Botany to secondary school students, Farm “Polito”, Vibo Valenzia, Italy, January-May 2002
Service as visitor guide at the Botanical Garden, University of Messina, Italy, 1997-1998
Agreement promoter between the University of Messina and other Universities and Research Institutions for Student Mobility
2014-present: University of Sfax, Tunisia;
2008-present: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris, France;
2010-2012: University of Gent, Belgium (Erasmus programme);
2011: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle D'Aosta, sezione di Genova e Savona.
2010: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.
PhD in Biology of Algae, University of Messina, Italy, 2001;
Degree in Biological Sciences (final evaluation: 110/110 cum laudae), University of Messina, Italy, 1997
Specialization Courses
Officinal plants, with final examination, University of Messina, Italy, 2001-2002
Cladistics – Isozymes electrophoresis, University of Messina, Italy, May 2000
Molecular biology techniques applied to ecology and taxonomy of macroalgae, University of Messina, Italy, May 1999
Apprenticeship as Biologist (Botany/ Microbiology), with final examination, University of Messina, Italy, March 1997-February 1998
Phycology, Società Botanica Italiana, Algology working group, June 1996, June 1998, June 2000
Scholarship and Awards
Post-doctoral fellowship [Life history of Bryopsis species (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) from the Straits of Messina], University of Messina, Italy, 2002-2004
“Premio Società Botanica Italiana”, award for outstanding PhD thesis in Botany (2000-2002), Società Botanica Italiana, 2003
PhD fellowship [Biology of algae], University of Messina, Italy, 1998-2000
Attendance at the Martin Ryan Institute to study phylogenetic inference techniques, National University of Ireland, Galway, January 2003;
Attendance as guest student at the Ecology of Benthos Laboratory to study molecular biology techniques applied to macroalgal phylogenies, Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn”, Italy, October-December 1999.
External reviewer VQR 2015-2019 (ANVUR), 2021
Journal of Applied Phycology, ISSN: 0921-8971, 2019
Scientific Reports-NatureResearch, ISSN 2045-2322, 2019
Diversity, ISSN 1424-2818, 2018
Algae, ISSN 1226-2617, 2018
Marine Drugs, ISSN 1660-3397, 2010-2017
Cryptogamie, Algologie, ISSN 0181-1568, 2017
European Journal of Phycology, ISSN 0967-0262, 2016
Joint Projects, University of Verona, 2014
Aquaculture Research, ISSN: 1365-2109, 2014
Futuro in ricerca (MIUR), 2013
Botanica Marina, ISSN 1437-4323, 2010, 2013
Cahiers de Biologie Marine, ISSN 2262-3094, 2013
FIRB-Futuro in ricerca (MIUR), 2011
Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, ISSN 0254-4059, 2012
Cryptogamie: Algologie, ISSN 0181-1568, 2011, 2017
Sexual Plant Reproduction, ISSN 0934-0882, 2011
Member of the comparative evaluation committee for the appointment of a fixed-term researcher in Systematic Botany (SC 05/A1, SSD BIO/02) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, June 2021,
Member of the comparative evaluation committee for the appointment of an Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Biology (SC 05/A1, SSD BIO/15) at UniME, June 2019.
Marine Organism Taxonomy (MOTax) Service of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC)
British Phycological Society
Federation of European Phycological Societies
International Phycological Society
Italian Network for DNA barcoding
Gen. nov.
Felicinia Manghisi, Le Gall, Ribera, Gargiulo et Morabito 2014
Sp. nov.
Gracilaria viridis A. Sfriso, M.A. Wolf, K. Sciuto, Morabito, C. Andreoli et I. Moro 2013
Pachymeniopsis gargiuloi S.Y. Kim, Manghisi, Morabito et S.M. Boo 2014
Yonagunia atimo-vatae Manghisi, Morabito, G.H. Boo, S.M. Boo et Le Gall 2015
Comb. nov.
Dermocorynus dichotomus (J. Agardh) Gargiulo, Morabito et Manghisi 2013
Dermocorynus horridus (Kützing) Gargiulo, Morabito et Manghisi 2013
Felicinia marginata (Roussel) Manghisi, Le Gall, Ribera, Gargiulo et Morabito 2014
Phyllymenia capensis (O. De Clerck) Gargiulo, Morabito et Manghisi 2013
Yonagunia ligulata (Harvey ex Kützing) Manghisi, Morabito, De Clerck et Le Gall 2015
Settori (16)
Parole chiave (12)
Algal cultivation
Algal extracts
DNA barcoding
Macroalgal cultivation
No Results Found
Partecipa a (3)
Geologia e Botanica Forense
GruppoScienze Botaniche
GruppoPubblicazioni (147)
Public Engagement (9)
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
Campus Papardo (16/05/2023 - 18/05/2023) 20230516
Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche, pedagogiche e degli studi culturali
Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Dipartimento di Economia
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Un giorno da ricercatore
Polo Papardo, Università degli Studi di Messina (01/02/2023 - 01/02/2023) 20230201
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Responsabile scientifico)
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali – Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres, 31 - 98166 - Messina Italy (UniMe)
(Polo Papardo (Edificio Didattico B, terzo piano) (26/01/2023 - 27/01/2023) 20230126
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (*) (Altro)
- Corso Scinze forensi per magistrati stranieri (STRUTTURA DIDATTICA TERRITORIALE DISTRETTO DELLA CORTE DI APPELLO DI MESSINA - progetto Rete Europea dei Giuristi - EJTN, Messina 19 - 23 settembre 2022)
Dip. MIFT (20/09/2022 - 20/09/2022) 20220920
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Responsabile scientifico)
- Biodiversità vegetale ed animale nell’Area centro mediterranea
Plant and animal biodiversity in the central Mediterranean Area
Sala Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Università degli Studi di Messina
Piattaforma Teams (19/05/2022 - 21/05/2022) 20220519
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Un giorno da Ricercatore
UNIVERSITA' DI MESSINA - POLO PAPARDO (10/05/2022 - 10/05/2022) 20220510
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Relatore)
- Un giorno da Ricercatore
Polo Papardo Universitòà degli Studi di Messina (30/03/2022 - 30/03/2022) 20220330
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Relatore)
- APE_Sea in SHELL (Sea in Science, Health, Environment, Literature, Law & economy) - Evento Associato alla European Researchers' Night 2021
Campus di Scienze - Papardo e Parco Horcynus Orca - Torre Faro (24/09/2021 - 24/09/2021) 20210924
Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche, pedagogiche e degli studi culturali
Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne
Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e giuridiche
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Dipartimento di Economia
Altre iniziative di Public Engagement (Altro)
- Attività di consulente tecnico del pubblico Ministero ambito convenzione Università di Messina e Procure distretto corte appello Messina. Incarico durato 11 mesi (11/08/2020-29/07/2021, Caso Caronia)
Dipartimento MIFT, laboratorio di Geologia forense. (11/08/2020 - ) 20200811
Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche, scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
No Results Found
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (4)
Primo Semestre (01/10/2024 - 23/12/2024)
- 2024
48 ore
Secondo Semestre (01/02/2025 - 31/05/2025)
- 2024
42 ore
Secondo Semestre (01/03/2025 - 12/05/2025)
- 2024
42 ore
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
42 ore
No Results Found