ARENA Francesco
Professore Ordinario
Course Catalogue:
1. Dati Anagrafici e Personali
Nome e Cognome Francesco ARENA
Luogo e Data di nascita Messina, 22 Febbraio 1964
Residenza Via Cons. Pompea 1831, Compl. “I 5 ulivi”
Tel. n° 334 1046254 (328 4394009)
Professione Docente Universitario (UNIME)
2. Titoli di Studio
Dic. 1989 DIPLOMA DI SPECIALIZZAZIONE IN “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE DI PROCESSO”, Università degli Studi di Messina (Voto: 50/50)
Dic. 1989 – Nov. 1991 BORSA DI STUDIO Biennale CNR per Laureati del Mezzogiorno
Gen. 1988 – Dic. 1998 BORSA DI STUDIO Annuale CNR per le Scienze Chimiche
Nov. 1987 ABILITAZIONE ALLA PROFESSIONE DI CHIMICO, Università degli Studi di Messina (Voto: 100/100)
Lug. 1987 LAUREA IN “CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE”, Università degli Studi di Messina (Voto: 110/110 e Lode)
Lug. 1982 DIPLOMA DI MATURITÀ SCIENTIFICA, Liceo Scientifico Statale “Archimede” di Messina (Voto: 58/60)
3. Esperienze Professionali
Novembre 2008: Coordinamento del Corso di Dottorato in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE E PROCESSI INNOVATIVI” (UNIME).
Novembre 2008: responsabile scientifico di una Convenzione Scientifica tra “ARTA SICILIA e Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali (UNIME).
Novembre 2008: responsabile scientifico di una Convenzione Scientifica tra ENI R&M e Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali (UNIME).
Giugno 2004 – Giugno 2006: responsabile scientifico di una Convenzione Scientifica “ARPA SICILIA - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali (UNIME).
Dall’a.a. 2001/02 ad oggi: Docente del CdL in CHIMICA INDUTRIALE (Triennale e Magistrale) in qualità di PROFESSORE UNIVERSITARIO di II° FASCIA (UNIME).
Da Gennaio 2000 ad oggi: incarico di ricerca presso l’Istituto CNR-ITAE “Nicola Giordano” (Messina).
Settembre 1998: membro del Comitato Organizzatore del Congresso Internazionale "Vth Natural Gas Conversion Symposium".
Dall’a.a. 1996/97 all’ a.a. 2002/03: Docente della Scuola di Specializzazione in TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE di PROCESSO (UNIME).
Dal Dicembre 1992: attività di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali dell’Università di Messina su numerose tematiche inerenti la Catalisi Eterogenea e la Chimica Industriale.
Dall’a.a. 1991/92 all’a.a. 2001/02: Supplente nel CdL in CHIMICA INDUTRIALE (Quinquennale) in qualità di RICERCATORE UNIVERSITARIO (UNIME).
Agosto-Ottobre 1989: “VISITING PROFESSOR” presso la TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY (College Station, Texas, USA).
Settembre 1987 - Novembre 1992: attività di ricerca presso l’Istituto CNR-ITAE (Messina).
4. Attività Didattica
Negli A.A. 1996/97 e 1997/98 è stato docente della disciplina “METODI SPERIMENTALI IN CATALISI” del 2° anno della Scuola di Specializzazione in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE DI PROCESSO” (Università di Messina).
Dall’A.A. 1996/97 all’A.A. 2002/03 ha fatto parte del Collegio Docenti della Scuola di Specializzazione in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE DI PROCESSO”.
Nel periodo Giugno-Luglio 1997 è stato docente della disciplina “CATALISI E CATALIZZATORI DI HYDROTREATING: PREPARAZIONE, TESTING E CARATTERIZZAZIONE” nell'ambito di un corso di formazione per personale laureato del CONSORZIO CENTRO RICERCHE SUD (AGIP PETROLI SpA – EURON SpA).
Dall'A.A. 1997/98 all’A.A. 2001/02 è stato supplente della disciplina "CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIA DELLA CATALISI" nell'ambito del corso di laurea in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dall'anno accademico 1997/98 è supplente della disciplina "LABORATORIO DI PROCESSI ED IMPIANTI INDUSTRIALI CHIMICI" nell'ambito del corso di laurea in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dall'anno accademico 1998/99 all’A.A. 2002/03 è stato docente della disciplina "PROCESSI CATALITICI INDUSTRIALI" nell'ambito Scuola di Specializzazione in TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE di PROCESSO (Università di Messina).
Nel Maggio 2000 ha tenuto lezioni nell’ambito di un corso di aggiornamento per personale insegnante avente per oggetto “Energia: Fonti, Produzione, Trasporto”.
Dal Novembre 2002, a seguito dell’inquadramento nel ruolo dei PROFESSORI UNIVERSITARI ASSOCIATI, è titolare del corso "CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIA DELLA CATALISI", nell'ambito del corso di laurea (V.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dal Novembre 2002, a seguito dell’inquadramento nel ruolo di PROFESSORI UNIVERSITARI ASSOCIATI, è titolare del corso "TECNOLOGIE CATALITICHE" nell'ambito del corso di laurea (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dal Novembre 2003 fa parte del Collegio Docenti del Corso di Dottorato in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE E PROCESSI INNOVATIVI”.
Dall’ A.A. 2005-06 è docente del corso "CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE: PROCESSI (MOD. B)" del corso di laurea (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2005-06 è docente del corso "CATALISI AMBIENTALE" del corso di laurea Magistrale (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2006-07 è docente del corso "STRUTTURA E REATTIVITÀ DEI SOLIDI" del corso di laurea Magistrale (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2008-09 è docente del corso "CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE: FONDAMENTI" del corso di laurea (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2008-09 è docente del corso "CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIA DELLA CATALISI" del corso di laurea Magistrale (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
5. Attività Scientifica
Dal Settembre 1987, svolge attività di ricerca su tematiche inerenti aspetti di base ed applicativi della CATALISI ETEROGENEA con particolare riferimento ai settori della CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE E DELLA CATALISI AMBIENTALE.
Nel corso della pluriennale attività, svolta nell’ambito di numerose collaborazioni nazionali ed internazionali, ha maturato una notevole esperienza nei settori:
i) progettazione, preparativa, caratterizzazione e testing di catalizzatori eterogenei e
ii) progettazione, realizzazione e gestione di impianti per la caratterizzazione ed il testing di catalizzatori solidi.
Ha inoltre acquisito una notevole conoscenza teorico/pratica delle più importanti Tecniche Analitiche di Caratterizzazione, contribuendo allo sviluppo di nuove metodologie.
L’attività scientifica è documentata dai seguenti titoli:
110 pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste internazionali (peer reviewed);
111 comunicazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali;
1 brevetto internazionale;
1 invito come Lecturer al VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (2004);
1 invito come Chariman al VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (2004);
21 relazioni tecnico-scientifiche;
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME ed ARPA SICILIA (periodo 2004-2006; importo 50.000,00 EURO)
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME ed ENI R&M (periodo 2008-2009; importo 96.000,00 EURO)
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME e ASSESORATO TERRITORIO E AMBIENTE della REGIONE SICILIA (periodo 2008-2009; importo 75.000,00)
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME e NICO SpA (periodo 2009; importo 40.000,00 EURO)
A) Elenco delle Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
N° Authors, Title, Journal, Volume (year) pages Year I.F.
P112 B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, F. Arena, “Raman scattering of MnOx-CeOx composite catalysts: Structural aspects and laser-heating effects”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2010) submitted 2010
P111 F. Arena, C. Italiano, A. Raneri, C. Saija, “Mechanistic and kinetic insights into the wet air oxidation of phenol (CWAO) by homogeneous and heterogeneous transition–metal catalysts”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (2010) submitted 2010 4.780
P110 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, C. Saja, A. Raneri, L. Spadaro, “Physico-chemical and catalytic properties of effective nanostructured MnCeOx systems for enviuronmental applications”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (2010) accepted 2010
P109 C. Cannilla, G. Bonura, E. Rombi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “Highly effective MnCeOx catalysts for biodiesel production by transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol”, Applied Catalysis A: General xxx (2010) xxx-xxx 2010 2.612
P108 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Diesel-fuel improver production via novel heterogenized solid-acid catalysts”, Chemical Engineering Journal xxx (2010) xxx-xxx 2010
P107 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Bonura, C. Cannilla, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, “Catalytic etherification of glycerol by tert-butyl alcohol to produce oxygenated additives for diesel fuel”, Applied Catalysis A: General 367 (2009) 77-83 2009 2.612
P106 F. Frusteri, G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana “Doped Ni Thin Layer Catalysts for Catalytic Decomposition of Natural Gas to Produce Hydrogen” Applied Catalysis A: General, 365 (2009) 122-129 2009 2.612
P105 F. Arena, G. Italiano, K. Barbera, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Basic evidences for methanol-synthesis catalyst design”, Catalysis Today 143 (2009) 80-85 2009 1.933
P104 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic Decomposition of Natural Gas for COx-Free Hydrogen Production in a Structured Multilayer Reactor” Applied Catalysis A: General 357 (2009) 58-65 2009 2.612
P103 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Nanosize effects, physicochemical properties and catalytic oxidation pattern of the redox-precipitated MnCeOx system”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 2822-2829 2009 4.080
P102 M.T. Nechita, G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Iron ions supported on oxides: Fe/Al2O3 vs. Fe/SiO2”, Il Nuovo Cimento 123B (2008) 1541-1551 2008
P101 F. Arena, G. Italiano, K. Barbera, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Solid-state interactions, adsorption sites and functionality of Cu-ZnO/ZrO2 catalysts in the CO2 hydrogenation to CH3OH”, Applied Catalysis A: General 350 (2008) 16-23 2008 2.612
P100 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, “Optimization of the MnCeOx system for the catalytic wet oxidation of phenol with oxygen (CWAO)”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 85 (2008) 40-47. 2008 3.961
P99 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic features of Mg-modified Ni/SiO2/Silica cloth systems in the decomposition of methane for making “COx-free” H2”, Catalysis Letters 124 (2008) 7-12 2008 1.762
P98 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, “Synthesis of molecularly dispersed MnCeOx catalysts via a novel redox-precipitation route”, Materials Research Bullettin 43 (2008) 539-545 2008 1.163
P97 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri “Activity and stability of iron based catalysts in advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology via CO2-rich syngas conversion” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 167 (2007) 49-54 2007 0.513
P96 F. Arena, J. Negro, A. Parmaliana, L. Spadaro, G. Trunfio, "Improved MnCeOx catalysts for the wet oxidation (CWO) of noxious compounds in wastewater streams" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46 (2007) 6724-6731 2007 1.762
P95 F. Arena, K. Barbera, G. Italiano, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Synthesis, characterization and activity pattern of Cu-ZnO/ZrO2 catalysts in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol”, Journal of Catalysis 249 (2007) 183-192 2007 4.780
P94 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Basic evidences of the molecular dispersion of MnCeOx catalysts synthesized via a novel redox-precipitation route”, Chemistry of Materials 19(9) (2007) 2269-2276 2007 4.800
P93 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Design of effective ceria-supported MnOx catalysts for the CWO of phenol”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 172 (2007) 489-492 2007 0.513
P92 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Strategy of design of Ni/MgO catalysts for the reforming of hydrocarbons to hydrogen/syngas” Research Trends Current Topics in Catalysis 5 (2006) 69-88 2006
P91 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, “Catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to formaldehyde: Catalyst development and process design”, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Saudi-Japanese Symposium on Catalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals, 2006, pp. 177-184” 2006
P90 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana “Ni thin layer catalysts for making H2 “COx free” by decomposition of natural gas in a structured multilayer reactor” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 162 (2006) 633-640 2006 0.513
P89 C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Tasselli, A. Regina, E. Drioli, A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of propane on Nafion/PEEK-WC catalytic membranes in a multifunctional reaction system”, Catalysis Today 118 (2006) 253-258 2006 1.933
P88 G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “A basic assessment of the reactivity of Ni catalysts in the decomposition of methane for the production of “COx-free” hydrogen for fuel cells application”, Catalysis Today 116 (2006) 298-303 2006 1.933
P87 F. Arena, P. Famulari, N. Interdonato, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, “Structure and reactivity of Au/CeO2 catalysts in total and selective oxidation of CO”, Catalysis Today 116 (2006) 384-390 2006 1.933
P86 F. Arena, “Basic relationships in the pre-reforming of n-hexane on Ni/MgO catalyst”, AIChE Journal 52(8) (2006) 2823-2831 2006 1.645
P85 F. Arena, P. Famulari, G. Trunfio, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, “Probing the factors affecting structure and activity of the Au/CeO2 system in total and preferential oxidation of CO”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 66 (2006) 81-91 2006 3.026
P84 F. Arena, G. Gatti, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana, “Activity pattern of low-loaded FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in the selective oxidation of C1 and C3 alkanes with oxygen” Catalysis Today 117 (2006) 75-79 2006 1.933
P83 F. Arena, E. Alongi, P. Famulari, A. Parmaliana, G. Trunfio, “A basic assessment of the catalytic pattern of the CuCeOx system in the wet oxidation of phenol with oxygen”, Catalysis Letters 107 (2006) 39-46 2006 1.762
P82 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, M.L. Granados, M. Ojeda, J.L.G. Fierro, F. Frusteri, “Metal-Support Interactions and Reactivity of Co/CeO2 Catalysts in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Reaction”, Journal of Catalysis 234 (2005) 451-462 2005 4.780
P81 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Magnesia supported Nickel catalysts. Synthesis, Structural Models and Catalytic Properties”, Research Signpost - Recent Research Developments in Catalysis 3 (2005) 67-106 2005
P80 F. Arena, G. Gatti, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, L. Stievano, L. Spadaro, P. Famulari, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and reactivity in the selective oxidation of methane to formaldehyde of low-loaded FeOx/SiO2 catalysts”, Journal of Catalysis 231(2) (2005) 365-380 2005 4.780
P79 F. Arena, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Integrated synthesis of dimethylether via CO2 hydrogenation”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 147 (2004) 385-390 2004 0.513
P78 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, “Structure-activity relationships in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on FeOx/SiO2 catalysts”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 147 (2004) 535-540 2004 0.513
P77 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana “Preparation method and structure of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in methane to formaldehyde selective oxidation” Catalysis Today 91-92 (2004) 305-309 2004 1.933
P76 C. Espro, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, F. Sini, V. Solinas, “Factors affecting the efficiency of Nafion based catalytic membranes in the oxidation of light paraffins mediated by the Fenton system” Catalysis Today 91-92 (2004) 215-218 2004 1.933
P75 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, D. Branca, E. Alongi, A. Parmaliana, “Modelling the activity-stability pattern of Ni/MgO catalysts in the pre-reforming of n-hexane” Applied Catalysis A: General 266 (2004) 155-162 2004 2.728
