conferito da Il servizio "Science for Environment Policy": European Commission DG Environment, curato da SCU, la University del West of England, Bristol
- 2012
- A method has been developed to compare how EU Member States have implemented the Energy Performance Buildings Directive. It suggests that implementation varies widely across Europe but that the Czech Republic, Finland, Portugal and Slovakia have kept to the Directive’s aims and guidelines most closely, based on data available in 2009.
conferito da Il servizio "Science for Environment Policy": European Commission DG Environment, curato da SCU, la University del West of England, Bristol
- 2012
- A method has been developed to compare how EU Member States have implemented the Energy Performance Buildings Directive. It suggests that implementation varies widely across Europe but that the Czech Republic, Finland, Portugal and Slovakia have kept to the Directive’s aims and guidelines most closely, based on data available in 2009.