ACRI Giuseppe
Course Catalogue:
Cv Allegato
CvEuropeoItaliano a Aprile 23.pdf (CV_Acri Giuseppe)
Personal data
Birth date: April 12, 1978
Birth Place: Cosenza, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Employment Status: Researcher SSD FIS 07 –
Department address Dip. of P.A.S.S.I. – University of Messina
Pad. G – Torre Biologica - piano Terra Policlinico Universitario
Phone: 090 221 3675 / 2664
Fax: 090 221 2664
February 13, 2009 – PhD in Medical Physics – University of Messina - Thesis “Use of Fourier Transform in Computerized Dynamic Telethermography”
July 22, 2003 – Degree in Physics – Università of Calabria – Thesis “Electromagnetic Fields Measurements in the frequency range 80 MHz – 3 GHz and effects on vegetables radical apparatus”
July 1997 – High School diploma at the Liceo Scientifico Statale “E. Fermi” – Cosenza, Italy
Research interests
The scientific research has developed under the Health Physics and Biomedical Physics areas, both included in the scientific field SSD FIS/07. Particular interest was directed in the field of "Physical Applications – in MRI Diagnostic, collaborating in the developement of equipment and software designed for quality controls procedures. Attention was also devoted to the interactions between electromagnetic fields at radio frequencies and living organisms.
Field of research:
Development of innovative procedures in conducting quality control in diagnostic radiology: Software development in LabVIEW environment for the definition of an alternative method for assessing the temporal gradient of magnetic field in MRI Development of innovative phantoms used during quality controls in diagnostic radiology devices.
Use of non-invasive diagnostic medical image technique: Telethermography can contribute to the diagnostic process demonstrating thermal alterations in the involved tissues.
Analysis and Monitoring of risk factors in living and working environments: Control and monitoring of the electric field and magnetic field produced by tramway
Interaction between electromagnetic radiation - biological systems: Assessment of the possible biological effects of electromagnetic field, in the range of RF, on plant organisms.
From September 2009 - Lecturer for the Medical Physics School at Unversity of Messina
From a.y. 2011/2012
Lecturer of "Fisica con Elementi di Calcolo Matematico e Statistico" - Corso di Laurea in Farmacia - University of Messina
From a.y. 2010/2011
Lecturer of "Fisica- Statistica e informatica" - Corso di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria (LM42) - University of Messina
Lecturer of "Fisica con Elementi di Calcolo Matematico e Statistico" - Corso di Laurea in Scienze Farmaceutiche Applicate - University of Messina
a.y. 2006/2007 – Teacher assistant of Biomeccanica dell’Esercizio corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie e Sportive, Medicina e Chirurgia Faculty– Università of Messina
a.y. 2005/2006 - Teacher assistant of Calcolo 1, Calcolo 3 –– Engineering Faculty – University of Calabria
a.y. 2004/2005- Teacher assistant of Precorso di Matematica, Calcolo 1, Calcolo 2, Calcolo 3, Complementi di Fisica– Engineering Faculty – University of Calabria
a.y. 2003/2004 – Teacher assistant of Calcolo 1, Tutoraggio aggiuntivo Calcolo 1, Calcolo 2, Calcolo 3 – Engineering Faculty – University of Calabria
October 2005 – Teacher for “Acoustic” course confirms with 39 ECM credits – CNR e EMG s.r.l.
October 2005 – Teacher for “Elettrosmog” course confirms with 30 ECM credits – CNR e EMG s.r.l.
Birth date: April 12, 1978
Birth Place: Cosenza, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Employment Status: Researcher SSD FIS 07 –
Department address Dip. of P.A.S.S.I. – University of Messina
Pad. G – Torre Biologica - piano Terra Policlinico Universitario
Phone: 090 221 3675 / 2664
Fax: 090 221 2664
February 13, 2009 – PhD in Medical Physics – University of Messina - Thesis “Use of Fourier Transform in Computerized Dynamic Telethermography”
July 22, 2003 – Degree in Physics – Università of Calabria – Thesis “Electromagnetic Fields Measurements in the frequency range 80 MHz – 3 GHz and effects on vegetables radical apparatus”
July 1997 – High School diploma at the Liceo Scientifico Statale “E. Fermi” – Cosenza, Italy
Research interests
The scientific research has developed under the Health Physics and Biomedical Physics areas, both included in the scientific field SSD FIS/07. Particular interest was directed in the field of "Physical Applications – in MRI Diagnostic, collaborating in the developement of equipment and software designed for quality controls procedures. Attention was also devoted to the interactions between electromagnetic fields at radio frequencies and living organisms.
Field of research:
Development of innovative procedures in conducting quality control in diagnostic radiology: Software development in LabVIEW environment for the definition of an alternative method for assessing the temporal gradient of magnetic field in MRI Development of innovative phantoms used during quality controls in diagnostic radiology devices.
Use of non-invasive diagnostic medical image technique: Telethermography can contribute to the diagnostic process demonstrating thermal alterations in the involved tissues.
Analysis and Monitoring of risk factors in living and working environments: Control and monitoring of the electric field and magnetic field produced by tramway
Interaction between electromagnetic radiation - biological systems: Assessment of the possible biological effects of electromagnetic field, in the range of RF, on plant organisms.
From September 2009 - Lecturer for the Medical Physics School at Unversity of Messina
From a.y. 2011/2012
Lecturer of "Fisica con Elementi di Calcolo Matematico e Statistico" - Corso di Laurea in Farmacia - University of Messina
From a.y. 2010/2011
Lecturer of "Fisica- Statistica e informatica" - Corso di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria (LM42) - University of Messina
Lecturer of "Fisica con Elementi di Calcolo Matematico e Statistico" - Corso di Laurea in Scienze Farmaceutiche Applicate - University of Messina
a.y. 2006/2007 – Teacher assistant of Biomeccanica dell’Esercizio corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie e Sportive, Medicina e Chirurgia Faculty– Università of Messina
a.y. 2005/2006 - Teacher assistant of Calcolo 1, Calcolo 3 –– Engineering Faculty – University of Calabria
a.y. 2004/2005- Teacher assistant of Precorso di Matematica, Calcolo 1, Calcolo 2, Calcolo 3, Complementi di Fisica– Engineering Faculty – University of Calabria
a.y. 2003/2004 – Teacher assistant of Calcolo 1, Tutoraggio aggiuntivo Calcolo 1, Calcolo 2, Calcolo 3 – Engineering Faculty – University of Calabria
October 2005 – Teacher for “Acoustic” course confirms with 39 ECM credits – CNR e EMG s.r.l.
October 2005 – Teacher for “Elettrosmog” course confirms with 30 ECM credits – CNR e EMG s.r.l.
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