P74 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Scientific basis for process and catalyst design in the selective oxidation of methane to formaldehyde” Accounts of Chemical Research 36(12) (2003) 867-875 2003 13.262
P73 F. Arena, R. Giovenco, T. Torre, A. Venuto, A. Parmaliana, “Activity and resistance to leaching of Cu-based catalysts in the wet oxidation of phenol” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 45 (2003) 51-62 2003 3.026
P72 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of methane to oxygenates. Reaction mechanism, kinetics and catalyst requirements” Research Signpost - Recent Research Developments in Catalysis 2 (2003) 251-273 2003
P71 C. Espro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Innovative membrane-based catalytic process for environmentally friendly synthesis of oxygenates”, Topics in Catalysis 22 (2003) 65-70 2003 3.242
P70 P. Bera, A. Gaten, M.S. Hegdé, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, “Promoting effect of CeO2 in combustion synthesized Pt/CeO2 catalyst for CO oxidation” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (2003) 6122-6130 2003 3.386
P69 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde. A theoretic-experimental approach to process design and catalyst development”, Journal of Catalysis 207 (2002) 232-236 2002 4.780
P68 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Chuvilin, F. Arena, "TEM evidence for factors affecting the genesis of carbon species on bare and K-doped Ni/MgO catalysts during the dry-reforming of methane", Carbon 40 (2002) 1063-1070 2002 1.715
P67 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Martinez-Arias, M. Lopez-Granados, J.L.G. Fierro, “Effect of Fe-addition on the catalytic activity of silicas in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde” Applied Catalysis A: General 226 (2002) 163-174 2002 2.780
P66 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, T. Torre, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Tailoring effective FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in methane to formaldehdye partial oxidation”, Catalysis Letters 80 (2002) 69-72 2002 1.762
P65 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Venuto, A. Parmaliana, “Design, preparation and testing of effective FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in methane to formaldehdye selective oxidation”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 143 (2002) 1097-1105 2002 0.513
P64 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, C. Espro, A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, “Liquid-phase selective oxidation of propane on silica-supported Nafion catalysts”, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 11 (2002) 180-185 2002
P63 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, A. Parmaliana, “Mechanistic evidences of the synthesis of methyl formate from methane and air on oxide catalysts”, Catalysis Today 64 (2001) 97-102 2001 1.933
P62 F. Arena, T. Torre, C. Raimondo, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and redox properties of bulk and supported MnOx catalysts”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3 (2001) 1911-1917 2001 2.892
P61 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Calogero, T. Torre, A. Parmaliana, “Potassium-enhanced stability of Ni/MgO catalysts in the dry reforming of methane”, Catalysis Communications 2 (2001) 49-56 2001 2.098
P60 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, J.L.G. Fierro, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye on Fe-doped silica catalysts”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 136 (2001) 531-536 2001 0.513
P59 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Modelling the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on silica catalyst” Applied Catalysis A: General 197 (2000) 239-247 2000 2.780
P58 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, "Kinetic and mechanistic study of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldeyhde on silica catalysts", Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130 (2000) 3585-3590 2000 0.513
P57 G. Martra, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Two step synthesis of methyl formate from CH4 and air via formaldehyde: surface reactivity of oxide catalysts towards HCHO”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130 (2000) 3591-3596 2000 0.513
P56 G. Centi, G. Grasso, F. Vazzana, F. Arena, “SO2 resistant Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts for the conversion of nitrogen oxides”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130 (2000) 635-640 2000 0.513
P55 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Kinetics of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on silica catalyst”, AIChE Journal 46(11) (2000) 2285-2294 2000 1.645
P54 F. Frusteri, C. Espro, F. Arena, E. Passalacqua, A. Patti, A. Parmaliana, "Partial oxidation of propane on Nafion supported catalytic membranes", Catalysis Today 61 (2000) 37-41 2000 1.933
P53 C. Espro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, "Selective oxidation of propane on a Nafion-based catalytic membrane mediated by FeII-H2O2 Fenton system", Journal of Molecular Catalysis 159 (2000) 359-364 2000 1.659
P52 G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, F. Frusteri , A. Parmaliana, "Factors controlling the selectivity of V2O5 catalysts in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane", Catalysis Today 63 (2000) 197-207 2000 1.933
P51 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, S. Bellitto, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of light paraffins on supported superacid catalytic membranes”, Applied Catalysis A: General 180 (1999) 325-333 1999 2.728
P50 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, "How oxide carriers affect the reactivity of supported V2O5 in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane", Catalysis Letters 60 (1999) 59-63 1999 1.762
P49 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Alkali promotion of Ni/MgO catalyst", Applied Catalysis A: General 187 (1999) 127-140 1999 2.728
P48 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and dispersion of supported vanadia catalysts. Influence of the oxide carrier”, Applied Catalysis A: General 176 (1999) 189-199 1999 2.728
P47 V. Sokolovskii, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, A. Parmaliana. “Coordination symmetry and reduction features of V ions in V2O5/SiO2 catalysts. Relevance to catalytic partial oxidation reactions”, Journal of Catalysis 173 (1998) 238-240 1998 4.780
P46 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Mezzapica, V. Sokolovskii, “Synthesis of methyl formate via two step methane partial oxidation”, Catalysis Today 46 (1998) 117-125 1998 1.933
P45 F. Arena, R. Dario, A. Parmaliana, “A characterization study of the surface acidity of solid catalysts by temperature programmed methods”, Applied Catalysis A: General 170 (1998) 127-137 1998 2.728
P44 D. Duca, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, G. Deganello, “Hydrogenation of acetylene in ethylene rich feedstocks: comparison between palladium supported on pumice and alumina catalysts” Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 207-216 1998 2.728
P43 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. L. Plyasova, A. Parmaliana, “Solid state interactions in Li-doped Ni/MgO catalysts”, The Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans. 94 (1998) 3385-3391 1998 2.892
P42 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, “Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on supported V2O5 catalysts. The role of redox and acid-base properties”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, V Natural Gas Conversion 119 (1998) 665-670 1998 0.513
P41 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, C. Espro, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Selective partial oxidation of light hydrocarbons under mild conditions by a three phase catalytic membrane reactor (3PCMR)”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, V Natural Gas Conversion 119 (1998) 447-452 1998 0.513
P40 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, “High yields in the catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to formaldehdye: catalytic development and reactor configuration”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, V Natural Gas Conversion 119 (1998) 551-556 1998 0.513
P39 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, A. Parmaliana. “Surface structures, reduction pattern and oxygen chemisorption of V2O5/SiO2 catalysts”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 93 (1997) 3849-3854 1997 2.892
P38 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano, M.S. Scurrell, V. Sokolovskii. “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on bulk and silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts: surface features and reaction mechanism” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Natural Gas Conversion IV, 107 (1997) 23-28 1997 0.513
P37 G. Martra, P. Vittone, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “UV-Vis diffuse reflectance and FTIR spectroscopic investigation of V2O5/SiO2 and MoO3/SiO2 catalysts for partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye”, Il Nuovo Cimento 19 (1997) 1727-1734 1997 0.409
P36 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, V. Sokolovskii, “Active species and working mechanism of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light alkanes”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 110 (1997) 347-356 1997 0.513
P35 V. Sokolovskii, F. Arena, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana. “Role of acid-base properties of SiO2 based catalysts in the selective oxidation of propane”, Journal of Catalysis 167 (1997) 296-299 1997 4.780
P34 F. Arena, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana. “Working mechanism of oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye. Part II: Redox properties and reactivity of SiO2, MoO3/SiO2, V2O5/SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5/TiO2 systems”, Journal of Catalysis 167 (1997) 66-76 1997 4.780
P33 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena. “Working mechanism of oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye. Part I: Catalytic behaviour of SiO2, MoO3/SiO2, V2O5/SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5/TiO2 systems”, Journal of Catalysis 167 (1997) 57-65 1997 4.780
P32 A.Parmaliana, F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “A comparative study of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on bulk and silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts”, Catalysis Today, 28 (1996) 363-371 1996 1.933
P31 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, L. Plyasova, A.N. Shmakov. “Effect of calcination on the structure of Ni/MgO catalyst: an X-Ray Diffraction study”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 92 (1996) 469-471 1996 2.892
P30 F. Arena, G. Cum, R. Gallo, A. Parmaliana. “Palladium catalysts supported on oligomeric aramides in the liquid phase hydrogenation of phenylacetylene”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis 110 (1996) 235-242 1996 1.659
P29 K. Vikulov, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, D. Miceli, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, E. Paukshtis. “FTIR spectroscopic investigation of the active sites on different types of silica catalysts for methane partial oxidation to formaldehdye”, Catalysis Letters 37 (1996) 235-239 1996 1.762
P28 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli. “Propane oxidative dehydrogenation on silica based oxide catalysts”, Catalysis Letters 40 (1996) 105-109 1996 1.762
P27 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “Silica Supported Molybdena Catalysts. Surface structures, reduction pattern and oxygen chemisorption”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (1996) 19994-20005 1996 3.328
P26 M. Puglisi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, V. Sokolovskii, A. Parmaliana. “Effect of vanadia loading in propane oxidative dehydrogenation on V2O5/SiO2 catalysts”, Catalysis Letters 41 (1996) 41-43 1996 1.762
P25 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Temperature Programmed Reaction: a powerful and reliable method for catalyst testing in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde” Applied Catalysis A: General 125 (1995) 39-59 1995 2.728
P24 F. Arena, A.L. Chuvilin, A. Parmaliana. “Characterization of Li-doped Ni/MgO catalysts”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (1995) 990-998 1995 3.328
P23 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, N. Giordano. “On the nature of the active sites of silica based oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde”, Catalysis Today 24 (1995) 231-236 1995 1.933
P22 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “On the nature of the catalytic activity of silica based oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde with O2”, Journal of Catalysis 148 (1994) 514-523 1994 4.780
P21 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, M.S Scurrell, D. Miceli, F. Arena, F. Frusteri. “Methane partial oxidation to formaldehyde on silica supported oxide catalysts: role of MoO3 and V2O5”, Natural Gas Conversion II, Elsevier Science B.V. (1994) 491-496 1994
P20 G. Martra, L. Marchese, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, S. Coluccia. “Surface structure of Ni/MgO catalysts: effects of carbon and hydrogen on the reactivity towards CO. HRTEM and FTIR studies”, Topics in Catalysis 1 (1994) 63-73 1994 3.242
P19 F. Arena, G. Cum, R. Gallo, A. Parmaliana. “Palladium-based catalysts supported on oligomeric aramides. A TPR investigation”, The Journal of Molecular Catalysis 94 (1994) 203-212 1994 1.659
P18 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Mechanistic evidences of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde over silica based oxide catalysts by temperature programmed reaction studies”, Catalysis Today 21 (1994) 505-512 1994 1.933
P17 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “On the reduction of Pdn+ forms in Pd/-Al2O3 catalysts”, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 51 (1993) 331-342 1993 0.557
P16 Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Surface structure and reactivity of magnesia-supported nickel catalysts: a model system”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 75 (1993) 2087-2090 1993 0.513
P15 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, S. Coluccia, L. Marchese, G. Martra, A. Chuvilin. “Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts. Part II: Surface properties and reactivity in CH4 steam reforming”, Journal of Catalysis 141 (1993) 34-47 1993 4.780
P14 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Silica-supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde. Factors controlling reactivity”, Catalytic Selective Oxidation, ACS Symp. Series 523 (Washington D.C.) 1993, 43 1993
P13 D. Miceli, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, M.S. Scurrell, V. Sokolovskii. “Effect of the metal oxide loading on the activity of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective partial oxidation of methane”, Catalysis Letters 18 (1993) 283-288 1993 1.762
P12 G. Martra, F. Arena, M. Baricco, S. Coluccia, L. Marchese, A. Parmaliana. “High loading Ni/MgO catalysts. Surface characterization by IR spectra of adsorbed CO”, Catalysis Today 17 (1993) 449-458 1993 1.933
P11 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “A temperature programmed reaction method for catalyst testing in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde”, Journal of Catalysis 143 (1993) 299-303 1993 4.780
P10 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Selective partial oxidation of light paraffins with hydrogen peroxide on thin-layer supported Nafion-H catalysts”, Catalysis Letters 12 (1992) 353-360 1992 1.762
P9 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Interaction pathway of chloride ions with -Al2O3. Surface acidity and thermal stability of the Cl/-Al2O3 system” Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 88 (1992) 3353-3356 1992 2.892
P8 F. Arena, B.A. Horrell, D.L. Cocke, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts. Part I: Factors affecting the structure and the morphological properties”, Journal of Catalysis 132 (1991) 58-67 1991 4.780
P7 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, N. Mondello, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “Influence of the calcination treatment on the surface chemical properties of the Ni/MgO system: a CO2-TPD approach”, Langmuir 7 (1991) 1555-1559 1991 3.045
P6 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Influence of alkali metals (Li and K) addition to Ni/MgO catalyst”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 68 (1991) 489-492 1991 0.513
P5 F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Thin layer supported Nafion catalysts for light paraffins partial oxidation”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1991) 1332-1333 1991 3.695
P4 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “On the reduction of NiO forms in magnesia supported Ni catalysts”, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 42 (1990) 121-126 1990 0.557
P3 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “A TPR study of NiO-MgO interactions in magnesia supported Ni catalyst and NiO-MgO physical mixture”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 86 (1990) 2663-2669 1990 2.892
P2 F. Arena, A. Licciardello, A. Parmaliana. “The role of Ni2+ diffusion on the reducibility of the NiO/MgO system: a combined TPR-XPS study”, Catalysis Letters 6 (1990) 139-149 1990 1.762
P1 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Activity and characterization of alkali doped Ni/MgO catalysts”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 48 (1989) 739-748 1989 0.513
B) Elenco delle Partecipazioni a Congressi Nazionali e Internazionali
N° Authors, Title, Congress, Date, Place Year
C111 C. Cannilla, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “Novel MnCeOx catalysts for biodiesel production by transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol”, International conference on Catalysis for Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals, June 28-July 2, 2010, St. Petersburg, (RUSSIA) 2010
C110 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, C. Saja, A. Raneri, L. Spadaro, “Physico-chemical and catalytic properties of effective nanostructured MnCeOx systems for enviuronmental applications”, X International Conference on “Scientific Basis for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts, 10-15 July 2010, Louvain-La-Neuve (BELGIUM) 2010
C109 G. Italiano, C. Espro. F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “A Novel Approach for H2 production by Methane decomposition over thin layer catalysts”, XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 5-10 Luglio 2009, Sorrento (ITALY) 2009
C108 G. Trunfio, C. Saja, J. Negro, F. Arena, “Novel Mn-based catalysts for the catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of phenol”, XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 5-10 Luglio 2009, Sorrento (ITALY) 2009
C107 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, C. Cannilla, O. Di Blasi, “Diesel fuel oxygenated additives production by catalytic etherification of glycerol with tert-butyl alcohol”, EuropaCat IX, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, Salamanca (Spain) 2009
C106 G. Bonura, F. Arena, C. Cannilla, G. Italiano, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Improved performance of CO2–to-methanol hydrogenation catalysts”, EuropaCat IX, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, Salamanca (Spain) 2009
C105 L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G, Bonura, F. Arena, K. Barbera, F. Frusteri, “Heterogeneous perfluorosulfonic-ceria compositions, results from improvement studies on “high value chemicals” synthesis”, EuropaCat IX, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, Salamanca (Spain) 2009
C104 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Diesel-fuel improver production via novel heterogeneized solid acid catalysts”, O4-8, 6th World Congress on Catalysis by Acids and Bases ABC-6, 10-14 May 2009, Monday May 11, Genova (Italy) 2009
C103 B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, J. Negro, G. Trunfio, F. Arena, "Structural characterization of metal oxides nanopowders by Raman scattering and laser-heating effects", XXI Congresso GNSR 2009, Simposio “Materiali Innovativi: il contributo della spettroscopia”, 10-13 February 2009, Milano (Italy) 2009
C102 F. Arena, G. Italiano, K. Barbera, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Basic evidences for methanol-synthesis catalyst design”, International Symposium on "Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry" (CCESC), 17th-20th June 2008, Madrid (Spain) 2008
C101 F. Arena, “Ossidazione catalitica con aria (CWAO) a bassa temperatura per l’abbattimento di inquinanti organici recalcitranti nei reflui industriali”, Water Reuse Technology Workshop, CENTRO RICERCHE ENI R&M, Monterotondo (ROMA), 17–18 Settembre 2008 2008
C100 F. Frusteri, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Italiano, F. Arena, “Improved catalytic systems for an effective CO2-recycling via hydrogenation to methanol”, XVII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, 30 Giugno-3 Luglio 2008, Genova (Italy) 2008
C99 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, A. Mezzapica, F. Frusteri, “Advances in Fisher-Tropsch technology via iron-ceria catalysts”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C98 F. Frusteri, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, “Etherification of glycerol to produce oxygenated additives for diesel fuels”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C97 F.Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Scientific bases for the development of oxide catalysts in the wet oxidation of organic pollutants with air/oxygen in wastewaters (CWAO)”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C96 F.Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Synthesis of nanostructured MnCeOx catalysts via the redox-precipitation route”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C95 M.T. Nechita, G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Speciation of iron on different supports by spectroscopic analysis: FeOx/Al2O3 vs. FeOx/SiO2”, IV workshop on oxide based materials: novelties and perspectives, June 6-10, Como (Italy) 2008
C94 G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, “Recent advances in catalysts development for the wet oxidation of phenol with air/oxygen (CWO) at low temperature”, 3rd International Symposium on Environment, 22-25 May 2008. Athens (Greece) 2008
C93 G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Spectroscopic, redox and catalytic properties of FeOx/Al2O3 Catalysts in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane”, EUROPACAT-VIII, 26-31 August 2007, Turku/Åbo (Finland) 2007
C92 F. Arena, K. Barbera, G. Italiano, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Activity pattern of Cu-ZnO/ZrO2 catalysts in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol”, EUROPACAT-VIII, 26-31 August 2007, Turku/Åbo (Finland) 2007
C91 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Activity and stability of iron based catalysts in advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology via CO2-rich syngas conversion”, VIII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 27-31 May 2007, Natal (Brasil) 2007
C90 F. Arena, G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and Reactivity of FeOx/Al2O3 Catalysts in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane”, VIII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 27-31 May 2007, Natal (Brasil) 2007
C89 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas to Formaldehyde: Catalyst Development and Process Design”, 16th Annual Catalyst Symposium, November 5-6 2006, Daharan (SAUDI ARABIA) Nov. 5-6, '06 2006
C88 F. Arena, J. Negro, A. Parmaliana, L. Spadaro, G. Trunfio, “Improved MnCeOx catalysts for total oxidative processes of noxious compounds in wastewater streams”, First Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering for Environment, October 4-6 2006, San Servolo - Venice (ITALY) 2006
C87 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana, “Improved MnCeOxx catalysts for the catalytic wet oxidation of phenol with oxygen (CWO)”, XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-15 September 2006, Firenze (ITALY) 2006
C86 G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “Produzione di additivi ossigenati (Acetali) per combustibili diesel su catalizzatori solidi acidi polimerici” XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-15 September 2006, Firenze (ITALY) 2006
C85 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Influence of acid and base dopants on the performance of Ni this layer catalysts in the catalytic decomposition of natural gas”, XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-15 September 2006, Firenze (ITALY) 2006
C84 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Ni thin layer catalysts for making H2 “COx free” by decomposition of natural gas in a structured multilayer reactor”, VIII Symposium on Scientific Basis for Preparation of Catalysts, 10-14 September 2006, Louvain-La-Neuve (BELGIUM) 2006
C83 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, G. Trunfio, “Design of effective ceria-supported MnOx catalysts for the CWO of phenol”, TOCAT5, July 24-28 2006, Tokyo (JAPAN) 2006
C82 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Oxygenated additives production for diesel fuels”, XVII Internationl Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-17, 15-19 May 2006, Athens-Crete, (GREECE)) 2006
C81 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic decomposition of natural gas for “COx free” hydrogen production in a structured multilayer reactor”, XVII Internationl Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-17, 15-19 May 2006, Athens-Crete, (GREECE)) 2006
C80 G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Fruseri, “A basic assessment of the reactivity of Ni catalysts in the decomposition of methane for the production of “COx-free” hydrogen for fuel cells application”, 2nd European Hydrogen Energy Conference, November 22nd-25th 2005, Zaragoza (SPAIN) 2005
C79 F. Arena, P. Famulari, N. Interdonato, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, “Structure and reactivity of Au/CeO2 catalysts in total and selective oxidation of CO”, 2nd European Hydrogen Energy Conference, November 22nd-25th 2005, Zaragoza (SPAIN) 2005
C78 F. Arena, G. Gatti, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana, “Activity pattern of low-loaded FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light (C1-C3) paraffins” 5th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 25-30 September 2005, Sapporo (JAPAN) 2005
C77 G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “COx-free H2 production by methane decomposition over supported nickel catalysts” XVI CNCI, 14-17 June 2005, Verbania Pallanza (ITALY) 2005
C76 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Activity and stability of iron based catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis via CO/CO2 hyudrogenation” Europacat VII, May 31-September 5 2005, Sophia (BULGARIA) 2005
C75 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Arena, “Clean fuel for diesel engines: catalytic synthesis and environmental impact of DME” Beograd 2005 EAEC European Automotive Congress, May 30-June 1 2005, Beograd (SERBIA) 2005
C74 C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Tasselli, A. Regina, E. Drioli, G. Bonura, G. Gatti, A. Parmaliana, “Nafion based catalytic membranes for the partial oxidation of light alkanes in a multiphase reaction system”, XIII International Congress on Catalysis, 10-16 July 2004, Paris (FRANCE) 2004
C73 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by CO2 hydrogenation on bare and alkali (Li, K) promoted Fe-Cu/Ce-Al catalysts”, XIII International Congress on Catalysis, 10-16 July 2004, Paris (FRANCE) 2004
C72 G. Gatti, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, “Relationship between structure and reactivity of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde”, XIII International Congress on Catalysis, 10-16 July 2004, Paris (FRANCE) 2004
C71 F. Arena, L. Spadaro, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, V. Leonardi,, F. Frusteri, “Catalytic one-step synthesis of dimethylether by CO2 hydrogenation: from natural gas to a clean liquid fuel”, XIV Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi, 6-10 June 2004, Lerici (ITALY) 2004
C70 C Espro, F Arena, F Tasselli, A Regina, E Drioli, E Maisano, G Gatti, A Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of light alkanes in a multiphase reaction system”, VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 6-10 June 2004, Dalian (CHINA) 2004
C69 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, “Structure-activity relationships in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on FeOx/SiO2 catalysts”, presented as “INVITED KEY-NOTE LECTURE” at VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 6-10 June 2004, Dalian (CHINA) 2004
C68 F. Arena, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Integrated synthesis of dimethylether via CO2 hydrogenation”, VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 6-10 June 2004, Dalian (CHINA) 2004
C67 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, Features and potential of the multipurpose Ni/MgO catalytic system for making hydrogen from methane and higher hydrocarbons, DMGK Conference on Hydrogen Utilization, October 2003, Dresden (GERMANY) 2003
C66 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, M. L. Granados, M. Ojeda, J. L. G. Fierro, Structure and catalytic properties of Co/CeO2 catalyst in FTS synthesis, EUROPACAT 2003, September 2003, Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C65 C. Espro, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, F. Sini, V. Solinas, “Factors affecting the efficiency of Nafion based catalytic membranes in the oxidation of light paraffins mediated by the Fenton system”, 7th European Workshop Meeting on Selective Oxidation, “Innovative Selective Oxidations: Nanoscale and Dynamics Aspects (ISO 2003), September 2003, Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C64 F. Arena, G.Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, Influence of the preparation method on the structure of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde, 7th European Workshop Meeting on Selective Oxidation, “Innovative Selective Oxidations: Nanoscale and Dynamics Aspects (ISO 2003), September 2003, Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C63 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, Optimization of Cu-based catalysts for gas phase hydrogenation of CO2 streams to dimethylether via methanol synthesis, NACM 2003, June 2003, Cancun (MEXICO) 2003
C62 Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde: Catalyst Development, Reaction Model and HCHO Productivity, NACM 2003, June 2003, Cancun (MEXICO) 2003
C61 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, ”Preparation Method and Structure of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts in Methane to Formaldehyde Selective Oxidation“ EUROPACAT VI, 1 August – 4 September 2003 , Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C60 L. Spadaro, G. Bonura, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, Dimethyleteher by CO2 hydrogenation: from natural gas to a clean liquid fuel, XXI Congresso Nazionale della SCI, Torino, Giugno 22-27, 2003 2003
C59 G. Gatti, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, Structure of Active Sites of FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts: Influence of the Iron loading, XXI Congresso Nazionale della SCI, Torino, Giugno 22-27, 2003 (ITALY) 2003
C58 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Venuto, A. Parmaliana, “Design, Preparation and Testing of Effective FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts in Methane to Formaldehyde Selective Oxidation”, VIII Symposium on Scientific Basis for Preparation of Catalysts, 9-12 September 2002, Louvain-La-Neuve (BELGIUM) 2002
C57 F. Arena, A. Venuto, C. Espro, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana “Development of FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts in Methane to Formaldehyde Selective Oxidation”, XIII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 9-13 Giugno 2002, Alghero (ITALY) 2002
C56 F.Frusteri, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, C. Espro, A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of propane on silica supported nafion catalysts”, XIII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 9-13 Giugno 2002, Alghero (ITALY) 2002
C55 F. Arena, R. Giovenco, T. Torre, A. Parmaliana, “Mechanistic Evidences of the Catalytic Wet Oxidation (CWO) of Phenol on CuCeOx and CuZrCeOx Catalysts”, XIII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 9-13 Giugno 2002, Alghero (ITALY) 2002
C54 D. Scerra, L. Spadaro, C. Espro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Propane Selective Oxidation on Silica Supported Nafion Catalysts”, EUROPACAT V, 2-9 September 2001, Limerick-(IRELAND) 2001
C53 F. Arena, T. Torre, A. Venuto, M. Occhiuzzi, A. Parmaliana, “Tailoring FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts for the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldheyde” Conference on SILICA “2001 “, 3-6 September 2001, Mulhouse (FRANCE) 2001
C52 C. Espro, F. Frusteri , F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “A Multifunctional Catalytic Membrane Reactor for the Selective Oxidation of Light Hydrocarbons: Features, Modelling and Perspectives”, XIV Congresso Nazionale – Divisione di Chimica Industriale della SCI, 2-4 Ottobre 2001, Fiera di Milano (ITALY) 2001
C51 F. Arena, F. Frusteri , A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde on Silica-Based Catalysts: An Experimental-Theoretic approach to Process Design and Catalyst Development”, XIV Congresso Nazionale – Divisione di Chimica Industriale della SCI 2-4 Ottobre 2001, Fiera di Milano (ITALY) 2001
C50 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, J.L.G. Fierro, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on Fe-doped silica catalysts”, VI Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 17-22 June 2001, Girdwood (Alaska, USA) 2001
C49 C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri , and A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of light alkanes under mild conditions by a Three Phase Catalytic Membrane Reactor”, New Perspectives on Catalysis for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, 23-27 September 2001 Beijing, CHINA 2001
C48 C. Espro, D. Scerra F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Selective Oxidation of Light Paraffins by a Catalytic Driven Fenton Reaction System in a Multiphase Membrane Reactor” XVII Annual Summer School on Catalytic Membrane Reactors, 10-15 September 2000 Cetraro (Cs) (ITALY) 2000
C47 G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, "Factors controlling the selectivity of V2O5 supported catalysts in oxidative dehdyrogenation of propane", APCAT 2000, 31 Jan-3 Feb. 2000, Sidney (AUSTRALIA) 2000
C46 G. Centi, G. Grasso, F. Vazzana, F. Arena, “SO2 resistant Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts for the conversion of nitrogen oxides”, XII International Congress on Catalysis, 9-14 July 2000, Granada (SPAIN) 2000
C45 G. Martra, F. Arena, S. Cosuccia, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Two step synthesis of methyl formate from CH4 and air via formaldehyde: surface reactivity of oxide catalysts towards HCHO”, XII International Congress on Catalysis, 9-14 July 2000, Granada (SPAIN) 2000
C44 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, "Kinetic and mechanistic study of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldeyhde on silica catalysts", XII International Congress on Catalysis, 9-14 July 2000, Granada (SPAIN) 2000
C43 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Kinetic modeling of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde ,” Europacat IV, 31 Agosto - 5 Settembre 1999, Rimini (ITALY) 1999
C42 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, “Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on supported V2O5 catalysts: role of redox and acid-base properties”, V Natural Gas Conversion, 20-25 Settembre 1998, Giardini Naxos (ITALY) 1998
C41 Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, “High yields in the catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to formaldehdye: catalytic development and reactor configuration”, V Natural Gas Conversion, 20-25 Settembre 1998, Giardini Naxos (ITALY) 1998
C40 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, C. Espro, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Selective partial oxidation of light hydrocarbons under mild conditions by a three phase catalytic membrane reactor (3PCMR)”, V Natural Gas Conversion, 20-25 Settembre 1998, Giardini Naxos (ITALY) 1998
C39 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, C. Espro, N. Mondello, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of light paraffins on supported superacid catalytic membranes” International Conference on Membrane Science and Techniology (ICMST 98), 9-13 Giugno 1998, Beijing (CHINA) 1998
C38 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, N. Mondello, A. Parmaliana, “Surface structures of supported oxide catalysts from temperature programmed reduction analysis” 11° Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 4-7 Giugno 1998, Cagliari (ITALY) 1998
C37 F. Arena, S. Bellitto, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Natural gas converison: state of the art and perspectives” TCC-97 Tecnologie Chimiche Compatibili, XII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi e Simposio di Catalisi, 22-25 Giugno 1997, Taormina (ITALY) 1997
C36 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Mezzapica, V. Sokolovkii, “Synthesis of methyl formate via two step methane partial oxidation” Fifth European Workshop on Methane Activation, 9-10 Giugno 1997, Limerick (IRELAND) 1997
C35 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “High activity and stability Ni/MgO catalysts in steam and CO2 reforming of methane” First European Congress on Chemical Engineering ECCE 1, 4-7 Maggio 1997, Firenze (ITALY) 1997
C34 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, V. Sokolovskii, “Active sites and working mechanism of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light alkanes” Third World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 21-26 September 1997, San Diego (USA) 1997
C33 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, A. Mezzapica, S. Coluccia, M. Lopez-Granados, M.A. Bañares, M.A. Peña, J.L.G. Fierro, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye on silica. The role of the redox oxide impurities” EUROPACAT III, Third European Congress on Catalysis, 31 Agosto - 6 Settembre 1997, Cracow (POLAND) 1997
C32 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra and S. Coluccia, “Active sites and working mechanism of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light alkanes” EUROPACAT III, Third European Congress on Catalysis, 31 Agosto - 6 Settembre 1997, Cracow (POLAND) 1997
C31 G. Martra, S. Coluccia, E.A. Paukshtis, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Structure Activity relationship in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on silica based catalysts” Workshop on Reactivity of Oxide Materials, Theory and Experimental, 8-9 Novembre 1996, Como (ITALY) 1996
C30 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Cum, A. Mezzapica, N. Giordano and A. Parmaliana. “Conversione Diretta del Metano a Formiato di Metile mediante un Processo Catalitico a Due Stadi” 10° Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi ed 11° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Settembre 1996, L’Aquila (ITALY) 1996
C29 M. Puglisi, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, N. Giordano and A. Parmaliana. “Deidrogenazione Ossidativa del Propano a Propilene su Catalizzatori V2O5/SiO2” 10° Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi ed 11° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Settembre 1996, L’Aquila (ITALY) 1996
C28 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, N. Mondello, N. Giordano and A. Parmaliana. “Caratterizzazione di Catalizzatori MoO3/SiO2 e V2O5/SiO2 mediante Misure TPR e di Chemisorbimento di O2: Individuazione delle Forme Superficiali Attive nelle Reazioni di Ossidazione Selettiva delle Paraffine Leggere” 10° Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi ed 11° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Settembre 1996, L’Aquila (ITALY) 1996
C27 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano, M.S. Scurrell and V. Sokolovskii. “Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye on Bulk and Silica Supported MoO3 and V2O5 Catalysts: Surface Features and Reaction Mechanism” 4th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Novembre 1995, Kruger National Park (SOUTH AFRICA) 1995
C26 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, A.L. Chuvilin, L. Marchese, G. Martra, S. Coluccia. “Influence of the Li Addition on the Physico-Chemical and Catalytic Properties of Ni/MgO Catalysts” EUROPACAT II, Second European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1995, Maastricht (THE NETHERLANDS) 1995
C25 F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, P. Vittone. “Structure-Activity Relationship in the Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde on Silica Based Oxide Catalysts” EUROPACAT II, Second European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1995, Maastricht (THE NETHERLANDS) 1995
C24 S. Coluccia, G. Martra, E. Paukshtis, K. Vikulov, F. Arena, D. Miceli, A. Parmaliana. “FTIR Investigation of the Active Sites of the Silica Surface in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye” EUROPACAT II, Second European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1995, Maastricht (THE NETHERLANDS) 1995
C23 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “A Comparative Study of the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde on Bulk and Silica Supported MoO3 and V2O5 Catalysts” AICHE Meeting, Symposium on Fundamentals of Oxide Catalysts, Novembre 1994, San Francisco (USA) 1994
C22 K. Vikulov, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, G. Sidoti, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “FTIR Spectroscopic Investigation of the Active Sites on Different Types of Silica Catalysts for Methane Partial Oxidation to Formaldehdye” X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale - IX Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Settembre 1994, Pisa (ITALY) 1994
C21 D. Duca, L.F. Liotta, G. Deganello, A. Parmaliana, F. Arena. “Acetylene Hydrogenation on Pd Catalysts” X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale - X Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Settembre 1994, Pisa (ITALY) 1994
C20 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana. “On the Potential of the Temperature Programmed Reaction Method in Catalysis: Application to the Study of the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye” X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale - IX Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Settembre 1994, Pisa (ITALY) 1994
C19 F. Arena, G. Cum, R. Gallo, A. Parmaliana. “Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of Palladium-Based Catalysts Supported on Oligomeric Aramides” 6th International Conference on Polymer Supported Reactions in Organic Chemistry - POC ‘94, Giugno 1994, Venezia (ITALY) 1994
C18 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, V. Sokolovskii. “On the Nature of Active Sites of Silica Based Oxide Catalysts in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye” International Conference on C1-C3 Hydrocarbons Conversion, Giugno 1994, Krasnoyarsk (RUSSIA) 1994
C17 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Mechanistic Evidences of the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye over Silica Based Oxide Catalysts by Temperature Programmed Reaction Studies” 4th European Congress on Methane Activation, Maggio 1994, Eindhoven (THE NETHERLANDS) 1994
C16 D. Miceli, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “Natura dei Siti Attivi di Catalizzatori Ossidi Supportati su Silice nell’Ossidazione Parziale del Metano a Formaldeide” Convegno Regionale SCI - Sezione Sicilia, Dicembre 1993, Acireale (ITALY) 1993
C15 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Potenzialità e Vantaggi della Tecnica di Reazione a Temperatura Programmata nello Studio della Ossidazione Parziale del Metano a Formaldeide” Convegno Regionale SCI - Sezione Sicilia, Dicembre 1993, Acireale (ITALY) 1993
C14 M.S. Scurrell, A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, F. Frusteri. “Nature of the Influence of V2O5 and MoO3 on the Catalytic Activity of Silica in the Partial Oxidation of Methane” International Conference on Catalysis & Catalytic Processing, Ottobre 1993, Cape Town (SOUTH AFRICA) 1993
C13 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “A Temperature Programmed Reaction Method for Catalyst Testing in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde” EUROPACAT I, First European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1993, Montpellier (FRANCE) 1993
C12 S. Coluccia, F. Arena, M. Gibelli, L. Marchese, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana. “Ni/MgO Catalysts: Surface Characterization and Reactivity towards CO. FTIR and HRTEM Studies” EUROPACAT I, First European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1993, Montpellier (FRANCE) 1993
C11 S. Coluccia, F. Arena, L. Marchese, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana. “Surface Structure of Ni/MgO Catalysts: Effects of Carbon and H2 on the Reactivity towards CO. HRTEM and FTIR Studies” Workshop on Catalysis and Surface Science, Luglio 1993, Cardiff (ENGLAND) 1993
C10 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, M.S. Scurrell, D. Miceli, F. Arena, F. Frusteri. “Methane Partial oxidation to Formaldehyde on Silica Supported Oxide Catalysts: Role of MoO3 and V2O5” Third International Gas Conversion Symposium, Luglio 1993, Sidney (AUSTRALIA) 1993
C9 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Potenzialità e Vantaggi della Tecnica di Reazione a Temperatura Programmata” Convegno sul Ruolo della Catalisi nella Chimica Industriale Moderna e nella Chimica Fine, Giugno 1993, Milano (ITALY) 1993
C8 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Temperature Programmed Studies of Partial Oxidation of Methane on Silica Supported Oxide Catalysts” Thirteenth North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Maggio 1993, Pittsburgh (USA) 1993
C7 D. Miceli, A. Mezzapica, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Methane Partial Oxidation to Formaldehdye on SiO2, MoO3/SiO2 and V2O5/SiO2 Catalysts” VIII Italian Meeting on Catalysis, Settembre-Ottobre 1992, Rimini (ITALY) 1992
C6 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “A Fundamental Assessment of the Factors Controlling the Reactivity of Silica Supported MoO3 and V2O5 Catalysts in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde” 204th National ACS Meeting; Symposium on Catalytic Selective Oxidation, Agosto 1992, Washington (USA) 1992
C5 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Surface Structure and Reactivity of Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts: A Model System” 10th International Congress on Catalysis, Luglio 1992, Budapest (UNGARY) 1992
C4 L. Marchese, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Ni/MgO Catalysts: Surface Characterization and Reactivity towards CO. HRTEM and FTIR Studies” CISCI 91, Ottobre 1991, Chianciano Terme (ITALY), Atti, Vol. 1, p. 385 1991
C3 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “The Influence of Structure Modifications on Surface Reactivity of Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts” CISCI 90, Settembre 1990, S.Benedetto del Tronto (ITALY), p. UPV9 1990
C2 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Activity and Characterization of Alkali Doped Ni/MgO Catalyst” European Conference on Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces, Settembre 1988, Trieste (ITALY) 1988
C1 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, A. Iannibello, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Exploratory Investigation on the Oxidation of Methane over Mixed Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Pt Based Catalysts mediated by Fe3+/Fe2+ System” European Workshop on Catalytic Methane Conversion, Maggio 1988, Bochum (WEST GERMANY) 1988
C) Elenco dei Brevetti
B1. A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica. “Fe-doped Silica Catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde with oxygen” (CODINV: 2342492; PUNR: 1337328; PAT_DATE: 2000; TITLE: FE-DOPED SILICA CATALYSTS”; IPC CODE OF THE Patent: B01J023/00A; Patent ApplicanT: SUD-CHEMIE AG - Monaco, Germania
5. Competenze Specifiche
INGLESE Molto buona scritta e parlata.
Capacità di organizzare e coordinare il lavoro in team e d’instaurare ottimi rapporti interpersonali sia nella sfera professionale che in quella privata.
Ottime capacità d’utilizzazione di programmi operanti in ambiente Windows-XP e Vista (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Project) e software di elaborazione e grafica.
Nome e Cognome Francesco ARENA
Luogo e Data di nascita Messina, 22 Febbraio 1964
Residenza Via Cons. Pompea 1831, Compl. “I 5 ulivi”
Tel. n° 334 1046254 (328 4394009)
Professione Docente Universitario (UNIME)
2. Titoli di Studio
Dic. 1989 DIPLOMA DI SPECIALIZZAZIONE IN “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE DI PROCESSO”, Università degli Studi di Messina (Voto: 50/50)
Dic. 1989 – Nov. 1991 BORSA DI STUDIO Biennale CNR per Laureati del Mezzogiorno
Gen. 1988 – Dic. 1998 BORSA DI STUDIO Annuale CNR per le Scienze Chimiche
Nov. 1987 ABILITAZIONE ALLA PROFESSIONE DI CHIMICO, Università degli Studi di Messina (Voto: 100/100)
Lug. 1987 LAUREA IN “CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE”, Università degli Studi di Messina (Voto: 110/110 e Lode)
Lug. 1982 DIPLOMA DI MATURITÀ SCIENTIFICA, Liceo Scientifico Statale “Archimede” di Messina (Voto: 58/60)
3. Esperienze Professionali
Novembre 2008: Coordinamento del Corso di Dottorato in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE E PROCESSI INNOVATIVI” (UNIME).
Novembre 2008: responsabile scientifico di una Convenzione Scientifica tra “ARTA SICILIA e Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali (UNIME).
Novembre 2008: responsabile scientifico di una Convenzione Scientifica tra ENI R&M e Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali (UNIME).
Giugno 2004 – Giugno 2006: responsabile scientifico di una Convenzione Scientifica “ARPA SICILIA - Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali (UNIME).
Dall’a.a. 2001/02 ad oggi: Docente del CdL in CHIMICA INDUTRIALE (Triennale e Magistrale) in qualità di PROFESSORE UNIVERSITARIO di II° FASCIA (UNIME).
Da Gennaio 2000 ad oggi: incarico di ricerca presso l’Istituto CNR-ITAE “Nicola Giordano” (Messina).
Settembre 1998: membro del Comitato Organizzatore del Congresso Internazionale "Vth Natural Gas Conversion Symposium".
Dall’a.a. 1996/97 all’ a.a. 2002/03: Docente della Scuola di Specializzazione in TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE di PROCESSO (UNIME).
Dal Dicembre 1992: attività di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria dei Materiali dell’Università di Messina su numerose tematiche inerenti la Catalisi Eterogenea e la Chimica Industriale.
Dall’a.a. 1991/92 all’a.a. 2001/02: Supplente nel CdL in CHIMICA INDUTRIALE (Quinquennale) in qualità di RICERCATORE UNIVERSITARIO (UNIME).
Agosto-Ottobre 1989: “VISITING PROFESSOR” presso la TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY (College Station, Texas, USA).
Settembre 1987 - Novembre 1992: attività di ricerca presso l’Istituto CNR-ITAE (Messina).
4. Attività Didattica
Negli A.A. 1996/97 e 1997/98 è stato docente della disciplina “METODI SPERIMENTALI IN CATALISI” del 2° anno della Scuola di Specializzazione in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE DI PROCESSO” (Università di Messina).
Dall’A.A. 1996/97 all’A.A. 2002/03 ha fatto parte del Collegio Docenti della Scuola di Specializzazione in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE DI PROCESSO”.
Nel periodo Giugno-Luglio 1997 è stato docente della disciplina “CATALISI E CATALIZZATORI DI HYDROTREATING: PREPARAZIONE, TESTING E CARATTERIZZAZIONE” nell'ambito di un corso di formazione per personale laureato del CONSORZIO CENTRO RICERCHE SUD (AGIP PETROLI SpA – EURON SpA).
Dall'A.A. 1997/98 all’A.A. 2001/02 è stato supplente della disciplina "CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIA DELLA CATALISI" nell'ambito del corso di laurea in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dall'anno accademico 1997/98 è supplente della disciplina "LABORATORIO DI PROCESSI ED IMPIANTI INDUSTRIALI CHIMICI" nell'ambito del corso di laurea in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dall'anno accademico 1998/99 all’A.A. 2002/03 è stato docente della disciplina "PROCESSI CATALITICI INDUSTRIALI" nell'ambito Scuola di Specializzazione in TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE di PROCESSO (Università di Messina).
Nel Maggio 2000 ha tenuto lezioni nell’ambito di un corso di aggiornamento per personale insegnante avente per oggetto “Energia: Fonti, Produzione, Trasporto”.
Dal Novembre 2002, a seguito dell’inquadramento nel ruolo dei PROFESSORI UNIVERSITARI ASSOCIATI, è titolare del corso "CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIA DELLA CATALISI", nell'ambito del corso di laurea (V.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dal Novembre 2002, a seguito dell’inquadramento nel ruolo di PROFESSORI UNIVERSITARI ASSOCIATI, è titolare del corso "TECNOLOGIE CATALITICHE" nell'ambito del corso di laurea (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (Università di Messina).
Dal Novembre 2003 fa parte del Collegio Docenti del Corso di Dottorato in “TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE E PROCESSI INNOVATIVI”.
Dall’ A.A. 2005-06 è docente del corso "CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE: PROCESSI (MOD. B)" del corso di laurea (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2005-06 è docente del corso "CATALISI AMBIENTALE" del corso di laurea Magistrale (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2006-07 è docente del corso "STRUTTURA E REATTIVITÀ DEI SOLIDI" del corso di laurea Magistrale (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2008-09 è docente del corso "CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE: FONDAMENTI" del corso di laurea (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
Dall’ A.A. 2008-09 è docente del corso "CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIA DELLA CATALISI" del corso di laurea Magistrale (N.O.) in CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE (UNIME).
5. Attività Scientifica
Dal Settembre 1987, svolge attività di ricerca su tematiche inerenti aspetti di base ed applicativi della CATALISI ETEROGENEA con particolare riferimento ai settori della CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE E DELLA CATALISI AMBIENTALE.
Nel corso della pluriennale attività, svolta nell’ambito di numerose collaborazioni nazionali ed internazionali, ha maturato una notevole esperienza nei settori:
i) progettazione, preparativa, caratterizzazione e testing di catalizzatori eterogenei e
ii) progettazione, realizzazione e gestione di impianti per la caratterizzazione ed il testing di catalizzatori solidi.
Ha inoltre acquisito una notevole conoscenza teorico/pratica delle più importanti Tecniche Analitiche di Caratterizzazione, contribuendo allo sviluppo di nuove metodologie.
L’attività scientifica è documentata dai seguenti titoli:
110 pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste internazionali (peer reviewed);
111 comunicazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali;
1 brevetto internazionale;
1 invito come Lecturer al VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (2004);
1 invito come Chariman al VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (2004);
21 relazioni tecnico-scientifiche;
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME ed ARPA SICILIA (periodo 2004-2006; importo 50.000,00 EURO)
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME ed ENI R&M (periodo 2008-2009; importo 96.000,00 EURO)
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME e ASSESORATO TERRITORIO E AMBIENTE della REGIONE SICILIA (periodo 2008-2009; importo 75.000,00)
1 responsabilità scientifica di una convenzione tra DCIIM-UNIME e NICO SpA (periodo 2009; importo 40.000,00 EURO)
A) Elenco delle Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
N° Authors, Title, Journal, Volume (year) pages Year I.F.
P112 B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, F. Arena, “Raman scattering of MnOx-CeOx composite catalysts: Structural aspects and laser-heating effects”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2010) submitted 2010
P111 F. Arena, C. Italiano, A. Raneri, C. Saija, “Mechanistic and kinetic insights into the wet air oxidation of phenol (CWAO) by homogeneous and heterogeneous transition–metal catalysts”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (2010) submitted 2010 4.780
P110 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, C. Saja, A. Raneri, L. Spadaro, “Physico-chemical and catalytic properties of effective nanostructured MnCeOx systems for enviuronmental applications”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (2010) accepted 2010
P109 C. Cannilla, G. Bonura, E. Rombi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “Highly effective MnCeOx catalysts for biodiesel production by transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol”, Applied Catalysis A: General xxx (2010) xxx-xxx 2010 2.612
P108 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Diesel-fuel improver production via novel heterogenized solid-acid catalysts”, Chemical Engineering Journal xxx (2010) xxx-xxx 2010
P107 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Bonura, C. Cannilla, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, “Catalytic etherification of glycerol by tert-butyl alcohol to produce oxygenated additives for diesel fuel”, Applied Catalysis A: General 367 (2009) 77-83 2009 2.612
P106 F. Frusteri, G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana “Doped Ni Thin Layer Catalysts for Catalytic Decomposition of Natural Gas to Produce Hydrogen” Applied Catalysis A: General, 365 (2009) 122-129 2009 2.612
P105 F. Arena, G. Italiano, K. Barbera, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Basic evidences for methanol-synthesis catalyst design”, Catalysis Today 143 (2009) 80-85 2009 1.933
P104 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic Decomposition of Natural Gas for COx-Free Hydrogen Production in a Structured Multilayer Reactor” Applied Catalysis A: General 357 (2009) 58-65 2009 2.612
P103 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Nanosize effects, physicochemical properties and catalytic oxidation pattern of the redox-precipitated MnCeOx system”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 2822-2829 2009 4.080
P102 M.T. Nechita, G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Iron ions supported on oxides: Fe/Al2O3 vs. Fe/SiO2”, Il Nuovo Cimento 123B (2008) 1541-1551 2008
P101 F. Arena, G. Italiano, K. Barbera, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Solid-state interactions, adsorption sites and functionality of Cu-ZnO/ZrO2 catalysts in the CO2 hydrogenation to CH3OH”, Applied Catalysis A: General 350 (2008) 16-23 2008 2.612
P100 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, “Optimization of the MnCeOx system for the catalytic wet oxidation of phenol with oxygen (CWAO)”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 85 (2008) 40-47. 2008 3.961
P99 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic features of Mg-modified Ni/SiO2/Silica cloth systems in the decomposition of methane for making “COx-free” H2”, Catalysis Letters 124 (2008) 7-12 2008 1.762
P98 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, “Synthesis of molecularly dispersed MnCeOx catalysts via a novel redox-precipitation route”, Materials Research Bullettin 43 (2008) 539-545 2008 1.163
P97 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri “Activity and stability of iron based catalysts in advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology via CO2-rich syngas conversion” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 167 (2007) 49-54 2007 0.513
P96 F. Arena, J. Negro, A. Parmaliana, L. Spadaro, G. Trunfio, "Improved MnCeOx catalysts for the wet oxidation (CWO) of noxious compounds in wastewater streams" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46 (2007) 6724-6731 2007 1.762
P95 F. Arena, K. Barbera, G. Italiano, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Synthesis, characterization and activity pattern of Cu-ZnO/ZrO2 catalysts in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol”, Journal of Catalysis 249 (2007) 183-192 2007 4.780
P94 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Basic evidences of the molecular dispersion of MnCeOx catalysts synthesized via a novel redox-precipitation route”, Chemistry of Materials 19(9) (2007) 2269-2276 2007 4.800
P93 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Design of effective ceria-supported MnOx catalysts for the CWO of phenol”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 172 (2007) 489-492 2007 0.513
P92 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Strategy of design of Ni/MgO catalysts for the reforming of hydrocarbons to hydrogen/syngas” Research Trends Current Topics in Catalysis 5 (2006) 69-88 2006
P91 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, “Catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to formaldehyde: Catalyst development and process design”, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Saudi-Japanese Symposium on Catalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals, 2006, pp. 177-184” 2006
P90 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana “Ni thin layer catalysts for making H2 “COx free” by decomposition of natural gas in a structured multilayer reactor” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 162 (2006) 633-640 2006 0.513
P89 C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Tasselli, A. Regina, E. Drioli, A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of propane on Nafion/PEEK-WC catalytic membranes in a multifunctional reaction system”, Catalysis Today 118 (2006) 253-258 2006 1.933
P88 G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “A basic assessment of the reactivity of Ni catalysts in the decomposition of methane for the production of “COx-free” hydrogen for fuel cells application”, Catalysis Today 116 (2006) 298-303 2006 1.933
P87 F. Arena, P. Famulari, N. Interdonato, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, “Structure and reactivity of Au/CeO2 catalysts in total and selective oxidation of CO”, Catalysis Today 116 (2006) 384-390 2006 1.933
P86 F. Arena, “Basic relationships in the pre-reforming of n-hexane on Ni/MgO catalyst”, AIChE Journal 52(8) (2006) 2823-2831 2006 1.645
P85 F. Arena, P. Famulari, G. Trunfio, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, “Probing the factors affecting structure and activity of the Au/CeO2 system in total and preferential oxidation of CO”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 66 (2006) 81-91 2006 3.026
P84 F. Arena, G. Gatti, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana, “Activity pattern of low-loaded FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in the selective oxidation of C1 and C3 alkanes with oxygen” Catalysis Today 117 (2006) 75-79 2006 1.933
P83 F. Arena, E. Alongi, P. Famulari, A. Parmaliana, G. Trunfio, “A basic assessment of the catalytic pattern of the CuCeOx system in the wet oxidation of phenol with oxygen”, Catalysis Letters 107 (2006) 39-46 2006 1.762
P82 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, M.L. Granados, M. Ojeda, J.L.G. Fierro, F. Frusteri, “Metal-Support Interactions and Reactivity of Co/CeO2 Catalysts in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Reaction”, Journal of Catalysis 234 (2005) 451-462 2005 4.780
P81 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Magnesia supported Nickel catalysts. Synthesis, Structural Models and Catalytic Properties”, Research Signpost - Recent Research Developments in Catalysis 3 (2005) 67-106 2005
P80 F. Arena, G. Gatti, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, L. Stievano, L. Spadaro, P. Famulari, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and reactivity in the selective oxidation of methane to formaldehyde of low-loaded FeOx/SiO2 catalysts”, Journal of Catalysis 231(2) (2005) 365-380 2005 4.780
P79 F. Arena, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Integrated synthesis of dimethylether via CO2 hydrogenation”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 147 (2004) 385-390 2004 0.513
P78 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, “Structure-activity relationships in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on FeOx/SiO2 catalysts”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 147 (2004) 535-540 2004 0.513
P77 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana “Preparation method and structure of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in methane to formaldehyde selective oxidation” Catalysis Today 91-92 (2004) 305-309 2004 1.933
P76 C. Espro, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, F. Sini, V. Solinas, “Factors affecting the efficiency of Nafion based catalytic membranes in the oxidation of light paraffins mediated by the Fenton system” Catalysis Today 91-92 (2004) 215-218 2004 1.933
P75 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, D. Branca, E. Alongi, A. Parmaliana, “Modelling the activity-stability pattern of Ni/MgO catalysts in the pre-reforming of n-hexane” Applied Catalysis A: General 266 (2004) 155-162 2004 2.728
P74 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Scientific basis for process and catalyst design in the selective oxidation of methane to formaldehyde” Accounts of Chemical Research 36(12) (2003) 867-875 2003 13.262
P73 F. Arena, R. Giovenco, T. Torre, A. Venuto, A. Parmaliana, “Activity and resistance to leaching of Cu-based catalysts in the wet oxidation of phenol” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 45 (2003) 51-62 2003 3.026
P72 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of methane to oxygenates. Reaction mechanism, kinetics and catalyst requirements” Research Signpost - Recent Research Developments in Catalysis 2 (2003) 251-273 2003
P71 C. Espro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Innovative membrane-based catalytic process for environmentally friendly synthesis of oxygenates”, Topics in Catalysis 22 (2003) 65-70 2003 3.242
P70 P. Bera, A. Gaten, M.S. Hegdé, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, “Promoting effect of CeO2 in combustion synthesized Pt/CeO2 catalyst for CO oxidation” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (2003) 6122-6130 2003 3.386
P69 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde. A theoretic-experimental approach to process design and catalyst development”, Journal of Catalysis 207 (2002) 232-236 2002 4.780
P68 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Chuvilin, F. Arena, "TEM evidence for factors affecting the genesis of carbon species on bare and K-doped Ni/MgO catalysts during the dry-reforming of methane", Carbon 40 (2002) 1063-1070 2002 1.715
P67 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Martinez-Arias, M. Lopez-Granados, J.L.G. Fierro, “Effect of Fe-addition on the catalytic activity of silicas in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde” Applied Catalysis A: General 226 (2002) 163-174 2002 2.780
P66 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, T. Torre, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Tailoring effective FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in methane to formaldehdye partial oxidation”, Catalysis Letters 80 (2002) 69-72 2002 1.762
P65 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Venuto, A. Parmaliana, “Design, preparation and testing of effective FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in methane to formaldehdye selective oxidation”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 143 (2002) 1097-1105 2002 0.513
P64 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, C. Espro, A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, “Liquid-phase selective oxidation of propane on silica-supported Nafion catalysts”, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 11 (2002) 180-185 2002
P63 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, A. Parmaliana, “Mechanistic evidences of the synthesis of methyl formate from methane and air on oxide catalysts”, Catalysis Today 64 (2001) 97-102 2001 1.933
P62 F. Arena, T. Torre, C. Raimondo, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and redox properties of bulk and supported MnOx catalysts”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3 (2001) 1911-1917 2001 2.892
P61 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Calogero, T. Torre, A. Parmaliana, “Potassium-enhanced stability of Ni/MgO catalysts in the dry reforming of methane”, Catalysis Communications 2 (2001) 49-56 2001 2.098
P60 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, J.L.G. Fierro, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye on Fe-doped silica catalysts”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 136 (2001) 531-536 2001 0.513
P59 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Modelling the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on silica catalyst” Applied Catalysis A: General 197 (2000) 239-247 2000 2.780
P58 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, "Kinetic and mechanistic study of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldeyhde on silica catalysts", Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130 (2000) 3585-3590 2000 0.513
P57 G. Martra, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Two step synthesis of methyl formate from CH4 and air via formaldehyde: surface reactivity of oxide catalysts towards HCHO”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130 (2000) 3591-3596 2000 0.513
P56 G. Centi, G. Grasso, F. Vazzana, F. Arena, “SO2 resistant Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts for the conversion of nitrogen oxides”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 130 (2000) 635-640 2000 0.513
P55 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Kinetics of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on silica catalyst”, AIChE Journal 46(11) (2000) 2285-2294 2000 1.645
P54 F. Frusteri, C. Espro, F. Arena, E. Passalacqua, A. Patti, A. Parmaliana, "Partial oxidation of propane on Nafion supported catalytic membranes", Catalysis Today 61 (2000) 37-41 2000 1.933
P53 C. Espro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, "Selective oxidation of propane on a Nafion-based catalytic membrane mediated by FeII-H2O2 Fenton system", Journal of Molecular Catalysis 159 (2000) 359-364 2000 1.659
P52 G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, F. Frusteri , A. Parmaliana, "Factors controlling the selectivity of V2O5 catalysts in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane", Catalysis Today 63 (2000) 197-207 2000 1.933
P51 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, S. Bellitto, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of light paraffins on supported superacid catalytic membranes”, Applied Catalysis A: General 180 (1999) 325-333 1999 2.728
P50 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, "How oxide carriers affect the reactivity of supported V2O5 in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane", Catalysis Letters 60 (1999) 59-63 1999 1.762
P49 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Alkali promotion of Ni/MgO catalyst", Applied Catalysis A: General 187 (1999) 127-140 1999 2.728
P48 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and dispersion of supported vanadia catalysts. Influence of the oxide carrier”, Applied Catalysis A: General 176 (1999) 189-199 1999 2.728
P47 V. Sokolovskii, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, A. Parmaliana. “Coordination symmetry and reduction features of V ions in V2O5/SiO2 catalysts. Relevance to catalytic partial oxidation reactions”, Journal of Catalysis 173 (1998) 238-240 1998 4.780
P46 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Mezzapica, V. Sokolovskii, “Synthesis of methyl formate via two step methane partial oxidation”, Catalysis Today 46 (1998) 117-125 1998 1.933
P45 F. Arena, R. Dario, A. Parmaliana, “A characterization study of the surface acidity of solid catalysts by temperature programmed methods”, Applied Catalysis A: General 170 (1998) 127-137 1998 2.728
P44 D. Duca, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, G. Deganello, “Hydrogenation of acetylene in ethylene rich feedstocks: comparison between palladium supported on pumice and alumina catalysts” Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 207-216 1998 2.728
P43 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. L. Plyasova, A. Parmaliana, “Solid state interactions in Li-doped Ni/MgO catalysts”, The Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans. 94 (1998) 3385-3391 1998 2.892
P42 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, “Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on supported V2O5 catalysts. The role of redox and acid-base properties”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, V Natural Gas Conversion 119 (1998) 665-670 1998 0.513
P41 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, C. Espro, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Selective partial oxidation of light hydrocarbons under mild conditions by a three phase catalytic membrane reactor (3PCMR)”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, V Natural Gas Conversion 119 (1998) 447-452 1998 0.513
P40 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, “High yields in the catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to formaldehdye: catalytic development and reactor configuration”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, V Natural Gas Conversion 119 (1998) 551-556 1998 0.513
P39 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, A. Parmaliana. “Surface structures, reduction pattern and oxygen chemisorption of V2O5/SiO2 catalysts”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 93 (1997) 3849-3854 1997 2.892
P38 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano, M.S. Scurrell, V. Sokolovskii. “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on bulk and silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts: surface features and reaction mechanism” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Natural Gas Conversion IV, 107 (1997) 23-28 1997 0.513
P37 G. Martra, P. Vittone, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “UV-Vis diffuse reflectance and FTIR spectroscopic investigation of V2O5/SiO2 and MoO3/SiO2 catalysts for partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye”, Il Nuovo Cimento 19 (1997) 1727-1734 1997 0.409
P36 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, V. Sokolovskii, “Active species and working mechanism of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light alkanes”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 110 (1997) 347-356 1997 0.513
P35 V. Sokolovskii, F. Arena, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana. “Role of acid-base properties of SiO2 based catalysts in the selective oxidation of propane”, Journal of Catalysis 167 (1997) 296-299 1997 4.780
P34 F. Arena, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana. “Working mechanism of oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye. Part II: Redox properties and reactivity of SiO2, MoO3/SiO2, V2O5/SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5/TiO2 systems”, Journal of Catalysis 167 (1997) 66-76 1997 4.780
P33 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena. “Working mechanism of oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye. Part I: Catalytic behaviour of SiO2, MoO3/SiO2, V2O5/SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5/TiO2 systems”, Journal of Catalysis 167 (1997) 57-65 1997 4.780
P32 A.Parmaliana, F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “A comparative study of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on bulk and silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts”, Catalysis Today, 28 (1996) 363-371 1996 1.933
P31 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, L. Plyasova, A.N. Shmakov. “Effect of calcination on the structure of Ni/MgO catalyst: an X-Ray Diffraction study”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 92 (1996) 469-471 1996 2.892
P30 F. Arena, G. Cum, R. Gallo, A. Parmaliana. “Palladium catalysts supported on oligomeric aramides in the liquid phase hydrogenation of phenylacetylene”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis 110 (1996) 235-242 1996 1.659
P29 K. Vikulov, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, D. Miceli, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, E. Paukshtis. “FTIR spectroscopic investigation of the active sites on different types of silica catalysts for methane partial oxidation to formaldehdye”, Catalysis Letters 37 (1996) 235-239 1996 1.762
P28 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli. “Propane oxidative dehydrogenation on silica based oxide catalysts”, Catalysis Letters 40 (1996) 105-109 1996 1.762
P27 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “Silica Supported Molybdena Catalysts. Surface structures, reduction pattern and oxygen chemisorption”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (1996) 19994-20005 1996 3.328
P26 M. Puglisi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, V. Sokolovskii, A. Parmaliana. “Effect of vanadia loading in propane oxidative dehydrogenation on V2O5/SiO2 catalysts”, Catalysis Letters 41 (1996) 41-43 1996 1.762
P25 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Temperature Programmed Reaction: a powerful and reliable method for catalyst testing in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde” Applied Catalysis A: General 125 (1995) 39-59 1995 2.728
P24 F. Arena, A.L. Chuvilin, A. Parmaliana. “Characterization of Li-doped Ni/MgO catalysts”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (1995) 990-998 1995 3.328
P23 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, N. Giordano. “On the nature of the active sites of silica based oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde”, Catalysis Today 24 (1995) 231-236 1995 1.933
P22 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “On the nature of the catalytic activity of silica based oxide catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde with O2”, Journal of Catalysis 148 (1994) 514-523 1994 4.780
P21 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, M.S Scurrell, D. Miceli, F. Arena, F. Frusteri. “Methane partial oxidation to formaldehyde on silica supported oxide catalysts: role of MoO3 and V2O5”, Natural Gas Conversion II, Elsevier Science B.V. (1994) 491-496 1994
P20 G. Martra, L. Marchese, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, S. Coluccia. “Surface structure of Ni/MgO catalysts: effects of carbon and hydrogen on the reactivity towards CO. HRTEM and FTIR studies”, Topics in Catalysis 1 (1994) 63-73 1994 3.242
P19 F. Arena, G. Cum, R. Gallo, A. Parmaliana. “Palladium-based catalysts supported on oligomeric aramides. A TPR investigation”, The Journal of Molecular Catalysis 94 (1994) 203-212 1994 1.659
P18 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Mechanistic evidences of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde over silica based oxide catalysts by temperature programmed reaction studies”, Catalysis Today 21 (1994) 505-512 1994 1.933
P17 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “On the reduction of Pdn+ forms in Pd/-Al2O3 catalysts”, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 51 (1993) 331-342 1993 0.557
P16 Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Surface structure and reactivity of magnesia-supported nickel catalysts: a model system”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 75 (1993) 2087-2090 1993 0.513
P15 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, S. Coluccia, L. Marchese, G. Martra, A. Chuvilin. “Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts. Part II: Surface properties and reactivity in CH4 steam reforming”, Journal of Catalysis 141 (1993) 34-47 1993 4.780
P14 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Silica-supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde. Factors controlling reactivity”, Catalytic Selective Oxidation, ACS Symp. Series 523 (Washington D.C.) 1993, 43 1993
P13 D. Miceli, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, M.S. Scurrell, V. Sokolovskii. “Effect of the metal oxide loading on the activity of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective partial oxidation of methane”, Catalysis Letters 18 (1993) 283-288 1993 1.762
P12 G. Martra, F. Arena, M. Baricco, S. Coluccia, L. Marchese, A. Parmaliana. “High loading Ni/MgO catalysts. Surface characterization by IR spectra of adsorbed CO”, Catalysis Today 17 (1993) 449-458 1993 1.933
P11 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “A temperature programmed reaction method for catalyst testing in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde”, Journal of Catalysis 143 (1993) 299-303 1993 4.780
P10 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Selective partial oxidation of light paraffins with hydrogen peroxide on thin-layer supported Nafion-H catalysts”, Catalysis Letters 12 (1992) 353-360 1992 1.762
P9 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Interaction pathway of chloride ions with -Al2O3. Surface acidity and thermal stability of the Cl/-Al2O3 system” Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 88 (1992) 3353-3356 1992 2.892
P8 F. Arena, B.A. Horrell, D.L. Cocke, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts. Part I: Factors affecting the structure and the morphological properties”, Journal of Catalysis 132 (1991) 58-67 1991 4.780
P7 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, N. Mondello, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “Influence of the calcination treatment on the surface chemical properties of the Ni/MgO system: a CO2-TPD approach”, Langmuir 7 (1991) 1555-1559 1991 3.045
P6 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Influence of alkali metals (Li and K) addition to Ni/MgO catalyst”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 68 (1991) 489-492 1991 0.513
P5 F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Thin layer supported Nafion catalysts for light paraffins partial oxidation”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1991) 1332-1333 1991 3.695
P4 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “On the reduction of NiO forms in magnesia supported Ni catalysts”, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 42 (1990) 121-126 1990 0.557
P3 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “A TPR study of NiO-MgO interactions in magnesia supported Ni catalyst and NiO-MgO physical mixture”, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Trans 86 (1990) 2663-2669 1990 2.892
P2 F. Arena, A. Licciardello, A. Parmaliana. “The role of Ni2+ diffusion on the reducibility of the NiO/MgO system: a combined TPR-XPS study”, Catalysis Letters 6 (1990) 139-149 1990 1.762
P1 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Activity and characterization of alkali doped Ni/MgO catalysts”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 48 (1989) 739-748 1989 0.513
B) Elenco delle Partecipazioni a Congressi Nazionali e Internazionali
N° Authors, Title, Congress, Date, Place Year
C111 C. Cannilla, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “Novel MnCeOx catalysts for biodiesel production by transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol”, International conference on Catalysis for Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals, June 28-July 2, 2010, St. Petersburg, (RUSSIA) 2010
C110 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, C. Saja, A. Raneri, L. Spadaro, “Physico-chemical and catalytic properties of effective nanostructured MnCeOx systems for enviuronmental applications”, X International Conference on “Scientific Basis for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts, 10-15 July 2010, Louvain-La-Neuve (BELGIUM) 2010
C109 G. Italiano, C. Espro. F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “A Novel Approach for H2 production by Methane decomposition over thin layer catalysts”, XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 5-10 Luglio 2009, Sorrento (ITALY) 2009
C108 G. Trunfio, C. Saja, J. Negro, F. Arena, “Novel Mn-based catalysts for the catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of phenol”, XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 5-10 Luglio 2009, Sorrento (ITALY) 2009
C107 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, C. Cannilla, O. Di Blasi, “Diesel fuel oxygenated additives production by catalytic etherification of glycerol with tert-butyl alcohol”, EuropaCat IX, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, Salamanca (Spain) 2009
C106 G. Bonura, F. Arena, C. Cannilla, G. Italiano, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Improved performance of CO2–to-methanol hydrogenation catalysts”, EuropaCat IX, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, Salamanca (Spain) 2009
C105 L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G, Bonura, F. Arena, K. Barbera, F. Frusteri, “Heterogeneous perfluorosulfonic-ceria compositions, results from improvement studies on “high value chemicals” synthesis”, EuropaCat IX, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, Salamanca (Spain) 2009
C104 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Diesel-fuel improver production via novel heterogeneized solid acid catalysts”, O4-8, 6th World Congress on Catalysis by Acids and Bases ABC-6, 10-14 May 2009, Monday May 11, Genova (Italy) 2009
C103 B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, J. Negro, G. Trunfio, F. Arena, "Structural characterization of metal oxides nanopowders by Raman scattering and laser-heating effects", XXI Congresso GNSR 2009, Simposio “Materiali Innovativi: il contributo della spettroscopia”, 10-13 February 2009, Milano (Italy) 2009
C102 F. Arena, G. Italiano, K. Barbera, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Basic evidences for methanol-synthesis catalyst design”, International Symposium on "Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry" (CCESC), 17th-20th June 2008, Madrid (Spain) 2008
C101 F. Arena, “Ossidazione catalitica con aria (CWAO) a bassa temperatura per l’abbattimento di inquinanti organici recalcitranti nei reflui industriali”, Water Reuse Technology Workshop, CENTRO RICERCHE ENI R&M, Monterotondo (ROMA), 17–18 Settembre 2008 2008
C100 F. Frusteri, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Italiano, F. Arena, “Improved catalytic systems for an effective CO2-recycling via hydrogenation to methanol”, XVII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, 30 Giugno-3 Luglio 2008, Genova (Italy) 2008
C99 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, A. Mezzapica, F. Frusteri, “Advances in Fisher-Tropsch technology via iron-ceria catalysts”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C98 F. Frusteri, G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, “Etherification of glycerol to produce oxygenated additives for diesel fuels”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C97 F.Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Scientific bases for the development of oxide catalysts in the wet oxidation of organic pollutants with air/oxygen in wastewaters (CWAO)”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C96 F.Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, B. Fazio, L. Spadaro, “Synthesis of nanostructured MnCeOx catalysts via the redox-precipitation route”, 14th International Congress on Catalysis, July 13-18 2008, Seoul (Korea) 2008
C95 M.T. Nechita, G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Speciation of iron on different supports by spectroscopic analysis: FeOx/Al2O3 vs. FeOx/SiO2”, IV workshop on oxide based materials: novelties and perspectives, June 6-10, Como (Italy) 2008
C94 G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, “Recent advances in catalysts development for the wet oxidation of phenol with air/oxygen (CWO) at low temperature”, 3rd International Symposium on Environment, 22-25 May 2008. Athens (Greece) 2008
C93 G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Spectroscopic, redox and catalytic properties of FeOx/Al2O3 Catalysts in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane”, EUROPACAT-VIII, 26-31 August 2007, Turku/Åbo (Finland) 2007
C92 F. Arena, K. Barbera, G. Italiano, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Frusteri, “Activity pattern of Cu-ZnO/ZrO2 catalysts in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol”, EUROPACAT-VIII, 26-31 August 2007, Turku/Åbo (Finland) 2007
C91 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Activity and stability of iron based catalysts in advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology via CO2-rich syngas conversion”, VIII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 27-31 May 2007, Natal (Brasil) 2007
C90 F. Arena, G. Berlier, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, G. Italiano, G. Trunfio, A. Parmaliana, “Structure and Reactivity of FeOx/Al2O3 Catalysts in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane”, VIII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 27-31 May 2007, Natal (Brasil) 2007
C89 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas to Formaldehyde: Catalyst Development and Process Design”, 16th Annual Catalyst Symposium, November 5-6 2006, Daharan (SAUDI ARABIA) Nov. 5-6, '06 2006
C88 F. Arena, J. Negro, A. Parmaliana, L. Spadaro, G. Trunfio, “Improved MnCeOx catalysts for total oxidative processes of noxious compounds in wastewater streams”, First Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering for Environment, October 4-6 2006, San Servolo - Venice (ITALY) 2006
C87 F. Arena, G. Trunfio, J. Negro, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana, “Improved MnCeOxx catalysts for the catalytic wet oxidation of phenol with oxygen (CWO)”, XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-15 September 2006, Firenze (ITALY) 2006
C86 G. Bonura, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “Produzione di additivi ossigenati (Acetali) per combustibili diesel su catalizzatori solidi acidi polimerici” XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-15 September 2006, Firenze (ITALY) 2006
C85 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Influence of acid and base dopants on the performance of Ni this layer catalysts in the catalytic decomposition of natural gas”, XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-15 September 2006, Firenze (ITALY) 2006
C84 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Ni thin layer catalysts for making H2 “COx free” by decomposition of natural gas in a structured multilayer reactor”, VIII Symposium on Scientific Basis for Preparation of Catalysts, 10-14 September 2006, Louvain-La-Neuve (BELGIUM) 2006
C83 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, G. Trunfio, “Design of effective ceria-supported MnOx catalysts for the CWO of phenol”, TOCAT5, July 24-28 2006, Tokyo (JAPAN) 2006
C82 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Oxygenated additives production for diesel fuels”, XVII Internationl Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-17, 15-19 May 2006, Athens-Crete, (GREECE)) 2006
C81 G. Italiano, C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Catalytic decomposition of natural gas for “COx free” hydrogen production in a structured multilayer reactor”, XVII Internationl Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-17, 15-19 May 2006, Athens-Crete, (GREECE)) 2006
C80 G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Fruseri, “A basic assessment of the reactivity of Ni catalysts in the decomposition of methane for the production of “COx-free” hydrogen for fuel cells application”, 2nd European Hydrogen Energy Conference, November 22nd-25th 2005, Zaragoza (SPAIN) 2005
C79 F. Arena, P. Famulari, N. Interdonato, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, “Structure and reactivity of Au/CeO2 catalysts in total and selective oxidation of CO”, 2nd European Hydrogen Energy Conference, November 22nd-25th 2005, Zaragoza (SPAIN) 2005
C78 F. Arena, G. Gatti, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana, “Activity pattern of low-loaded FeOx/SiO2 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light (C1-C3) paraffins” 5th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 25-30 September 2005, Sapporo (JAPAN) 2005
C77 G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, “COx-free H2 production by methane decomposition over supported nickel catalysts” XVI CNCI, 14-17 June 2005, Verbania Pallanza (ITALY) 2005
C76 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Activity and stability of iron based catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis via CO/CO2 hyudrogenation” Europacat VII, May 31-September 5 2005, Sophia (BULGARIA) 2005
C75 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Arena, “Clean fuel for diesel engines: catalytic synthesis and environmental impact of DME” Beograd 2005 EAEC European Automotive Congress, May 30-June 1 2005, Beograd (SERBIA) 2005
C74 C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Tasselli, A. Regina, E. Drioli, G. Bonura, G. Gatti, A. Parmaliana, “Nafion based catalytic membranes for the partial oxidation of light alkanes in a multiphase reaction system”, XIII International Congress on Catalysis, 10-16 July 2004, Paris (FRANCE) 2004
C73 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, F. Frusteri, “Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by CO2 hydrogenation on bare and alkali (Li, K) promoted Fe-Cu/Ce-Al catalysts”, XIII International Congress on Catalysis, 10-16 July 2004, Paris (FRANCE) 2004
C72 G. Gatti, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, “Relationship between structure and reactivity of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde”, XIII International Congress on Catalysis, 10-16 July 2004, Paris (FRANCE) 2004
C71 F. Arena, L. Spadaro, G. Bonura, O. Di Blasi, V. Leonardi,, F. Frusteri, “Catalytic one-step synthesis of dimethylether by CO2 hydrogenation: from natural gas to a clean liquid fuel”, XIV Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi, 6-10 June 2004, Lerici (ITALY) 2004
C70 C Espro, F Arena, F Tasselli, A Regina, E Drioli, E Maisano, G Gatti, A Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of light alkanes in a multiphase reaction system”, VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 6-10 June 2004, Dalian (CHINA) 2004
C69 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, “Structure-activity relationships in the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on FeOx/SiO2 catalysts”, presented as “INVITED KEY-NOTE LECTURE” at VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 6-10 June 2004, Dalian (CHINA) 2004
C68 F. Arena, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, “Integrated synthesis of dimethylether via CO2 hydrogenation”, VII Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 6-10 June 2004, Dalian (CHINA) 2004
C67 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, Features and potential of the multipurpose Ni/MgO catalytic system for making hydrogen from methane and higher hydrocarbons, DMGK Conference on Hydrogen Utilization, October 2003, Dresden (GERMANY) 2003
C66 L. Spadaro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, M. L. Granados, M. Ojeda, J. L. G. Fierro, Structure and catalytic properties of Co/CeO2 catalyst in FTS synthesis, EUROPACAT 2003, September 2003, Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C65 C. Espro, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, F. Sini, V. Solinas, “Factors affecting the efficiency of Nafion based catalytic membranes in the oxidation of light paraffins mediated by the Fenton system”, 7th European Workshop Meeting on Selective Oxidation, “Innovative Selective Oxidations: Nanoscale and Dynamics Aspects (ISO 2003), September 2003, Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C64 F. Arena, G.Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, Influence of the preparation method on the structure of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde, 7th European Workshop Meeting on Selective Oxidation, “Innovative Selective Oxidations: Nanoscale and Dynamics Aspects (ISO 2003), September 2003, Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C63 F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, O. Di Blasi, F. Arena, Optimization of Cu-based catalysts for gas phase hydrogenation of CO2 streams to dimethylether via methanol synthesis, NACM 2003, June 2003, Cancun (MEXICO) 2003
C62 Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde: Catalyst Development, Reaction Model and HCHO Productivity, NACM 2003, June 2003, Cancun (MEXICO) 2003
C61 F. Arena, G. Gatti, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, ”Preparation Method and Structure of active sites of FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts in Methane to Formaldehyde Selective Oxidation“ EUROPACAT VI, 1 August – 4 September 2003 , Innsbruck (AUSTRIA) 2003
C60 L. Spadaro, G. Bonura, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, Dimethyleteher by CO2 hydrogenation: from natural gas to a clean liquid fuel, XXI Congresso Nazionale della SCI, Torino, Giugno 22-27, 2003 2003
C59 G. Gatti, F. Arena, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana, Structure of Active Sites of FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts: Influence of the Iron loading, XXI Congresso Nazionale della SCI, Torino, Giugno 22-27, 2003 (ITALY) 2003
C58 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Venuto, A. Parmaliana, “Design, Preparation and Testing of Effective FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts in Methane to Formaldehyde Selective Oxidation”, VIII Symposium on Scientific Basis for Preparation of Catalysts, 9-12 September 2002, Louvain-La-Neuve (BELGIUM) 2002
C57 F. Arena, A. Venuto, C. Espro, F. Frusteri, L. Spadaro, A. Parmaliana “Development of FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts in Methane to Formaldehyde Selective Oxidation”, XIII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 9-13 Giugno 2002, Alghero (ITALY) 2002
C56 F.Frusteri, L. Spadaro, F. Arena, C. Espro, A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of propane on silica supported nafion catalysts”, XIII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 9-13 Giugno 2002, Alghero (ITALY) 2002
C55 F. Arena, R. Giovenco, T. Torre, A. Parmaliana, “Mechanistic Evidences of the Catalytic Wet Oxidation (CWO) of Phenol on CuCeOx and CuZrCeOx Catalysts”, XIII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 9-13 Giugno 2002, Alghero (ITALY) 2002
C54 D. Scerra, L. Spadaro, C. Espro, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Propane Selective Oxidation on Silica Supported Nafion Catalysts”, EUROPACAT V, 2-9 September 2001, Limerick-(IRELAND) 2001
C53 F. Arena, T. Torre, A. Venuto, M. Occhiuzzi, A. Parmaliana, “Tailoring FeOx/SiO2 Catalysts for the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldheyde” Conference on SILICA “2001 “, 3-6 September 2001, Mulhouse (FRANCE) 2001
C52 C. Espro, F. Frusteri , F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “A Multifunctional Catalytic Membrane Reactor for the Selective Oxidation of Light Hydrocarbons: Features, Modelling and Perspectives”, XIV Congresso Nazionale – Divisione di Chimica Industriale della SCI, 2-4 Ottobre 2001, Fiera di Milano (ITALY) 2001
C51 F. Arena, F. Frusteri , A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde on Silica-Based Catalysts: An Experimental-Theoretic approach to Process Design and Catalyst Development”, XIV Congresso Nazionale – Divisione di Chimica Industriale della SCI 2-4 Ottobre 2001, Fiera di Milano (ITALY) 2001
C50 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, J.L.G. Fierro, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on Fe-doped silica catalysts”, VI Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 17-22 June 2001, Girdwood (Alaska, USA) 2001
C49 C. Espro, F. Arena, F. Frusteri , and A. Parmaliana, “Selective oxidation of light alkanes under mild conditions by a Three Phase Catalytic Membrane Reactor”, New Perspectives on Catalysis for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, 23-27 September 2001 Beijing, CHINA 2001
C48 C. Espro, D. Scerra F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Selective Oxidation of Light Paraffins by a Catalytic Driven Fenton Reaction System in a Multiphase Membrane Reactor” XVII Annual Summer School on Catalytic Membrane Reactors, 10-15 September 2000 Cetraro (Cs) (ITALY) 2000
C47 G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, "Factors controlling the selectivity of V2O5 supported catalysts in oxidative dehdyrogenation of propane", APCAT 2000, 31 Jan-3 Feb. 2000, Sidney (AUSTRALIA) 2000
C46 G. Centi, G. Grasso, F. Vazzana, F. Arena, “SO2 resistant Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts for the conversion of nitrogen oxides”, XII International Congress on Catalysis, 9-14 July 2000, Granada (SPAIN) 2000
C45 G. Martra, F. Arena, S. Cosuccia, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Two step synthesis of methyl formate from CH4 and air via formaldehyde: surface reactivity of oxide catalysts towards HCHO”, XII International Congress on Catalysis, 9-14 July 2000, Granada (SPAIN) 2000
C44 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, "Kinetic and mechanistic study of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldeyhde on silica catalysts", XII International Congress on Catalysis, 9-14 July 2000, Granada (SPAIN) 2000
C43 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, “Kinetic modeling of the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde ,” Europacat IV, 31 Agosto - 5 Settembre 1999, Rimini (ITALY) 1999
C42 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, “Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on supported V2O5 catalysts: role of redox and acid-base properties”, V Natural Gas Conversion, 20-25 Settembre 1998, Giardini Naxos (ITALY) 1998
C41 Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, “High yields in the catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to formaldehdye: catalytic development and reactor configuration”, V Natural Gas Conversion, 20-25 Settembre 1998, Giardini Naxos (ITALY) 1998
C40 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, C. Espro, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Selective partial oxidation of light hydrocarbons under mild conditions by a three phase catalytic membrane reactor (3PCMR)”, V Natural Gas Conversion, 20-25 Settembre 1998, Giardini Naxos (ITALY) 1998
C39 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, C. Espro, N. Mondello, A. Parmaliana, “Partial oxidation of light paraffins on supported superacid catalytic membranes” International Conference on Membrane Science and Techniology (ICMST 98), 9-13 Giugno 1998, Beijing (CHINA) 1998
C38 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, N. Mondello, A. Parmaliana, “Surface structures of supported oxide catalysts from temperature programmed reduction analysis” 11° Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 4-7 Giugno 1998, Cagliari (ITALY) 1998
C37 F. Arena, S. Bellitto, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “Natural gas converison: state of the art and perspectives” TCC-97 Tecnologie Chimiche Compatibili, XII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi e Simposio di Catalisi, 22-25 Giugno 1997, Taormina (ITALY) 1997
C36 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, A. Mezzapica, V. Sokolovkii, “Synthesis of methyl formate via two step methane partial oxidation” Fifth European Workshop on Methane Activation, 9-10 Giugno 1997, Limerick (IRELAND) 1997
C35 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, “High activity and stability Ni/MgO catalysts in steam and CO2 reforming of methane” First European Congress on Chemical Engineering ECCE 1, 4-7 Maggio 1997, Firenze (ITALY) 1997
C34 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, V. Sokolovskii, “Active sites and working mechanism of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light alkanes” Third World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 21-26 September 1997, San Diego (USA) 1997
C33 F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, A. Mezzapica, S. Coluccia, M. Lopez-Granados, M.A. Bañares, M.A. Peña, J.L.G. Fierro, “Partial oxidation of methane to formaldehdye on silica. The role of the redox oxide impurities” EUROPACAT III, Third European Congress on Catalysis, 31 Agosto - 6 Settembre 1997, Cracow (POLAND) 1997
C32 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, G. Martra and S. Coluccia, “Active sites and working mechanism of silica supported MoO3 and V2O5 catalysts in the selective oxidation of light alkanes” EUROPACAT III, Third European Congress on Catalysis, 31 Agosto - 6 Settembre 1997, Cracow (POLAND) 1997
C31 G. Martra, S. Coluccia, E.A. Paukshtis, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, “Structure Activity relationship in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde on silica based catalysts” Workshop on Reactivity of Oxide Materials, Theory and Experimental, 8-9 Novembre 1996, Como (ITALY) 1996
C30 F. Frusteri, F. Arena, G. Cum, A. Mezzapica, N. Giordano and A. Parmaliana. “Conversione Diretta del Metano a Formiato di Metile mediante un Processo Catalitico a Due Stadi” 10° Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi ed 11° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Settembre 1996, L’Aquila (ITALY) 1996
C29 M. Puglisi, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, N. Giordano and A. Parmaliana. “Deidrogenazione Ossidativa del Propano a Propilene su Catalizzatori V2O5/SiO2” 10° Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi ed 11° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Settembre 1996, L’Aquila (ITALY) 1996
C28 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica, N. Mondello, N. Giordano and A. Parmaliana. “Caratterizzazione di Catalizzatori MoO3/SiO2 e V2O5/SiO2 mediante Misure TPR e di Chemisorbimento di O2: Individuazione delle Forme Superficiali Attive nelle Reazioni di Ossidazione Selettiva delle Paraffine Leggere” 10° Congrsso Nazionale di Catalisi ed 11° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Settembre 1996, L’Aquila (ITALY) 1996
C27 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano, M.S. Scurrell and V. Sokolovskii. “Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye on Bulk and Silica Supported MoO3 and V2O5 Catalysts: Surface Features and Reaction Mechanism” 4th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Novembre 1995, Kruger National Park (SOUTH AFRICA) 1995
C26 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, A.L. Chuvilin, L. Marchese, G. Martra, S. Coluccia. “Influence of the Li Addition on the Physico-Chemical and Catalytic Properties of Ni/MgO Catalysts” EUROPACAT II, Second European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1995, Maastricht (THE NETHERLANDS) 1995
C25 F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana, S. Coluccia, G. Martra, P. Vittone. “Structure-Activity Relationship in the Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde on Silica Based Oxide Catalysts” EUROPACAT II, Second European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1995, Maastricht (THE NETHERLANDS) 1995
C24 S. Coluccia, G. Martra, E. Paukshtis, K. Vikulov, F. Arena, D. Miceli, A. Parmaliana. “FTIR Investigation of the Active Sites of the Silica Surface in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye” EUROPACAT II, Second European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1995, Maastricht (THE NETHERLANDS) 1995
C23 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, V. Sokolovskii, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano. “A Comparative Study of the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde on Bulk and Silica Supported MoO3 and V2O5 Catalysts” AICHE Meeting, Symposium on Fundamentals of Oxide Catalysts, Novembre 1994, San Francisco (USA) 1994
C22 K. Vikulov, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, G. Sidoti, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “FTIR Spectroscopic Investigation of the Active Sites on Different Types of Silica Catalysts for Methane Partial Oxidation to Formaldehdye” X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale - IX Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Settembre 1994, Pisa (ITALY) 1994
C21 D. Duca, L.F. Liotta, G. Deganello, A. Parmaliana, F. Arena. “Acetylene Hydrogenation on Pd Catalysts” X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale - X Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Settembre 1994, Pisa (ITALY) 1994
C20 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Giordano, A. Parmaliana. “On the Potential of the Temperature Programmed Reaction Method in Catalysis: Application to the Study of the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye” X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale - IX Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Settembre 1994, Pisa (ITALY) 1994
C19 F. Arena, G. Cum, R. Gallo, A. Parmaliana. “Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of Palladium-Based Catalysts Supported on Oligomeric Aramides” 6th International Conference on Polymer Supported Reactions in Organic Chemistry - POC ‘94, Giugno 1994, Venezia (ITALY) 1994
C18 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, V. Sokolovskii. “On the Nature of Active Sites of Silica Based Oxide Catalysts in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye” International Conference on C1-C3 Hydrocarbons Conversion, Giugno 1994, Krasnoyarsk (RUSSIA) 1994
C17 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Mechanistic Evidences of the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehdye over Silica Based Oxide Catalysts by Temperature Programmed Reaction Studies” 4th European Congress on Methane Activation, Maggio 1994, Eindhoven (THE NETHERLANDS) 1994
C16 D. Miceli, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana. “Natura dei Siti Attivi di Catalizzatori Ossidi Supportati su Silice nell’Ossidazione Parziale del Metano a Formaldeide” Convegno Regionale SCI - Sezione Sicilia, Dicembre 1993, Acireale (ITALY) 1993
C15 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Potenzialità e Vantaggi della Tecnica di Reazione a Temperatura Programmata nello Studio della Ossidazione Parziale del Metano a Formaldeide” Convegno Regionale SCI - Sezione Sicilia, Dicembre 1993, Acireale (ITALY) 1993
C14 M.S. Scurrell, A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, F. Frusteri. “Nature of the Influence of V2O5 and MoO3 on the Catalytic Activity of Silica in the Partial Oxidation of Methane” International Conference on Catalysis & Catalytic Processing, Ottobre 1993, Cape Town (SOUTH AFRICA) 1993
C13 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, D. Miceli, A. Mezzapica, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “A Temperature Programmed Reaction Method for Catalyst Testing in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde” EUROPACAT I, First European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1993, Montpellier (FRANCE) 1993
C12 S. Coluccia, F. Arena, M. Gibelli, L. Marchese, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana. “Ni/MgO Catalysts: Surface Characterization and Reactivity towards CO. FTIR and HRTEM Studies” EUROPACAT I, First European Congress on Catalysis, Settembre 1993, Montpellier (FRANCE) 1993
C11 S. Coluccia, F. Arena, L. Marchese, G. Martra, A. Parmaliana. “Surface Structure of Ni/MgO Catalysts: Effects of Carbon and H2 on the Reactivity towards CO. HRTEM and FTIR Studies” Workshop on Catalysis and Surface Science, Luglio 1993, Cardiff (ENGLAND) 1993
C10 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, M.S. Scurrell, D. Miceli, F. Arena, F. Frusteri. “Methane Partial oxidation to Formaldehyde on Silica Supported Oxide Catalysts: Role of MoO3 and V2O5” Third International Gas Conversion Symposium, Luglio 1993, Sidney (AUSTRALIA) 1993
C9 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Potenzialità e Vantaggi della Tecnica di Reazione a Temperatura Programmata” Convegno sul Ruolo della Catalisi nella Chimica Industriale Moderna e nella Chimica Fine, Giugno 1993, Milano (ITALY) 1993
C8 F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Temperature Programmed Studies of Partial Oxidation of Methane on Silica Supported Oxide Catalysts” Thirteenth North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Maggio 1993, Pittsburgh (USA) 1993
C7 D. Miceli, A. Mezzapica, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Methane Partial Oxidation to Formaldehdye on SiO2, MoO3/SiO2 and V2O5/SiO2 Catalysts” VIII Italian Meeting on Catalysis, Settembre-Ottobre 1992, Rimini (ITALY) 1992
C6 A. Parmaliana, V. Sokolovskii, D. Miceli, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “A Fundamental Assessment of the Factors Controlling the Reactivity of Silica Supported MoO3 and V2O5 Catalysts in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Formaldehyde” 204th National ACS Meeting; Symposium on Catalytic Selective Oxidation, Agosto 1992, Washington (USA) 1992
C5 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Surface Structure and Reactivity of Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts: A Model System” 10th International Congress on Catalysis, Luglio 1992, Budapest (UNGARY) 1992
C4 L. Marchese, G. Martra, S. Coluccia, F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, N. Giordano. “Ni/MgO Catalysts: Surface Characterization and Reactivity towards CO. HRTEM and FTIR Studies” CISCI 91, Ottobre 1991, Chianciano Terme (ITALY), Atti, Vol. 1, p. 385 1991
C3 A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “The Influence of Structure Modifications on Surface Reactivity of Magnesia Supported Nickel Catalysts” CISCI 90, Settembre 1990, S.Benedetto del Tronto (ITALY), p. UPV9 1990
C2 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, F. Arena, N. Mondello, N. Giordano. “Activity and Characterization of Alkali Doped Ni/MgO Catalyst” European Conference on Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces, Settembre 1988, Trieste (ITALY) 1988
C1 A. Parmaliana, F. Frusteri, A. Iannibello, F. Arena, N. Giordano. “Exploratory Investigation on the Oxidation of Methane over Mixed Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Pt Based Catalysts mediated by Fe3+/Fe2+ System” European Workshop on Catalytic Methane Conversion, Maggio 1988, Bochum (WEST GERMANY) 1988
C) Elenco dei Brevetti
B1. A. Parmaliana, F. Arena, F. Frusteri, A. Mezzapica. “Fe-doped Silica Catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde with oxygen” (CODINV: 2342492; PUNR: 1337328; PAT_DATE: 2000; TITLE: FE-DOPED SILICA CATALYSTS”; IPC CODE OF THE Patent: B01J023/00A; Patent ApplicanT: SUD-CHEMIE AG - Monaco, Germania
5. Competenze Specifiche
INGLESE Molto buona scritta e parlata.
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